VSRF Tonight: The Ugly Truth at 4pm PST, 7pm EST, How Flagrant Misreporting of Covid Deaths Then Affects Data Now
Steve Kirsch has established the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, and tonight interviews two researchers into data integrity regarding the aftermath of the notorious and blatant misreporting of Covid19 illness and deaths since January 2020 - in which hospitals were paid ~$10's of thousands for each Covid19 death of patients in their care, causing them to code motorcycle accidents and police shootings as Covid19 deaths - affects analysis of data today.
IMG source - KirschSubstack.com
"...Beaudoin took a critical eye to C19 health system data from across his home state of Massachusetts and also at the national level via CDC data as the pandemic raged and disease and death codes were reported."
"Heneghan was an expert witness in the September, 2023 UK Covid Inquiry trial where he postulated that political and other agendas and influences apart from actual medical evidence were responsible for most of the ineffective COVID responses witnessed in that country and across the world."
Folks that want to understand the nature of the military coup that has been undertaken in the USA, how it was done and how it is affecting domestic and foreign policy today, on the brink of global war that will profit the defense contractors that have conquered the West, should not miss this broadcast.
Salting the data regarding the fake pandemic could prevent understanding what has been done by the criminal war profiteers in the leadup to WWIII, and that may prevent holding the parties guilty of genocidal war crimes to account by survivors of the incipient slaughter about to descend on the world. We need to know the ugly truth so we can decorate our lamp posts properly when the trials are concluded.
Dear @valued-customer !
Do you oppose administering the coronavirus vaccine to the public?
I oppose attacking people with any weapon, biological or otherwise. I similarly oppose forcing people to submit to having medical devices tested on them, especially of devices potentially capable of altering their DNA and germline, thereby creating a human/GMO laboratory hybrid that may endure, and inflict, indescribable suffering throughout it's generations. We are created by evolution within the womb of our mother, the immortal organism of which we are part, by whatever God or gods may be, and through the spasms of trial and error have been refined and winnowed us into what we are, time tested and true to our heritage of sacred life.
I consider so forcibly subjecting people through violence, impoverishment, or deception a ghastly, cruel crime against not only such individuals as suffer it, but humanity itself, as their posterity yet unborn and their fellows suffer it, all terrestrial life, that depends on us as we have been molded within it, and the God or gods that have thereby suffered their handiwork and beloved children to be adulterated, perverted, and defiled. There is hardly a worse crime imaginable than such form of genocide. Within it's kernel every evil man can wreak upon his brethren, on life itself, or profane all that is good and holy is contained.
Every honorable person, every just jurisdiction, all living things separately and in toto, and every sacred spirit and deity must oppose such horrors beyond our comprehension as we have survived to witness. So, yes, I do oppose the administration of experimental modRNA medical test devices adulterated with 8000% more foreign DNA than is permissible by the FDA in genetic therapies on humans, whether they are called covid19 vaccines or elephant's feet, without securing the informed consent of those sovereign people, willingly granted without coercion, threat, or payment.