Step Two: Weaponize Immigrant Gangs Has Begun
Lots of folks have spoken out against border control policies of the Biden-Harris Administration that consisted of border control agents fist bumping illegal immigrants entering America with backpacks full of fentanyl, AK-47's, and raped children. In England folks that speak out are now Public Enemy #1, and the new Czar of the UK is emptying the prisons in order to make room for all those that dare to state factually the crimes that are being committed by criminal gangs of Asian immigrants, who are parading unmolested by police on the streets armed with swords and machetes. Micron in France just arrested Pavel Durov who refused to censor Telegram, and in Brazil Moraes and Lula have banned X/Twatter, because Musk has refused to ban little girls and sitting Brazilian legislators for their posts criticizing Brazilian government policy, as ordered by Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes (who really looks the super villain part).
IMG source - - Alexandre de Moraes
They have even forced Starlink to block X/Twatter by seizing Starlinks's assets in Brazil, so Musk is censoring himself in order to keep his money from Starlink subscriptions in Brazil. The fatter your stack, the more power to extort you they have, and Musk is the purported richest man in the world.
Now Phase Two of the mass immigration policy has begun, with the gang members taking over apartment buildings from property managers, in a nod to the Azov Brigade's roots taking over businesses in the Ukraine for Ihor Kholomoisky (who funded Volodomyr Zelensky's presidential campaign) and as has happened in S. Africa. But don't worry folks, since there's determined censorship of reporting, the official sources will only tell you what they want you to know, and your apartment building being taken over by Haitian Voodoo Cannibals (who will collect their rent in whatever currency they prefer) won't have happened at all.
So, no need to join neighborhood watch and patrol your neighborhood with personal arms. The conquest of your cities and states by violent thugs imported by your local, state, and federal governments is just imaginary, because any factual reporting of such events are censored, the posters banned, arrested, and imprisoned for years as terrorists. Your blue state election officials say you voted for this.
Vote for Kamala so she can bring change (although Kamala Harris is in the White House now, and implementing these policies). No more stuffy law and order controlled by rich, white men. New blood is coming, from all over the world, to run all over your streets with a diversity of ethnic and cultural backgrounds that see you as a source of goods, and perhaps entertainment. Or;
Vote for Trump so he can MAGA, by imposing lockdowns and curfews within 100 miles of a border (or body of water), biometric ID so that your DNA and retina patterns can be hacked by friendly scammers (you can buy 1/2 the population of India's biometric data today for ~$80k on the darknet) and used to buy things you'll pay for but never get to use, and since you can never change your biometric details that have been stolen, you can never, ever stop being victimized by hackers, until you get debanked, and then your credit and finances won't matter anymore (BTW, if you think BTC is an end run around banks, I read today that Satoshi Nakamoto (本聡) means 'central, 'from the center', and, 'books', 'learned', 'intelligence', or roughly 'Central Intelligence' in Japanese, so maybe BTC isn't a handy escape from banksters who are in cahoots with spooks).
Just vote, citizen! Only voting for the Democrats running as Republicans (Trump, Kennedy, and Gabbard have all been lifelong Democrats up until this election), or the 'official' Democratic ticket of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, offers Hope For Change!
Except war, which will indeed change things.
Censorship is an existential threat to you personally, to your community, and to civilization.
By censoring true reporting from people like you and me, the information about threats facing us can be supplied solely by the media owned by BlackRock and the fact checkers they hire to verify only the lying propaganda the politicians are infiltrated into government through election fraud to impose on us, and danger signals will not be available to you when MS-13 is being bused to your city to stay in 4 star hotels at taxpayer expense, before they start taking over apartment complexes and businesses there.
This may be my last post. It is to urge you to arm yourself and prepare for war, because the West has fallen to corruption and is being reduced to the level of Ukrainian governance in which commerce is controlled by armed gangs of thugs and cops are security for the rich and a dragnet for cannon fodder. A German MEP for the AfD has recently and truly stated that the Covid vaccines are the worst crime against humanity that has ever been committed, killing tens of millions of civilians with the mandate of practically every national government in the world, and the oligarchy of investors that control those governments and own BlackRock are going to add utter destruction of civil society through the application of violent gangs across the West to eliminate populations and take everything they once owned from their cold, dead fingers. Soon the death toll from the jabs will be a minor part of the death toll from that. If you want a vision of the future of your community, look at Gaza.
I hope you saw this coming and have prepared. If not, I hope you heed my warning and prepare now.
warning heard, I'm running to get a unicorn horn to defend myself, maybe you can lend me some?
Joking aside, everything that is happening is truly alarming, that armed band of Venezuelans, they are criminals, criminals who do not represent all the inhabitants of the country, but of course, they have left here because precisely here they can't get any more nothing to steal, because there is nothing (the politicians and mafias have put an end to everything) and they have decided to emigrate to the USA and other places to continue committing crimes. Sad, very sad, and dangerous. Kill all those damn criminals.
I am surprised that the people living in the apartments weren't better armed to resist the takeover. However, it seems the gangs were installed in complexes in which many other Venezuelans were also housed, so they're still committing crimes against Venezuelans, even in America.
Yes, it is really strange that especially in Colorado no one has been hit with a 9mm, but one day their luck will run out, justice does work in the USA. When reading this news I am ashamed of having this nationality, I do not apologize on their behalf because they do not deserve it, and to be honest with you, I have never identified with their way of being or thinking.
The majority are people with a marginal mentality, and unfortunately only a minority is the one who cares about being thinking.
A pleasure to read you, with your refined style.
Injustice comes here as it does everywhere. Where justice is done, it is because of the indomitable will of free people who risk everything for principle. It isn't the polity or the exigency you live in that causes this problem, proved because it is happening in America, where vastly different systems of jurisprudence and powers are dominant. The criminal psychopaths that seek to conquer the world wage war here and everywhere with equal determination to enslave and destroy humanity.
You are kind to praise my writing, which is horribly verbose, often walls of impenetrable text, unnecessarily complex, and prone to obsolete expressions and words. I admire your mastery of English, which I know is not your mother tongue.
Here those who protest or rebel end up imprisoned in a dungeon, suffering torture such as electric shocks to their genitals, pulling out their nails with pliers and a large number of other atrocities. I am 56 years old, have many health problems, and as much as I am against all the dirty things they do, I want to stay alive. If my body could withstand all those tortures, I would surely take the risk, but that is not my case, and with shame, I must limit what I say or do, because if I express something that they do not like, they end the few years of life that I have left.
My English is not that good, it is just a combination of my empirical knowledge over years with the help of the translator.
Meanwhile for me, is a pleasure to gossip with a english native speaker (no translator use to write this text).
As I said, you write and understand English very well.
I understand completely. Here is a reply I made just recently to a comment on my last post regarding this issue.
To which I replied:
I hope good people prevail, because otherwise, we will surely become extinct (I think it is the best thing at this moment, and I say this not from my depression, but because I do not find a sustainable rational point to resolve so many injustices in the world ), and that's going to be the best.
Everything you say, I have lived (and currently live) in the country where I live. Torture, expired medicines (they recently put expired medicines for sale 2 years ago to people, and they allowed it) and another huge series of atrocities such as including ground glass in food packages, causing the death of people, the grains come with insects, and everything, absolutely everything is very bad.
A lot of tension, a lot of anguish. And it is worldwide. Solution? Surely there is, but many of us have lost our resilience, after enduring so many humiliations like the one you mention over the years, destroying our will, our ideas, our world.
The truth is very sad, I can't find a solution.
Our purpose is not ours to decide. I have learned that I am merely the actor of the part I play, not the writer of the play. Until the curtain falls and the entertainment ends I can but say my lines at the cues, but after the audience leaves, and the lights go down, we will be free to enjoy one another's company at the after party, which will not end.
Our roles will end in this play, but we will go on without the burden of our roles, to freely pursue our interests without interference but the good company of those we love. What we become will be our prize.
Be worthy in spirit, because that will be all we are after this moment of acting the roles we are given. What we endure here will create the foundation for our character hereafter. It sounds like your role here will provide you a strong foundation of compassion, endurance of discomfort, and willingness to help those hurting, which will be much admired and desirable in all the aeons to come.
A very nice philosophy that you share with me, dear colleague.
I believe in a better, calm and peaceful world, where without differences people can do what they like most without interfering with others, and in favor of a beautiful common dystopia.
I hope all these beautiful proposals become a reassuring reality, because I require that balm to heal all my sores, the physical ones that are many, but not as many as the spiritual, moral and those that I drag like chains in my soul.
I hope that we meet in that place that is after this present, whichever of us arrives first, please prepare the way for the other. I know that several people are there waiting for me, for many years.
Could it be that we achieved it? I am eager to have that question answered, better yet, to live it.
I no longer have any religious faith, no book or preacher to guide me. All that was consumed in the hatred that devoured everything I ever owned. But I do still read research papers on a wide variety of topics that interest me, such as physics and cosmology.
In physics a problem arose that information regarding the state of particles was utterly destroyed, lost forever when they fell into black holes. After much scribbling and head scratching, the No Hiding theorem was brought forth. This states that even if information is lost locally, through the interconnection with the rest of the universe every bit of reality has, that information was encoded in those interactions. The No Hiding theorem states that information cannot be lost to the universe.
Whatever else we may be, whether gods or God's, we are information. The science seems sound, to well account the holistic nature of reality, because it is demonstrable that each and every part of the one universe that exists is part of that one thing, and all of it is interconnected, and cannot fail to impact other parts. The energy, the spin, the velocity and direction of a particle's vector through spacetime, all impact the other parts of the universe from time to time, and cause specific changes that reflect those specific values of the particle's aspects.
The information we are, our persons, character, intellect, soul, whatever you may call it, is not mortal, is not impermanent. Even though the state of our bodies continually degrades unto death and dissolution, we impact the world around us daily, in more ways than we can possibly imagine, encoding our will and spirit in all that is present as long as we live.
What comes after this imprisonment in meat I cannot say. The scientists cannot calculate it. Even though it is ineffable, it comes, and our state, and estate, in the universe will endure without ceasing.
It's something like the butterfly effect. And we, who are infinite particles of that, cause it. I guess those immigrants with their guns invading homes are doing their part to continue that effect.
It is madness, pure madness, that everything is so unfair my friend
I am confident in justice. I am not confident in swift justice. I reckon the universe is a clockwork, not a calculation or a statement about a clockwork. The clockwork cannot fail to operate per all the forces acting. Each of them moves the pendulum per the actual force levied, while I may estimate my calculation, or neglect minor forces in my statement about the clockwork. For each action there is an actual and equal reaction, not an estimate, and no errors can result from the clockwork, as there can be in calculations people make. The clockwork is affected by the forces and exact and specific reactions to those forces occur.
When the equations are balanced isn't necessarily timely for we time limited meat expressions. Sometimes the just recompense comes after the meat has fallen away.
But it will come.
People around me claim that a new Civil War is about to break out in America.
People I correspond with and my neighbors fear this as well.
Why might this be your last post?
I would like you to continue, please.
I am ailing and aging. I have powerful enemies I cannot defeat that will eventually celebrate my death. I will face them unflinching until I die, so you can expect my defiance of criminals and celebration of sacred humanity to continue while I can write. I am currently fighting for my life, and I cannot win.
The day comes when I will falter, fall off a ladder, slip under the groaning wheels of industry, or die in my sleep - which will anger me eternally, as I seek to die in battle to feast in Valhalla and spit down on the shades that have haunted me.
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