Tough Crowd


Hey there on a Wednesday morning going into noon.

'How market?' I remember a time when this used to be an endearing greeting among friends and it was an inquiry into all your daily endeavours in staying alive and being well and happy. In summary, it was putting together 'how are you, how is work and is everything around you is going well?'. This feels more organic than a simple good morning.

So, if you asked me right now, 'how market?'. I'll tell you things have been slow but I've been doing great and all around me is fine too. I'll tell you I've been busy with work and life and I took a step back to reorganise my activities today. I'll also tell you that I spent 30 mins today just listening to chill music. No multitasking, just 30mins of me and myself and it was awesome.


Last week someone on hive told me to 'put more effort' in my posts and I thought if only this person could run through my activities each day and see that just logging in on hive is a lot of effort🤣.....and making art is a lot of effort; back aching and I am not a writer and I have certain preferences and peculiarities and that's a lot of 'ands', my English teachers would be proud. Okay, I guess the middle ground response is that all I do, is what I can do and if on certain days I can't add much textual content, I won't force myself to do so for the sake of effort.


Try to put the process of the art you make in your posts, and talk a little about them, good luck ✌️


Thank you, but I find that approach dull. My art journal serves as a documentary of my thoughts and creations, not as a tutorial. I don't typically read process posts because they often feel generic. As I mentioned earlier, it's just a matter of personal preference. I use Hive more like a blog platform and a clean front end shares my page exclusively. The tipping system is a nice bonus but not my main reason for being on Hive. However, if anyone is truly interested in learning about my process, I'd be happy to direct them to my Instagram, where I conveniently share timelapses.

Thank you dear for your warm wishes. I wish you same.


P.S this art piece has nothing to do with the comment I mentioned. It was created weeks before that comment. It's nothing but love on my end, I just like to gist every now and then.
