What is a 'Psyop' and how are we Abused by them?
Defending ourselves from the schemes of the malevolent is necessary today. We live in a society, an interconnected world. Our data is harvested, our identities the crops of the fields of the husbandmen of humanity, their meat and potatoes, bread and butter. We are valuable. When we realize we are valuable the demoralization inflicted on us is easily dispelled. It is because we are valuable that the malevolent seek to demoralize us, to weaken us so they can take our value for their own profit. When we realize we are valuable we can ourselves benefit, as we should.
How are we abused and that value we have taken from us? Psyops. Psychological operations, using the scientific study of people and their motivations, desires, needs, and interactions to deceive and defraud us. Clearly we need to understand how this is done so we can prevent it from being done to us. Knowledge is power. The truth sets us free.
While Robert Malone tends to statism and supporting centralization and parasitism of the good work free people do, he also sometimes shares some information that enables free people to be free-er, and this is one of those times.
"The propaganda, marketing, and “public relations” technology of Edward Bernays is to PsyWar like a Vietnam-era helicopter is to a swarm of armed attack drones. Similar in overall purpose but completely different in terms of technical capabilities, sophistication, and countermeasure requirements."
Right from the get go we are being brought up to speed on how this technology - and it is a technology - has advanced and we realize we need to keep up, or we'll get left behind.
"Modern PsyWar is a product of the confluence of the internet age, social media, artificial intelligence, big data, and a desire of NATO and opponents to wage more effective Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW) on both foreign state-affiliated and non-state organizations."
We're the most valuable thing that there is. We are the most desirable possession potential.
"Each person in the network maintains a social state, which could be an emotional state or an opinion, and followers update their states based on the states of their local neighbors. Social leaders, on the other hand, maintain a constant desired state."
"...in 2014, this research demonstrated that the mathematical principles used to control groups of autonomous robots (including drones) can be applied to social networks to control human behavior. If properly calibrated, the mathematical models can then be used to sway the opinion of social networks toward a desired set of behaviors."
This isn't a conspiracy theory. It's the means by which a terrible conspiracy that is intended to turn us into cash cows is being implemented. If you'd prefer to yourself enjoy the wealth of your valuable person and social power, do yourself a favor and have a look at Malone's post. I only touch on the very beginning here, and Malone himself provides the actual information you need in the post. It's almost certain that, unless you already work in this field, you'll learn surprising and valuable things that will benefit you.
@valued-customer, I'm refunding 1.023 HIVE and 0.427 HBD, because there are no comments to reward.
Well, one reply anyway.