The Enemy of Overlords is Us
IMG source - - George Soros sells snake oil to the dying
As decentralized means of production propagate and develop, ordinary people gain the ability to themselves create the blessings of civilization, and this enables them to be free of overlords. Freedom is a goal of every rational human being, even of many less than entirely rational, but many find their current circumstances good enough, and don't fear the future. Unless we take these solutions in hand today, in the event things go bad we won't have them to rely on then. In the sites where Communists gather to discuss their participation in the global Communist revolution they desire, it is notable that none of them desire nor believe they would become mindless proles enslaved to produce goods the overlords would be the primary beneficiaries of. None of them profess a desire to mine coal, work the fields, or be chained to a machine in a factory, all of which are primary needs Communist overlords will have - and have used force to get in the past.
No, they discuss their forthcoming careers as therapists dispelling the Capitalist programming their newly minted comrades that didn't support the revolution would have, as uniform designers, and play space managers for the happy children in the Communist utopia. The brainwashed Commies very blatantly misapprehend the reality we are in, and the consequences of serving Communist overlords by huge and gaping voids of historical understanding. Most of us scoff at the thought of Communist takeover. The rich and powerful, like George Soros, aren't Commies, after all.
But of course, the horseshoeing of political power brings Communists and Fascists into the same fold. Both desire bloody streets, filled with the bodies of the opposition. Both are desirous of mobs of brown/blackshirts to whip the ignorant proles into line. Both serve demagogues with passion and fervent zealotry. They're the same, differing only in the rhetoric that inspires them. We can observe the dissolution of the Two Party System in America today, and the creation of a uniparty typical of both Fascist and Communist Totalitarian States, as the lifelong Democrats that have been serving as controlled opposition to the now radically Communist Democratic Party take over the Republican party, composed of only RINOs today, and the entire political system in America becomes the Democratic Party in reality. Trump, Kennedy, and Gabbard are all lifelong Democrats that have recently dissociated with the Party and now coalesce under the nominal Republican banner, while paying lip service to the creation of a new party.
This despite the Two Party System was in actuality a uniparty already, with either side the controlled opposition of the other. The global conquest ongoing required moving the Overton window so far to the left to support AGW, de-industrialization, DIE, ESG, and the variety of psyops necessary to the formation of global technocratic totalitarian tyranny that the Republican cheek of the American arse no longer sufficed to flap the burgeoning Communist Party against, and the Democratic/Communist Party has had to form both cheeks to spew the noxious hot air and bullshit Americans have to be fed to fulfill the global conquest.
As often when he posts, HelioWave Productions has a clear eyed and rational take on the matter, starting from the beginning when the Club of Rome published 'The First Global Revolution' in 1991, which is essentially a declaration of war on plebian humanity. He explains well how the various 'philanthropic' expenses undertaken by the Club of Rome and it's ilk are actually funding war on humanity, using propaganda to indoctrinate successive generations to fall for their psyops that will enable the NWO to conquer the world, as is their obvious intention. Even if you scoff at conspiracy theories - especially if you do - have a look at the latest video posted by HelioWave Productions, which lays out well documented facts and shows how these policies are wielded, like swords of mounted knights against helpless villagers, to take what we have, prevent us from achieving what we want, and by making it impossible for us to get what we need, force us to depend on our enemies for our very lives.
That won't work out well for us. I make these posts to encourage folks to take the steps required to assure their necessities will remain available to them as nefarious plots and failure of governance increasingly make them unavailable, because I don't want anyone to be dependent on their enemies for their necessities. I hope the folks that take the time to understand these matters take their fates into their own hands as a result, and that my sons will be in good and well prepared company when it is time to leave my generation in the past and forge their future. Take ~1/2 an hour to be inspired to tend to your knitting, in the event you are forced to do it yourself.
Yes, all the little commies think they will be hanging out with the Lenins and Stalins at the top. In reality, most will end up in the gulags with the rest of us--or be eliminated like Trotsky. !BBH
Most of them never heard of Yuri Bezmenov, and wouldn't believe his statement that the useful idiots are the first ones lined up and shot. It's ex-smokers that most vehemently discourage it, and once trust fund Commies see actual Communism, they'll suddenly be ex-Commies, which, just like ex-smokers, will be the most zealous anti-Communists possible, which is why they'll be shot first.
You speak the truth.
I've never heard of him or that saying but I have read various instances before of that happening.
He did a long interview in which he spoke frankly about the use of demoralization and other specifics of the Soviet psychological warfare against the USA during the cold war. I believe it is widely available, and reckon you will find it, or at least clips from it, if you search his name, Yuri Bezmenov.
It was very compelling and informative for me. He had defected so he was dismayed at the success of the Soviet psyops he had helped to implement. He was the very example of an ex-Communist he referred to.
Edit: Richard Groves at Grand Theft World created a tool called Clipgenie, and I bet GTW would produce some good clips from Bezmenov. There is also, which may turn up some content stored on the blockchain about him.
I follow @yuribezmenov on Hive, LOL. Here's some video from him.
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Dear @valued-customer !
Currently, all of my assets, transactions, phone calls, and text messages are under surveillance by the state.
A free American citizen like you can publicly denounce the President and governors of the United States as criminals, thieves, and sex offenders.
But, Because I am a servant of the overlords, the freedom of speech you enjoy is forbidden.
I am currently under the overlords' surveillance, so I must always keep the contents of my conversations with you hidden!
I tell you that I am currently living in a communist world like China.
So, I always want to pursue journalism and literary activities in a free America!
Thank you!
You can also do those things, and like me, you will face consequences for doing so. I also keep the things I say here separate from my person. I have experienced many consequences for speaking truth to power personally, but when my children were shot at I decided to be a responsible parent and I ceased allowing my public statements to threaten their lives.
Many people have died for information they exposed regarding powerful criminals. Millions of people have been debanked, lost their certifications and credentials, lost their jobs, careers, reputations, families, and freedom for speaking out against the crime against humanity the covid jabs have turned out to be. Criminals and gangsters that have no principles and respect no law can assassinate you in the dark.
The E. German secret police, known as the Stasi, formally detailed a method of preventing people from speaking out that utilized controlling the full spectrum of mechanisms that affected individuals they targeted. Through recruiting snitches in all manner of positions, from maids to bank managers, the Stasi gained information on a target, and then applied amorphous pressure on them through a wide variety of ways to cause their lives to be troubled, using their power as Secret Police to compel friends, lovers, employers, and family of the target to leave them, cuckold them, lie about them, and steal from them. They were accused of petty crimes from a variety of sources, their bank accounts were stripped, they were fired, sued, evicted, and their pets were injured or killed. Their tires were flattened, they were poisoned, and their homes and possessions were at the mercy of the whims of burglars and spies empowered by the state. At every turn they were gaslit, with the goal of breaking them mentally, physically, and spiritually. The Stasi would do this anonymously, secretly, not officially as punishment for their speech, because that avoided publicly acknowledging any accusations against the state their victims had made, or even privately confirming them to the victim.
This is called Versetzung, and these methods are used in the USA and across the West today. When people are banned from social media, they aren't told why, but that they have violated unspecified terms of service. Every effort is made to break the mind, body, and spirit of victims, destroy their lives, and the most sought result is the suicide of the target. Since I began speaking out against corruption as a child, when I learned police had murdered someone I know, stolen their cocaine, and were selling it out of the police station, I have been continuously targeted by Versetzung.
I believe this is why I have been stripped of everything I owned multiple times. My heart has been broken, lies told about me by people I loved that claimed to love me, many times I have discovered I was being surveilled, I have been denied medical treatment for chronic ailments (medical care is a very dangerous weapon that causes me to be proactive when it comes to my health, and I carefully research surgeons, doctors, medicines, and treatments before I submit to them, and refuse many. As I age and my infirmity grows, several urgent medical issues are now not being treated that could cost my life. I decide what medicines I will take, although I consult doctors, because some meds cause adverse effects, sometimes only in concert with others, or in certain circumstances, and I am aware there are committees that have power over doctors, such as licensing boards, that exert influence on my doctors. Some doctors have championed me despite this pressure, and have lost their jobs doing so) and prescribed dangerous combinations of meds that have nearly killed me. Government agents and snitches have slandered me to my employers and got me fired, seduced my wives and lovers, killed my dogs, beaten me on the streets, held me in captivity, tortured me, accused me falsely, stood me naked in chains in open court, covered only in a suicide smock, chased me with troops, dogs, and helicopters, shot at my children, taken millions of dollars of property from me and left me in absolute penury in a place I had never been where I knew no one, in the middle of the night without so much as a blanket, and done to me every manner and kind of insult and injury you can imagine.
I cannot detail a full list of all the ways Versetzung has been applied to me, not only because I have forgotten many of them, but I have always known I do not know all the people and ways by which they seek to harm me. They are covert. I live under surveillance, my reputation is smeared falsely, I am trifled with by banks, government agencies, spooks, and snitches IRL and online, at local, regional, federal, and transnational levels. Since the heart attack I have been under increasing pressure medically, and have eventually refused all social welfare mechanisms available to me. I literally forage for wild food instead of exposing myself to the hazards of Versetzung applied through the NGOs, agencies, and people that assist society. After being debanked, swindled, defrauded, and harassed financially, I have learned that goodwill is immune to Versetzung - unless people I accrue goodwill with are secretly recruited, in which case I eventually discover this and cease transacting with them.
We live under the same overlords.
Some people are heroes, who will, as I have done, indomitably face any accuser or foe on principle, like doctors, lawyers, and cops that have acted to shield me from injury and injustice, even at the cost to themselves of careers. I depend on heroes every day for the blessings of civilization, every bill that gets paid, the bed and bedding I sleep on, the watchful eye on my possessions that enables me to leave my doors wide open safely when I am out of the house, and almost every meal I eat, every refreshing beverage I enjoy, and the celebrations I have with good people in good times. Sometimes people I do not know approach me out of the blue and profess admiration for me. Most surprising are people that once were recruited by my enemies and have become allies, touched by my principle and refusal to submit to evil powers, even knowing of my faults and failures. My enemies can deliver any sum, in cash, gold, or any asset, at anytime, anywhere, to anyone, and yet my beloved friends and family that transact and interact with me refuse every such bribe. I am stunned at the courage and good faith of sacred humanity I have been blessed by. Because everything and everyone in my world is impacted by Versetzung, I do not personally suffer disingenuous gossips, and the people I interact with are dedicated to what is good, true, and right. Were it not for such good people, I, as I expected to, would have died before ever becoming an adult. Instead I have lived to old age, left my posterity in my wake, and my interactions and work are all with good people I have chosen to serve and bless. I am not alone. There are millions of heroes that have had their balls broken, but not their spirits. This is how I know that no matter what cataclysm befalls humanity, in due time the good people of the Earth will prevail.
A man is measured by his enemies. Measure up.
Your argument is shocking!😨
I don't know Versetzung. Do you believe Versetzung assassinated Kennedy?
Steve always advised me to be careful with what I say and do because Americans have guns.
East Asians now claim that America is going to start a civil war!
I remember many Americans being assassinated by guns and bombs.
It is undeniable that the circumstances of his death have been lied about, concealed, altered, and all the hallmarks of Versetzung have applied.
America is a battleground in a psychological war against humanity. At a spiritual level beyond human ken principalities and powers of which we are unaware, and in which we are merely pawns, a contest is raging that people will live or die from. Despite our freewill, our inability to know the full reality we live in leaves us flying by the seat of our pants, and our best judgment is simply our gut feeling and basal principles. Because of that foundation, our freedom to exercise our authority over our lives and actions becomes an invincible weapon and shield impossible to overcome.
I remember that the Great Depression in the US in the 1920s caused World War II. I claim that if the current civil war breaks out in the US, World War III will break out.
WWIII was plotted and planned more than a century ago, which was explained by Albert Pike in the 19th Century. It is ongoing now, despite the lack of formal lines of battle, and tens of millions have already died on the pharmaceutical front. Politics is war. To our enemies every aspect of life is a weapon they use against us.
If a civil war were to break out in the United States today, Russia, China, Japan, and Iran would start a new war to try to seize hegemony.
Hegemony is not all it's cracked up to be. Every totalitarian tyranny in history lasted less than two generations, and the oppression necessary to impose on populations is grievously expensive, which reduces the amount of hookers and blow, err... discretionary spending, tyrants can enjoy.
This is why in the 20th Century the decolonialization of Africa, India, and SE Asia was undertaken, so the commercial fruits of resource exploitation could be fully realized by the profiteers, and the tin pot dictators of the exploited countries would instead bear the expenses of tyranny.
I suspect the BRICS have no interest in conquest, other than economic. I believe the intent is to allow the West to collapse under it's ongoing despotization, and simply benefit from trade internally to the BRICS block, and with the West, such of it that survives.