

I reckon ya'll have heard that Gov. Greg Abbot of the great state of Texas has called up the Texas National Guard to defend the state from the invasion the Biden administration is insisting Texas suffer.


Several states, including Oklahoma, Florida, and South Dakota have issued statements in support of Texas. While the Texas State Senate is controlled by Republicans, the House of Representatives is controlled by Democrats, so the political acts that may be soon necessary to ram through will not be slam dunks. However, even Democrats in Texas are done being invaded, so I think Abbot will be able to get what he needs from the legislature with some politicking.

Scuttlebutt on Zerohedge is that Texas should secede, and there's plenty of rhetoric in the comment section about volunteers being ready, willing, and able to go and defend Texas from any military pressure the US federal government might try to apply to convince Gov. Abbot to quit closing the border with razor wire and open it back up.

There's been a lot of talk of civil war and balkanization of the US in recent years, as the NeoCommies have been using a conspiracy between the deep state, academia, and the media to push a variety of deranging policies that have dramatically degraded quality of life in the USA. Ever since the 2020 election fraud put a senile, demented geriatric (they claim is Joe Biden) in the White House, conditions have got considerably worse, particularly in cities with Democratic mayors, and states with Democratic governors. The plandemic medically and economically destroyed a lot of people, many remain gravely ill from the adverse effects of the jabs. Race riots followed up causing $B's in damage to cities, and provided strong evidence of US deep state collusion. Lately the open borders have facilitated a flood of Chinese fentanyl and xylazine that has transformed the homeless hordes into contorted Zombies. Cities like San Francisco, Portland, and Chicago are considered unlivable by many today, and a lot of people have fled them for flyover country, and states like Florida and Texas.

There is now a strong pushback to the globalist climate scam that has been destroying the economies and power infrastructures of the West. The USA even sabotaged the Nordstream II pipeline to prevent inexpensive, reliable Russian gas from being available in Europe, and the successful industries that used to make Germany one of the wealthiest nations on Earth are fleeing for the USA and China, where they can still get fuel to run their factories. Lots of good people are over it. Last year the Netherlands followed the EU's instructions to get rid of it's farms - the most productive farms in the world - and the farmers fought back and rallied the Dutch. Since then their political party swept local, and then national elections, and their guy Geert Wilders is Prime Minister there today, the EU's man having retired. Javier Milei, who's fiery Libertarian rhetoric often involved chainsaws symbolizing how he'd cut government spending, is now Argentina's President, and just delivered one of the most scathing criticisms of the WEF they've ever received to their faces, right there in Davos. Today farmers across France and Germany are following the Dutch farmers' lead, and are dumping waste at government offices across the European heartlands, serially closing French highways, too.

IMG source - TheAtlantic.com

Of course the war in the Ukraine was the reason for the Nordstream II sabotage, not the global warming scam, and the economic sanctions from that have significantly damaged the economies of the West, while killing off ~1M Ukrainians by arming them up and pushing them at the Russian MoD without air support. It's safe to say that NATO has lost the Ukraine, and this is so obvious that NATO isn't even arming their Ukrainian proxy anymore. I guess they got enough of them killed off, and their bloodthirst is momentarily sated there.

But it's obviously not in Israel, where the USA has supplied enough arms and materiel to Israel to rack up over 20k dead civilians - so far. When the Houthis in Yemen acted to blockade shipping through the Red Sea to Israel to support the Palestinian civilians, the deep state pulling Biden's strings decided to start a war there, too, ostensibly to defend shipping. However, since the military actions against the Houthis began, even less shipping has passed through the Red Sea, so that doesn't seem to be working either.

Iran has proved it can hit US bases - and Israel - with ballistic missiles, and neocons have been salivating over a war with Iran since baby bomber Bolton was born. However with three military conflicts to support already, adding Iran is clearly a bigger bite than the US military can chew right now. The US used to plan to be able to fight two wars at a time. Four is more than two.

Adding the conquest of Texas to that litany just isn't likely right now. The NeoCommunist alliance to destroy everything everywhere that's cropped up in America in the last decade has a perfect opportunity to finish the job right now. All they have to do is send in ground forces in the Ukraine, Iran, and Texas, and within a few months the American empire that has ruled most of the world for the last 50 years will be over. The dollar will no longer be the reserve currency of the world, and the USA will balkanize, as several states will profit from seceding, if only to get out from under the NeoCommies that are undermining everything good and holy.

Pretty sure they aren't going to do anything but back down on the border in Texas. The Billionaires that have been looting every dollar the Fed has been printing up want to spend it before they die hanging from lamp posts. Some of their luxury bunkers aren't finished yet.


Adding the conquest of Texas to that litany just isn't likely right now. The NeoCommunist alliance to destroy everything everywhere that's cropped up in America in the last decade has a perfect opportunity to finish the job right now. All they have to do is send in ground forces in the Ukraine, Iran, and Texas, and within a few months the American empire that has ruled most of the world for the last 50 years will be over. The dollar will no longer be the reserve currency of the world, and the USA will balkanize, as several states will profit from seceding, if only to get out from under the NeoCommies that are undermining everything good and holy.

Dear @valued-customer !
Do you claim that Texas will secede from the United States?
So will the American Civil War break out again?


"Do you claim that Texas will secede from the United States?"

No, but some Americans are more rash than am I, and seek it.

"So will the American Civil War break out again?"

I sincerely hope not, but the provocations are severe and patience has long ago run short.



The question shouldn't be "should Texas secede" as much as "why isn't secession on the ballot at every level in very election?". If we are a "government of, by and for the people" and government is with the "consent of the governed", why aren't the proles allowed to opt out at virtually any time?



The blatant infliction of invasion on states by the feds is just intolerable, and shouldn't have taken so long to rectify, IMHO. But, I suppose I'm a bit rash, and probably shouldn't be running a country.



But it's obviously not in Israel, where the USA has supplied enough arms and materiel to Israel to rack up over 20k dead civilians - so far.

That's it! That is why U-crane is failing. They aren't using the weapons on who they were designed for, civilians. How could Zelensky make such a huge blunder?!

Texas is defending a Texas park, that you have to pay to get into.
So, the "Supreme" Court said, you aren't allowed to defend your own park. (they aren't blocking any of the rest of the river.)


"they aren't blocking any of the rest of the river"

I bet they are. I don't have specifics, but if the objective is to keep the invaders out, they will line the Rio Grande with razor wire.

And they are using weapons against civvies, wherever they're using them. Ukrainians, Palestinians, Yemenis, most of the casualties are always civilians. It seems Europe is gearing up to replace Ukrainians who have been genocided beyond adequate supply of fighting age men. The US will have to back out of the European theater to focus on the ME, and Europe will have to die now that they've run out of Ukrainians.



I'm hearing that 15 states have signed on to support TX at this time. That's way more than the Confederacy. The Fed.gov doesn't dare to federalize the National Guards either, because they won't abandon their families and homes for Biden (LOL), and if he tries to resolve the issue militarily, ~half the US military will defect, too.

Best thing Biden administration can do is ignore it and pretend it never happened, just like the Palestine, OH toxic event, and the massive farmer protests paralyzing Europe as we speak.


What do you think about cutting off the natural gas now that the “deadline” has expired? That’s pretty shitty but at the same time texas has a pretty substantial amount of petroleum so they should be able to produce the gas they need, no?


It seems that Texas and it's support has prevailed and can now secure it's border. The states are not knights in shining armor faithfully securing the rights of their populations, but each and all themselves just as corrupted as fed.gov. That suggests to me business as usual, with less illegal immigration, is all that will come hereafter.

Texas is a net producer of natural gas, and there is no point to threatening to cut off supplies of gas to Texas.



The Billionaires that have been looting every dollar the Fed has been printing up want to spend it before they die hanging from lamp posts.

What a sad way for them to exit this life, hiding in their bunkers, crying out for the rocks to fall on them to hide them from the wrath of the Lamb. The day of wrath is coming and they know it better than anyone.


I guess that's why they're digging shortcuts to hell as we speak.



What's wrong with neo-communism?
I was born in the USSR, and according to my parents' stories it was better than in independent Ukraine!
Better health care, better education, minimal unemployment...
Yes, there were some restrictions on freedoms, which practically did not affect the average citizen, but the care of the state about the population exceeded all the shortcomings in times!
I confess I first encountered the neo-communists here! I was curious to learn that my google search cloud provides practically nothing about them in a foreign language, and the Russian wiki does not take this movement seriously

Watching the situation around Texas with curiosity and hope!


As an American, I am incapable of institutionalization. I myself determine my standard of living, my quality of life, my income, my leisure, and all values and actions I take. Once you have experienced life as a free man, any form of subjugation to overlords, NeoCommunism or anything else, is like being blinded and never again seeing the sun.


Freedom from the state is an illusion!
You pay taxes, utility bills and various fees and excise taxes precisely to ensure the existence of the institutions under which you have found your life comfortable.
It is the state institutions that provide us with the acceptable level of freedom, preventing society from slipping into anarchy.
We are only free within the limits that our governments set for us, or we go to jail.
The difference between dictatorship and democracy is the number of laws under which you can be imprisoned and who those laws are designed to protect.


"Freedom from the state is an illusion!"

Rather, it is the state which is the illusion. All the actions taken by agents of the state are taken by people that claim to be agents of some agreement. The state is nothing more than the agreement of sovereign people to rule themselves according to mutually agreeable conditions.

"You pay taxes, utility bills and various fees and excise taxes precisely to ensure the existence of the institutions under which you have found your life comfortable."

Insofar as I do, I am simply weighing the costs and benefits of warring against superior forces and acting accordingly. I generally don't, arranging for bills and such to be paid by others, as I don't have any cards with which to pay.

"It is the state institutions that provide us with the acceptable level of freedom, preventing society from slipping into anarchy."

I am quite gobsmacked at the irony. You're actually stating that less freedom is better. Astounding!

"We are only free within the limits that our governments set for us, or we go to jail."

LOL It's only illegal if you get caught, AND if the overlords don't covertly support your criminality and keep their dogs off your trail.

IMG source - This sign is posted across the street from an elementary school in San Francisco by a registered sex offender living in a tent there. The police say 'there's nothing we can do.'

"The difference between dictatorship and democracy..."

There's literally no difference but rhetoric, and a selection ritual that enables thralls to fool themselves that they have any say in governance. Much like Hive which is a pure plutocracy in which my witness choices literally make zero difference in who the consensus witnesses are. A half dozen accounts determine that by having more stake than all the hoi polloi combined.



This sign is posted across the street from an elementary school in San Francisco by a registered sex offender living in a tent there. The police say 'there's nothing we can do.'

He, too, values freedom and has even come up with his personalized American dream! He does not recognize the power of institutions over him, but he is delighted with the society that has provided him with this freedom.
In this particular case and others like it, I am all in favor of a conservative dictatorship.
If one's freedom interferes with the lives of many other free people around him, then we need working institutions to avoid lynchings!
If everyone were as conscious as I or you are, perhaps there would be no need for any government, and there would be other mechanisms of distribution of benefits and management of common resources.

I am glad that you live in conditions that allow you to organize sufficient financial flows without compromising your freedom. I am only on the way to it, and the current situation does not favor its completion soon.

The agents of influence in the government didn't get there through Texas.
You can accuse neocommunists or other movements of changing the habitual environment as much as you want, but I will say one thing: Just like in Ukraine, the situation in the U.S. was caused by the silent inaction of you and me, who are thinking and understanding people.


"...avoid lynchings..."

Why? In his case, given his actions at present, lynching seems appropriate. Why should society as a whole suffer tyranny because irredeemable criminals prey on it? Best just to remove the rotten apple and leave the barrel, IMHO.



I know exactly what you mean. Especially if my kids were in that school.
If the institutions of society cannot cope with the problem, society will solve the problem on its own! But there's the other side of the coin. If the dregs of society decide that your school is interfering with their carefree existence, they will band together and burn down the school, at best without people.
From their destructive point of view, the parents of the children are preventing the free flow of drugs, and the school is a gathering place for these perpetually disgruntled parents.
My point is this. Freedom is a good thing, but only until someone else's freedom starts threatening your normal existence. We've been through that shameful chapter in history-- lynching!
I don't think it's worth revisiting, although I admit, sometimes I'm drawn to it.


The aphorism goes that your freedom of action ends where your fist meets my face. Appropriately extended, fentanyl users freedom to transact ends where my parental rights to keep my kids drug free begins. If the police don't protect my kids, then I have that responsibility. I never had any confidence in any governmental institution to protect, or benefit, my kids, so I homeschooled.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


all the dealers can't be lynched. The state has not been able to prohibit them from selling drugs, and we, being within the legal framework, even more so.
That is why it is necessary to deal with their children from an early age, and to make every effort to ensure that the child passing by such or similar signs had the necessary core, on which he will be based in making decisions about life.
The state does not care about what will happen to each individual child. The general statistics of drug-related deaths have long been accepted as the norm.

This is the price of freedom, which not everyone knows how to use competently! Natural (urban) selection of the 21st century!

I'll tell you what they're not telling you yet!
Drug addiction has become so widespread and continues to gain momentum that this experience, intervention, and side effect cannot but leave an imprint on us as a species!
What are the long-term consequences I can hardly even guess.....

But that is only if we manage to do without the nuclear baton in the current series of conflicts! It will be humorous if these junkies are right in the end, that they lived their last days in their own pleasure and not for the good of society)))))


I can't figure out if this person is trolling or serious lol
