Every Silver Lining has a Cloud: Trump appoints Globalist Veterinarian to Office of Chicken Killing, er, Pandemic Preparedness.
Gerald Parker is the new Plague Czar.
"The Trump administration has appointed Gerald Parker, a veterinarian and former top US health and security official, to lead the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy. Parker's career includes over three decades in the federal government, focusing on global health, national security, and pandemic preparedness. He will serve as director of the office, which was established by Congress in 2022 as the Covid-19 pandemic began to abate."
IMG source - Gerald Parker - EN.Wikipedia.org
IMG source - Gerald Parker - USACenter.TAMU.edu
One of these men is a glue-sniffing whacko that killed six people.
The other is a globalist fascist that could kill millions of people.
"Dr. Parker is the Associate Dean for Global One Health at the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, and in this role, he also serves as Campus Director for Global One Health at Texas A&M University. He holds an appointment at the Bush School of Government Service as Director of the Pandemic and Biosecurity Policy Program at the Scowcroft Institute for International Affairs within the Bush School of Government & Public Service."
What is Global One Health?
"The keys to Global One Health’s success are constructive collaboration and multidisciplinary partnerships.
"Global One Health aims to make the world safe and secure from emerging infectious and neglected tropical diseases by applying the One Health approach, leveraging the synergy of animal, human, and environmental sciences, to improve global health and security."
It appears Dr. Parker undertakes vigilance regarding potential zoonotic pathogens, and has called Covid19 'the worst pandemic in the last 100 years.' However, the disease referred to in the dairy cows in the tweet above is the H5N1 bird flu, with hundreds of millions of chickens having been euthanized already. So many chickens have been killed that the price of eggs is reportedly nearing $1/egg.
But it's not the virus that has racked up the highest body count. It's the US and other governments. They use PCR tests to amplify any traces of fragments of genetic material that match parts of the H5N1 virus an unspecified number of times (during the Covid plandemic, it was shown that amplification more than 24x produced numerous false positives, with a 34x rate producing ~90% false positives. This is why Kary Mullis, the Nobel Prize winning inventor of PCR, said it was not suitable to use for diagnostic testing), although these fragments may well be from other sources that have the same genetic pattern. They don't test for infections, or for sick animals. They look for fragments of genetic material in samples, and if they detect any after amplification with the PCR tool, they kill the entire flock.
This language is not accurate, because they didn't test all the chickens and turkeys to see if they were infected, but they say they were anyway. They took samples until they amplified DNA fragments they targeted using PCR, and then killed all the birds.
There are many lurid claims of horrible bird flu epidemics killing up to 15% of cattle herds, and from time to time people are claimed to get it.
"On November 7, the CDC reported asymptomatic bird flu infection in 4 workers at dairy farms. The workers didn't recall ever being sick but had antibodies showing that they had been infected with bird flu."
"...57 human cases of mild symptoms reported across the country."
GlobalResearch.ca reports extraordinary fearmongering with claims from SE Asia.
"From 1 January 2003 to 26 February 2024, a total of 254 cases of human infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus have been reported from four countries within the Western Pacific Region (Table 1).
"Of these cases, 141 were fatal, resulting in a case fatality rate (CFR) of 56%. The last cases in the Western Pacific Region were reported from Viet Nam, with an onset date of 11 March 2024.”
This is utterly incongruous with reports from the US. I am unaware of any verified deaths from H5N1 in the US. The CFR in the US is 0.
Which figure do you think is reported?
IMG source - GlobalResearch.ca
But there's a detail that isn't mentioned in the reporting. If you note the dates, this covers 2003 to 2024. Prior to 2020 avian flu was a different strain than is presently circulating.
The new strain is what has been producing the asymptomatic and mild cases in the US. The old strain was more pathogenic. As is common with infectious agents, the virus has evolved to be less pathogenic, because this enables it to be more virulent, to spread more rapidly and widely because it's hosts are healthy and even asymptomatic, instead of ill and abed.
Other things that might contribute to differences in SE Asia and the US are general health, sanitary conditions, quality of nutrition, and quality of medical care. It's possible those things might, in fact, make all the difference in the world.
The above pic without that additional information is an act of terrorism. That lie by omission gives the false impression that avian flu is horrifically deadly, when in fact it has evolved into being so harmless that some people don't even know they caught it.
Dr. Parker's comments on Covid19 being a pandemic disregard the actual data (provided by Dr. Dowd), which shows that until the introduction of the jabs there were no elevated deaths, but that the jabs caused highly elevated excess mortality. Covid19 did not. The treatment was the plandemic. The ongoing slaughter of livestock, ranging from the hundreds of millions of chickens killed to date, to a pig in Oregon, over detection of genetic fragments amplified by PCR, is killing hundreds of millions more animals than H5N1.
From the remarks I've seen from Dr. Parker, I am not convinced he's going to reduce the casualties in the plandemic of mass iatrocide - death by medical treatment - being implemented by terrorists intent on selling billions of doses of an mRNA vaccine we don't need, and that will kill us.
Dr. William Makis has this to say.
"I don’t believe there will be a real Influenza H5N1 outbreak but one can certainly be easily simulated and then propagandized by the media.
"A sort of “soft launch” of Influenza H5N1 pandemic is already underway with the “dairy cow” story. It seems every day we have a new update and a new type of spread, whether it’s to 3 cats or dairy farms in 6 states, etc.
"If this continues, I can certainly foresee a sudden “human to human” spread with some new mutation to explain how it jumped from moving from cattle to cattle, to cattle to human, to human to human transmission.
"There is a large enough segment of the population that is braindead enough to demand immediate lockdowns, masking, that includes the 8x mRNA vaccinated doctors who are now more spike protein than human (those who don’t exercise and haven’t died from myocarditis induced sudden cardiac death yet).
"In that case, everything would move very quickly in terms of mandatory lockdowns, masking and even limits on airtravel, before people start asking too many questions.
"The key approach to a “Disease X” style Influenza H5N1 pandemic would be the following:
"non compliance with lockdowns and masking
"do not take antivirals such as: Oseltamivir (Tamiflu), Peramivir (Rapivab) and Zanamivir (Relenza)
"do not take any Influenza H5N1 mRNA Vaccine under any circumstances.
"If there is a limited release of a gain of function influenza (of any kind), in limited geographic locations such as airports, consider taking any of the following which have shown activity against H5N1:
"Quercetin + Zinc (click here)
"Olive Leaf Extract (click here)(click here)
"NAC (N-acetyl-L-cysteine) (click here)
"Elderberry (click here)
"Hydroxychloroquine (click here)
"Nigella Sativa (Black Seed) (click here)(click here)
"Most importantly, do not panic."
The formula:
Use overcycled PCR tests to obtain desirable results of "Infection". Perform food destructive culls to engineer a "Great Hunger 2.0" scenario and propagate fear and hysteria to drive livestock-minded into their pens of compliance.
Brainwash - Rinse - Repeat
Killing Joke - Great Cull w/ Lyrics
It is so easy to control herds when you understand how to motivate them to do what you want them to do. I live in dairy country. The cows are generally very happy. Their human slaves provide them delicious grain daily, relieve the pressure in their immense, bloated udders, even delicately bathe their tender teats for them, and then they can roam across verdant green fields where no predators lurk to threaten their idyll.
But when the cattle need to be moved from milking operations to the 'dry' facilities where they will await impregnation, and the milking cycle to begin anew when a calf is born, they have to be forced to enter the cattle trailer, which they do not want to do. Cows are not naturally cave explorers, and the trailer is visibly a cave as they peer into it from the chute they have been forced into after being separated from their herd. A variety of tricks to force the cattle to go where the cowhands need them to, twisting their tails, poking their recalcitrant flanks with a pocket knife, shouting, clapping, and etc., are passed down from generation to generation of frustrated dairymen.
Today there is a solution. Simply provide the cows what they want in an image and they will happily leap any barrier to get into the cattle trailer.
So, when we are lied to, I remember how to turn cows into spelunkers.
Brilliant information share validating that the predator class training model for Humanity has always resided in livestock management. The way out is to personally elevate the self-worth of humanity where that shit life becomes intolerable. This starts with self-analysis and self-work to raise that submerged value to its proper inherent height and strength. I speak from personal experience of performing this very shunned work and reaping the benefits from it to share with all. The default is everyone looking externally for solutions when we have the ability to resolve them in the microcosm of self-care and self-love. You become your own power source rather than seeking others and endless mirage distractions to plug into.
Act like devalued livestock and you will be treated as such.
It is good when we appropriately value ourselves. Shakespeare well said "What a piece of work is a man!" A problem that prevents most of us from properly esteeming ourselves is conceit, which is a false front, like bravado rather than bravery. Actual self esteem comes from a rock solid foundation of humility, a ruthless assessment of our actual bits and pieces, our abilities - and our shortcomings. So armed with a clarity of understanding of who and what we really are, we can be absolutely confident we can do things we can, and not fool ourselves into thinking we're all that when we can't.
However, this really can't be done just for ourselves, but has to accompany a similar assessment of our world, because we can't know what we can do unless we know what conditions we're working in. That also eliminates any sense of entitlement. Just as we don't owe anyone anything outright, no one owes us anything either. When we humbly act in the real world, we can confidently achieve what we set out to do, because we're not fooling ourselves about the world we're in, nor who or what we are and can do.
When we seek to do good we can find good people that agree doing that good is what to do, and when what we seek is good enough, we can get enough good folks in agreement to get it done. At least, that's the theory. I never managed it because I'm too smart and pretty to be humble. If I ever did manage to be humble I'd be damn proud of it. Paraphrasing Ben Franklin there, BTW.
Well said and grand realties shared. 🙏
I use to lead cows into a slaughterhouse, and it wasn’t easy, but bright lights and a penchant for follow the leader helped. Big dumb animals are difficult to predict and admittedly this is grisly work. But people like to eat beef and this is where it comes from.
My month as a slave to cattle was as brief as I could leave it, and had admittedly little to do with the actual cows, but was more about their shit. Knee deep shit, sprayed on the fields, scraped out of the loafing sheds, and embedded into my skin like my own scent it took some time to wash away.
Dairies are a much different environment for cattle, and carting them off to the 'dry' pastures to await impregnation is the worst of indignities they face there. Well, there's the cruel impact of mastitis, hiplocks, and the endless hand milking of the infections from their bloated, septic udders, that can bear a burden approaching 50 kilos, literally impossible to strip clean on a busy dairy that can more easily replace even a good producer than to nurse it back to health.
@valued-customer, I paid out 0.308 HIVE and 0.101 HBD to reward 3 comments in this discussion thread.
This is an incredibly detailed account of this subject with quotes and references for the reader to read and verify. Outstanding citizen journalism.
Thank you
I try to limit my publication to what I can demonstrate is factually true, and to provide links to sources reasonable people can themselves assess to ascertain the veracity of my evidence and opinions.