Hello I'm reaching out at 2:30am because I have spent my night drawing and now I don't feel sleepy at all. I'll pay for this tomorrow when I start feeling exhausted. But it's a lovely night listening to music and working on art.
Medusa. Sweet Medusa, what can we say about this poor dear? The personification of "hell has no fury than a woman wronged" or does Hera herself hold that title!?. Either way, I always found it quiet sad Medusa couldn't pay back does who wrong her nd seemingly innocent people became her victim. That power play when someone higher is abusive and their victim takes it out on those below them.
There's a part of me that wants this animated but the lazy half is saying it'll be too tasking because I'll have to animate each snake head.... Not today!
This piece is part of the Obscura collection and I'll be revealing more art from the collection in the coming days.
Alrightie then. Enjoy the rest of your week.
Digital artist and illustrator of neo pop art and more. Also part time animator. I strive to get better almost everyday. Grateful and hopeful. Good days and bad days, you're much appreciated following the journey