Social Media Challenge - Shine Bright Like A Diamond


Good day to all, how are all of you doing? As we know that the rank battle system had overhauled and we are in the new season with this change. And with this change, where we can no longer restrict progression into the next league, I have reached a new milestone in terms of ranking which I will share more in the next section.

New Milestone Reached
When I started playing Splinterlands, how high a league we can play is determined by the collection power (CP) that one possess. CP can be counted from cards owned, rented and those that are being delegated to you. So back then, the struggle was to increase collection power and it is not easy unless we furiously rent or buy cards.

Next it went to the phase of staked SPS and various penalties such as using starter cards, using under level cards. This was where everyone started to bolster their card collection to avoid start card penalty and for those whom are in the game longer started to level up their cards.

And now, we have the non restrict of progressing to the next league. With this change in play, there were even more levelling of cards and people whom used to be comfortable sitting in bronze no longer able to just grind within bronze. We are close to the end of the season and I reached a new milestone.


For the first time since I started playing Splinterlands, I have finally move up into the Diamond League. This is something if based on the previous systems that I would never ever dream about and in terms of rating, I have also reached a new personal high.


However, playing in the diamond is not easy and with an under levelled collection, it is definitely way harder. To also note, if you do not have sufficient staked SPS, it will be a struggle to sustain in Diamond League to get sufficient daily chest and battle rewards. Let me show how much daily focus points are needed to get the first focus chest in diamond:


Considering I only earn about 3k to 4k focus points per match, I will need about 15 matches in order to get 1 chest. Not sure how things will be once we move to the Glint system and I am looking forward to the new rewards system.

No matter how, moving into Diamond is really a new achievement unlocked. This challenges me to continue continue improving my gameplay. And today I will do a sharing on a match that I play in Diamond League.

Today's Battle Sharing
And here it is a match that showcase about the Sorriel The Bale

Reference Battle
Battle Link:

Ruleset: Broken Arrow, Aimless, Even Stevens
Mana Limit: 35


Selection Analysis
For me, the choice was to use something that will win me matches quick. When I considered the Aimless portion, I knew I had to have my trusty Queen Mycelia to at least give some armour throughout. Mana cost portion is a little awkward, not high not low, hence I picked a summoner that can enable the use of Gladius card and Helios Matriach was my choice due to the faster speed and I can hit my opponent before they do. Failed Summoner was a recent card that I won from a giveaway. I've decided to put it at first position hoping some stray magic attackers will take back their magic damage. Vruz was chose due to the remaining mana available to slot it in for sneak and Fiend to take the final spot to provide some cover for Vruz.

And on to my opponent. Harklaw to storm the front as a really good tank follow by Venari Bonesmith which have the Life Leech. Next is a series of 3 cards, with Moxian Rebel as a key card, through its Weapon Training, enabled Riftwing and Will-O-Wisp the ability to gain magic attack. This makes it very scary because the 2 cards by themselves have their great abilities, the gaining of a magic attack just blew things off the charts. Finally a Shadow Snitch to hold the backline.

Both side fielded really strong cards to win the match. Let's proceed on and see how the match turned out.

Round by Round Synopsis

Round 1 - Venari Bonesmith takes out Vruz and Riftwing takes out Fungus Fiend. But thankfully, Moxian Rebel get killed by a reflected magic damage from Failed Summoner. Otherwise the other attacks were just mere exchanges.


Round 2 - Things not looking good on my end with Failed Summoner being taken out by Harklaw which opponent's cards still look relatively unscathed.


Turn 3 - Another worrying round where we saw Queen Mycelia taken out and I am down to my final 2 card. Will there be a turning point?


Round 4-5, Grund did what it could to take out Harklaw and it is down to Quora against everyone else.


Round 6 onwards till match end, the persistence of Quora with her innate healing and Blood Lust powered through and cleared every single card on my opponent's side and brought victory for me in a Diamond match.

Battle Summary
Within the first few round, every round was demoralizing as I see one by one my card fell. One nice thing was the Failed Summoner serving its purpose and everything was down to Grund and Quora taking central stage, taking our opponent tank and also powering through opponent lineup.

Wrap Up
I am so glad to shine like a diamond in Diamond League. A new milestone reached means a new milestone to work towards. So now I have touched Diamond League, next is to sustain in it and boost earnings to survive and play in this new league.

See you next time!

I am currently part of PIZZA, an active gaming and creative arts crypto community on the HIVE blockchain and part of PIZZA guild. Popular cryto games such as SPLINTERLANDS, RISING STAR and HASHKINGS are actively discussed in this community.

Many events are being organized from time to time. Join the PIZZA DISCORD. This is a place filled with 💰🍕🎁GIVEAWAYS & AIRDROPS💰🍕🎁 and most definitely consisting of a friendly community to be in.

Till my next battle sharing, take care, stay safe and happy battling!

If you are keen on playing Splinterlands, feel free to join me via this link:


Nice one.


@vaynard86! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @houhou. (2/5)



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Good day, Splinter Warriors,
Thank you for sharing this informative article within Splinterlands community.
The FAV Four ruleset creates the necessary pressure to pick only the best in our collection.
Season ends in Splinter lands is closer now. I hope you get special cards and assets.
Happy festive Weekend
