Conflagration: Firestarter Ukraine
The sanity of HATO, created to secure Europe from USSR aggression that was clearly a danger to the states yet unconquered by the USSR in the aftermath of WWII, today a juggernaut persisting a generation after the dissolution of the USSR, isn't in question. There isn't any USSR anymore, so the persistence of a defensive alliance against it has no basis in reason. The very existence of HATO today is irrational, and it's every possible action can only further stray away from rational policies, and this is best exemplified by the rabid insistence of it's member states formerly arrayed against an enemy no longer in existence to wage war against whatever victim they can sight in their crosshairs - because that's what HATO must do to justify it's existence today.
Failing to use their capacity to wage war reveals every day to their civilian populations the fact that there is no USSR to defend against, and the vast fortune extracted from their wallets HATO greedily takes is wealth they have good reason to keep themselves. As a new generation of paypigs is fleeced in a collapsing civilization that creates existential reason for them to secure their fortunes with every means at their disposal, that fortune cannot long be swindled from them without real and compelling reason. HATO must shit or get off the pot.
So, shitting they are, and they will give Europe utterly compelling reason to feed their gaping, ravenous maw. The censorship of the historical facts of HATO engineering of the necessity of Russian self-defense and the demonization and atrocity propaganda creates the political support of populations uninformed of reality, knowing only what the warmongers profiteering from their chattelization tell them.
Canadian Prepper lays out the bleak future of the West as they are herded into the slaughter where their pathogological political masters reap a payday from their fat cattle. There is no way forward for the West from here but totalitarian tyranny. No tolerance can be granted to the truth, to freedom of action, to any shred of dissent, because the fabric of violent subjugation will be rent asunder as peoples faced with death in trenches will face better odds of living through revolution in their homelands, and their cruel tyrants - not Putin - are their deadly enemies.
This world will burn. It is well understood by firefighters that backfires are the only means of removing the fuel a rampaging wildfire will consume, and today this fuel can be consumed by individual households and small communities themselves, requiring no national movement or political power that is impossible to attain (by reason of censorship and deceptive propaganda), by seizing decentralized means of production that empower them to provide themselves necessities that are prevented them by the deliberate destruction of supply lines used to force them into compliance with centralized hierarchies. While food, power, and goods are necessary, the primary need people that are determined to be free in a tyranny have is security. When cadres come to strip the cupboards, salt the gardens, and torture them into compliance only being able to defend themselves will prevent their subjugation and destruction.
Modern technology provides massive improvements on ancient means of defending people and property from both traditional means of oppression, such as gangs of armed thugs, and modern anti-personnel weapons. It is not within the scope of this post to exhaustively detail such defenses from DEWs, sonic or other devices, nor the drone swarms and EMF devices that have been shown by the Houthis to be so effective in blockading shipping in the Red Sea, but if you cannot ascertain such information independently you cannot deploy it either.
You will merit your survival. NEETs will be cannon fodder, and the aged and infirm incapable of sustaining by folks scrambling for their own survival. What will come eventually are free and sovereign survivors competent to themselves attain their purposes, and a world in ashes stripped of resources. Faced with illimitable and plentiful resources throughout the solar system, and only scraps that can be foraged on Earth, a diaspora will ensue based on the competence people that have merited their survival will have attained to provide their means.
What you depend on is going to be your leash and collar. Be sure you can freely live by depending on people that depend on your freedom, and on no one and nothing that can profitably enslave you.
IMG source - @canadianprepper
The purpose of NATO's existence is to colonize and destroy Russia and threaten China.
Thank you for the actual information
Like walls, war has two sides, both of which die en masse, and that is a certain consequence of war. The purpose is to wage war, which, whatever else it may be, is a racket. Every aspect of HATO has been contrived so as to benefit Machiavellian warmongers and profiteers, including, as we see in the Ukraine, by killing conscripts.
HATO is like CostingCo membership for militaries.
And the elite want to destroy their enemies, Russia and Iran.
If the rest of the world could damage themselves too, along the way, that would be nice.
Putin is going to expose the corruption of HATO, and that is going to change so much of our future. But, be prepared for all kinds of tiny wars and civil wars.
Imagine your leash and collar being bugz so you don't starve.
Get thyself to a greenhouse!
And us. The free people of the world, that will not be willingly leashed, are their prey.
There are few structure less defensible than a greenhouse. Just sayin'.
No one here gets out alive. The only victory is to die on your feet, and not on your knees.
$5K was a lot of money in 1911. Zapata was a lot of Rebel. I am flattered to discover I share his beliefs.
As they use to say: “Birds of a feather flock together”![](
Dear @valued-customer !
East Asians like me fear that China will start a new war in Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula before Russia collapses.😦
I suspect China cannot do this because the chip foundries upon which it's industrial might depends are wired to self destruct if it does. I think China will haply suffer the status quo vis a vis Taiwan until after Europe and the USA are militarily defeated and the USA balkanized and occupied by the UN. Macron's insistence on putting HATO boots on the ground in the Ukraine will necessarily force HATO to either rescue French forces - which are pitifully incapable of meaningful opposition to Russia (it has already deliver ~40% of it's artillery to the Ukraine, for example) - or abandoning France. That will render HATO all but irrelevant to the rest of it's members, who will duly note France's relevance compared to their own. Germany, I have read, has threatened military repercussions against France if it moves to put boots on the ground unilaterally. HATO is on the verge of dissolution, and the EU of military defeat from which the US is logistically incapable of saving it.
The enormous influx of 'immigrants' into the US, many of which are certain to be hostile covert military forces, with what appears to be USG collusion, threatens to all but instantaneously shatter the US into regions controlled by warlords if the worst is actually ongoing and the Biden administration is provisioning, arming, and training some of those forces to destroy key infrastructure, such as bridges, power nodes, communications, and etc. The Biden administration has flown >300k persons to ~43 secret locations, and this certainly appears to be exactly that worst case scenario.
Dear @valued-customer !
Thank you for answer!
why do people in the world think USSR had agression to other countriers? What are proofs and evidence of it?
During WWI and immediately thereafter, the seizure of the revolution by Bolsheviks, their global ambitions, and the horrific suffering of people that resisted collectivization in the purges that followed, made the expansion of the USSR during it's defeat of Germany across E. Europe easily dramatized by Western polities in anti-Communist propaganda. The horrific suffering of the German people inflicted by their conquerors made that propaganda particularly powerful there, and in America anti-Communist propaganda drove Capitalist fervor to a fever pitch, resulting in McCarthyism and transformative political collectivization fundamental to societal derangement across the West today.
Propaganda is far more formative than facts in people as indoctrinated as the West has been. The political rhetoric of post-war American and W. European polities constantly drummed up anti-Soviet sentiment and passion from birth, which is apparent in the messianic hero worship of Reagan that lingers to this day in America. I believe these perceptions are managed to produce backlash that populations fervently believe are organic and that their biases are so obviously true that they scoff at the idea they could be disproved by any evidence. We will observe that process happening across the West as the recent outrageous degeneracy that has ubiquitously deranged the West drives polities into Fascism and violent rejection and oppression of Liberalism, and particularly inflames xenophobia and racism.
The same process that created the Nazis in Weimar Germany is creating the neofascism rising across the West today.
you're absolutely right.
ambitions of Bolshevics and strict rules for citizens inside the USSR don't mean they were going to conquer the whole West. The West always saw a great enemy in the USSR, it was a great competition among them, so they made a cruel danger of it for people in western countries. And propaganda played the main role there, for sure, just like nowawadays. The situation is the same. Now the enemy is not the USSR, but its heritage - Russia.
Your entire half-cocked premise is based on the idea that NATO is to blame for Russia's actions, which has already been exposed for the laughable facade it is. When Biden finally pulls his head out of his ass and has the balls to declare a state of war, I'm going to enjoy watching your public execution for openly aiding and abetting Russia's propaganda efforts.
What you're doing is killing people by misleading them about real events, because that causes them to react to events that did not happen, or fail to react to things that did happen, that impact their safety and felicity. You are doing exactly what the CIA/Mossad has done in inciting criminal thugs to overthrow the government of the Ukraine, that are also being done to the American people, that has caused them to misunderstand the threats to their safety and felicity, and results in all candidates for the office of President of the USA being aligned with genocidal terrorists determined to effect their destruction. All three viable candidates for President still running today have been lifelong Democrats and support the violent criminal genocide ongoing in Gaza. That is the case because of disinformation agents like you misleading the American people with lies and libel.
You exemplify the specific actions that have been taken against the civilian population of the Ukraine that have caused the ongoing destruction of that country, hundreds of thousands of deaths, and tangled wrecks of the industrial infrastructure the survivors depend on for their lives. Your lies completely misrepresent why that happened.
And this is why. You like murderous violence committed against good people, innocent women, and children, and want to watch. You probably would have enjoyed questioning the Crocus terrorists for Russia, forcing one of them to eat his own ear. That's who you are - who you yourself claim to be.
NED (National Endowment for Democracy, a CIA/Mossad front) spent $M's to train and arm Nazi thugs formerly used by Ihor Kholomoisky to physically seize businesses in the Ukraine in 'hostile takeovers' using bats, crowbars, and guns to beat and kill employees in the buildings until they relinquished control of premises to Kholomoisky. This enabled Azov and Right Sector gangs to become military mercenary forces that employed snipers during the Maidan to murder protestors and police alike, while disinformation agents like yourself screeched that the Ukrainian government had committed the murders. While those accusations against the former government of the Ukraine have been disproved in courts of law, the facts regarding the actual identities of the snipers were also revealed.
Dozens of biowarfare labs, admitted by the USG and corroborated with voluminous evidence from Ukrainian civilians that worked at those labs, as well as by non-US media sources, threatened Russia from the Ukraine as part of the hazards the CIA/Mossad have created for the Russian people in the Ukraine to force Russia to defend itself from those threats.
We observe the murderous terrorism that has characterized your heroes' crimes against humanity in the Crocus venue just days ago. These are the policies you represent, seek to mislead good people - that would vehemently oppose them - about, and that you aid and abet with your lies and misrepresentations.
What I have said, and re-iterate above, is that Russia has been forced by these threats created in the Ukraine by the CIA/Mossad using mercenary criminals like Azov, and liars like you, to defend itself, it's families of Russian men, women, and children that have been criminally murdered by artillery bombardment of Kindergartens, residences, and public services in the Donbas since the coup that the CIA/Mossad used to overthrow the Ukrainian government in 2014. The Nazi mercenaries trained to commit terrorism, like Azov and Right Sector, that have burned people alive as part of that policy of terror against Russia, is whom you are lying to support. You above characterize that as saying 'HATO is to blame for Russia's actions.'
You are to blame for the deaths of the innocent civilians, men, women, and children in the Crocus terrorist attack through your aiding and abetting the CIA/Mossad political coup and continuing terrorist violence against civilians since 2014. As you point out above, you enjoy murdering innocent people by torture. You want to watch. That is who and what you are, described in your own words above permanently inscribed in the blockchain for all to see for themselves.
All I have done is to report the facts of these crimes. You are committing them. If there's justice coming for crimes of propaganda, you will be held to account for them. Maybe they'll let you watch you hang in a mirror to sate your sadistic lust for murder.
P.S. I am sincere when I thank you for stating your personal guilt and sadistic lust to murder people whose only crime is to state true facts. It's as if you knot the noose around your own neck yourself, and I am indeed grateful for your admission of guilt.
Edit: just for the record, I do not support Russia. Russia is not 'good', as exemplified by the public torture committed against it's helpless captives accused of the Crocus terrorist attack. I simply report facts, and the facts are that evil empires are forced into war by liars like you, and that is done to victimize good people innocent of those crimes, which is why I report them. Good people need to understand the threats against them so they can take necessary actions to protect themselves. You promulgate those threats. You lie to make them vulnerable to terrorism and war.
We are not the same.