EU Coups Romania, Threatens to Coup Germany and France to Press World War III


Calin Georgescu was winning the election to become the President of Romania, had won the first round and was certain sure to win the second with >60% of the vote on an anti-war ticket, when the election was canceled in mid-vote, the people were chased out of the polling places, the first round was voided by the Romanian Supreme Court, and Georgescu's home was surrounded by police threatening to arrest him. On Friday, Jan. 17 2025, The Duran discussed the situation a month and a half after the EU coup, and how Romania could not be allowed to join the 'Orban' bloc of Eastern European states opposing WWIII that HATO and the EU were hell bent on wreaking on the world.

"PRAGUE, Nov 7 - RIA Novosti. The victory of Donald Trump in the presidential elections in the United States will strengthen the position of the Patriots of Europe faction in the European Parliament, whose views largely coincide with the views of the Republican Party of the United States, the deputy head of the Czech opposition movement ANO ("Action of Dissatisfied Citizens") told reporters on Thursday Karel Havlicek.

"At the end of June this year, Hungarian Prime Minister and head of the Fidesz party Viktor Orban, leader of the right-wing Austrian Freedom Party Herbert Kickl and head of the Czech ANO movement ex-Prime Minister Andrei Babis announced at a press conference in Vienna the formation of the political alliance "Patriots of Europe" in the European Parliament. In total, at the time of the official creation of the faction, it included 84 deputies from 14 parties representing 12 countries. Orban noted that the faction intends to form alliances with other parties and become the second largest in the European Parliament."

"Romania’s Importance for NATO
The EU, which has already lost so much — it has destroyed its own economy and international standing, restricted freedoms, reordered all its priorities, and has willfully subjected the entire EU project to NATO — continues to double down, and it can all be traced back to Ukraine and Russia.

"In this case Georgescu cannot be allowed to win because he takes the common sense approach that confrontation with Moscow does much more harm to Romanians than to Russia.

"And Romania is simply too important to NATO and the effort to weaken Russia. Washington and Brussels are already dealing with wayward governments in Hungary and Slovakia, but Romania is a different animal."

IMG source - - Romania borders the Ukraine and Moldova, and is the site selected for a massive NATO base, the largest in Europe, under construction, preparing for war

Thierry Breton, recently an EU minister threatens Germany, with the same couping Romania has suffered should they 'interfere' in their elections by electing AfD, the anti-war party.

"We did it in Romania and obviously, we will do it, if necessary in Germany."

As usual Whitney Webb leads the pack.

Poland was forced to accept Donald Tusk, an EU minion, amidst great political disarray, and Italy was quite literally scammed by Giorgia Meloni whom campaigned against illegal immigration and was cast as a 'right wing extremist' her entire prior political career, but who immediately threw off her mask and confessed her love of immigrants upon her inauguration. Immigration doubled YOY upon her ascension to power.

IMG source -

Most poignant of all, Ursula Von der Leyen's chilling psychopathy rubs salt in Romania's wounds as they are being sacrificed again.

Tomorrow Trump is inaugurated and NATO is ruled by the Thiel faction, the divergence from the HRC faction will either be bitterly opposed by the NATO faction of the EU, or will shock the emergent Patriots of Europe by being aligned to NATO, threatening to leave a smoldering ruin where today the Carpathian forest verdance waxes fecund, fertile and potentially prosperous. The sabotage of German industry will be completed by Trump continuing the planned war and utter destruction intended for Germany and the West, or will reverse it, stop the Ukrainian attacks on Turkstream, and restore industrial capacity to the EU.


Most poignant of all, Ursula Von der Leyen's chilling psychopathy rubs salt in Romania's wounds as they are being sacrificed again.

Painfully accurate. What cheek, to tweet that picture (reading "Our children will be free") when she's among the chief jailers of this country. A lot of people here seem to believe Trump's inauguration will herald better times for us, what more can one do but hop they're right? In the end, though, I fear it will remain up to the people (as in 1989) to fight for their freedom or be swallowed by the machine.

"Our children will have better amenities and be told that's freedom" would've been a more accurate sign.


There are factions in hierarchical institutions, just like in gangs shooting at each other to control turf. The faction that includes Ursula is the NATO EU, that is hell bent on WWIII. There is no list of who is in what faction in these hierarchies, and, indeed, deception and duplicity is a fundamental weapon in the interfactional struggles over control of these hierarchies. Just how deceptive is Trump regarding what faction(s) he is in? It's impossible for little 'ol me to know. If the faction(s) he is in are more profitable to him by opposing the NATO EU faction Ursula Von der Leyen is in, then the EU Patriot faction, the Romanian people, and Georgescu, will be increased by what Trump brings tomorrow.

However, as you note, Romania is not without control over it's fate. All the nations of Europe are in fact subject to the will of their people that is competent in all of them to decide which faction they are in. The multiplicity of weapons being used against the people right now are attempts to convince those populations to choose - or at least not effectively oppose - the NATO EU faction. Psyops.

First psyops, and then bombs.



I hope we stick to the psyops, personally. Very well argued, thank you, that brought clarity. You're right about the factions - it's tempting to fall into that vaguely conspiratorial thinking that says for sure someone is in charge and has a fixed plan, when really it's more likely that it's a bunch of somebodies all struggling to do what they think would be a better plan of attack (for them or the world, I think that varies). That suggests chaos and we don't like to think in chaos.

Oh well, I suppose only time will tell...


Politics make my brain hurt. Not because I'm too stupid to understand it but because it's too stupid to be understood. When one tries to, well you'd have to be mad to begin with.

I'm reading this and say "how typical" to want to get rid of anti war positions. Of course they don't want anti war political parties. Though I think it's all just a stage anyways. They'll get who they want where they want when they want it. The votes of the public don't decide that. Sure they get to elect someone but they surely don't get to select as all candidates are pre selected by the committee 300 and along that same place in the hierarchy.

Though, I am curious to see if more anti war positions where to take place, will we see less conflicts and less useless deaths.

It's ww3 they want. They'll get it when the conditions are right. Hell one could say we're in a world war right now and all this peace we see now is just a temporary anomaly.

Romania is a critical trade position because of the black sea. Which would make sense why other more powerful nations are trying to control it via NATO influence.

Anyways, none of this would be happening to this extent if more folks were open minded enough to see that authority is an illusion. If more people were more consciously elevated, we might not have wars at all. Civil disputes is another topic.

Trump isn't going to be keeping any promises. And speaking of him, his meme coin is live as of 6 hours or so on binance. I racked in a few hundred dollars from that trade. Definitely taking advantage of it's popularity. Money in my pockets is better used than money in their greedy spoiled war mongering pockets.

Great post BTW


Comment rewards are burned.


Genius move to jump on $Trump.

"They'll get who they want where they want when they want it. The votes of the public don't decide that."

You're right, even though they do get to vote. Somehow Georgescu wasn't whom he was vetted to be, and NATO panicked and showed how the sausage is made, pissing off their customers. Now, Romania is pissed off. Their meme country isn't a meme at all, despite NATO making it one, and they can do something about it. If elections don't work they can take actions in which, as they showed back in 1989, they have all the power. Pitchforks and torches still light politicians dipped in tar afire, and politicians still don't like it. I would not want to be President Iohannes in a month, or so.

The populations of Austria, Italy, France, Poland, and Germany are able to show up with pitchforks and torches too, and this show in Romania hasn't left them unscathed. Some of them have realized why their governments pretend to be complete idiots. You say that NATO will get WWIII when they want it. They won't unless they can sell it to the people, like was done in WWI and WWII. Right now the curtain has been pulled back and the Great Wizard pulling the levers releasing the smoke and twisting the mirrors has been revealed to be the money-grubbing NATO faction of the EU, and this is not psyopping the people of Europe into dying for their democracy.

Many times in prior generations, the psyops didn't work and Jacobins filled the gutters with the blood of nobles. In 1911 there were a thousand princes in Russia. In 1921 there were none. Romania may have been the undoing of the EU NATO faction, if that's what Trump wants it to be. I'm not saying Trump would be keeping promises out of patriotism. He might be seizing power while claiming to be keeping promises, eh?

We'll see is all I know.



Dear @valued-customer !
Do you believe that World War III will break out in Eastern Europe? Do you think nuclear weapons will be used in the war?


"Do you believe that World War III will break out in Eastern Europe?"

If E. Europe doesn't break out in war, it won't be WWIII.

"Do you think nuclear weapons will be used in the war?"

Yes. I'm not sure they haven't already, with increasing tech advance and smaller nukes potential.



It's amazing how fast "democracy" goes down the drain when the "wrong result" comes up.


I am continually amazed that it's become a constant that is entirely predictable today.



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Ursula has much to answer for. Who elected her we ask?


There you go again, always asking the right questions.



There's no telling what the Trump administration will do. Having just watched the inauguration, I try to remain optimistic.

Romania is not without control over it's fate

I'm sorry but I have to contradict you on this one. We have no control over our fate, as we are a colony. It's sad, but it's a fact. We've tried to control our fate. Years ago, we the people voted a president out of office. Washington sent Victoria Nuland and our vote was rubbished. At present, we're watching for every possible sign from Trump's inner circle to learn what fate has in store for us.


Well, you may have put up with it before, but you don't have to if you don't want to. There's pros and cons to every situation, and if the EU is trying to drag war onto your clay, that may be a more important con than was in play in prior years. Let's hope it's an easier road than any of us expect you to traverse.


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