Col. Douglas MacGregor on Sweden's Accession to NATO Membership

I am aware of a common thread and component of the Hegelian Dialectic around the Forever War between the West and it's victims, from Venezuela to Iran. It is profits. It is almost never mentioned, despite the loud advocates of war and their fervent opponents disputing loudly while millions die and nations are destroyed.

IMG source - @Qwinten on

In this video Col. MacGregor discusses Sweden joining NATO, and the spread of the Forever War to the Ukraine. Controlled opponents of the Forever War continually express their utter incomprehension of the fallacious foreign policies of aggressor states, particularly America, yet never mention this profit motive. Gen. Smedley Butler wrote the book 'War is a Racket' almost a century ago, in which he clearly lays out how this scam works, yet the controlled opposition to the Forever War never mention it, never mention the $T's raked out of the public's pockets to pay dividends to stockholders in defense contractors, never mention the spooks trafficking hapless children, or their ripped out organs, or the kickbacks that enrich the mealy mouthed politicians.

The war in the Ukraine is succeeding beyond the wildest dreams of defense contractors. Just like Afghanistan before it. These wars don't have political goals. There are disingenuous geopolitical goals claimed by globalist sock puppets that have been infiltrated into 'leadership' positions in the West, like WMD's in Iraq, or terrorism in Libya, but these are fallacious and have nothing to do with the actual goals these wars are conducted to achieve. Those goals are very simple, and ubiquitously attained by their undertaking, whether they are 'won' or not. In every case defense contractors rake in $T's purloined from the public purse by duplicitous traitors infiltrated into those offices specifically for that reason. Afghanistan was an unmitigated success that dumped $T's into Halliburton and Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and etc. The destruction of Libya, Syria, Sudan, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Palestine, and now the Ukraine are merely profit centers and business opportunities for war profiteers, including human traffickers, black market drug smugglers, and the trade in human organs for the transplant industry. I am disappointed in folks that neglect the corruption and profiteering that is the actual purpose of the majority of US and EU geopolitical posturing and aggression. It is the primary purpose of national governments today, utterly subjugated to the corporate profiteers of the WEF and extracting the wealth of nations by slaughtering their people.

That is the true purpose of NATO. The way to end these wars is to arrest and execute the boards of directors of the above named corporations, and the many others that line up at the trough of public war spending and criminal depredations of peoples afflicted with war, and that is what 9/11 was executed to facilitate, Israel was founded to enable, and the Ukraine is dying to achieve. Faux opposition to these wars utterly fails to mention these actual purposes, and thereby facilitates the war profiteers.

The execrable governance of humanity is degraded to this sorry state because all other purposes, all other policies, are subsidiary to war profiteering. Execute the genocidal psychopaths, seize their profits, and suddenly peace will break out across the world.


It's very shocking how often the profit motive drives conflict, yet it's rarely discussed. We need to hold accountable those benefiting from war and prioritize peace over profit. always thanks for this awareness dear friend


Dear @valued-customer !
Do you think Russia will win the war?
Many East Asians speculate that China will invade Taiwan in three years.


In the war between Russia and the Ukraine, Russia will win. However, in the event US or other NATO forces join in on an official basis, I cannot say what will happen. The strength of the US military has degraded in the last decade, and I do not know how much.

I think China may actually be invaded by Taiwan. I am not provided examples of Chinese military conquests that have impressed me. China lost to Vietnam, and seems to be fairly evenly matched with India. Taiwan may have a decisive edge in competence that China cannot bury under sheer numbers. I certainly don't think China can invade Taiwan and secure the economic assets Taiwan possesses, because the chip foundries are rigged to blow in the event they are seized by military forces. Because of that, China is strongly deterred from assaulting Taiwan. China is utterly dependent on chips Taiwan produces for it's manufacturing industry, and it cannot seize those foundries by force and get chips, so it's only option to maintain it's industrial production is to buy chips from Taiwan.

China has made some progress towards manufacturing chips, but it has not come anywhere near the quality that Taiwan produces. If China becomes able to manufacture high quality chips itself, then Taiwan may be at risk of invasion and conquest, but as long as China cannot make the chips it needs, it does not dare collapse it's industrial economy by destroying the Taiwanese chip foundries on which it depends.



In the war between Russia and the Ukraine, Russia will win. However, in the event US or other NATO forces join in on an official basis, I cannot say what will happen. The strength of the US military has degraded in the last decade, and I do not know how much.

Do you think Russia will take over Ukraine after Russia wins the war?

I certainly don't think China can invade Taiwan and secure the economic assets Taiwan possesses, because the chip foundries are rigged to blow in the event they are seized by military forces. Because of that, China is strongly deterred from assaulting Taiwan. China is utterly dependent on chips Taiwan produces for it's manufacturing industry, and it cannot seize those foundries by force and get chips, so it's only option to maintain it's industrial production is to buy chips from Taiwan.

I agree with you!
I think China will use Taiwan hostage to demand more semiconductors and production technology from the United States!

Thank you for kind answer!😄
I hope your health and long life!


Russia has already won.


Dear @geneeverett !
I am glad meet to you!
This is my first time meeting an American living in New York!
I am an eastasian man!

East Asians like me think that America will not collapse if Russia claims victory.
However, I am worried that China will start a war with Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula within three years!

Do you think America can stop China from going to war?


I don’t think China will have to go to war for Taiwan. Better get off playing waiting game. If it does happen America would be moronic getting involved. U generally don’t do well at wars on the coast of the other player’s territory. The US military isn’t prepared to win a war like this. We are far weaker and less prepared than claimed. Decades of small Middle East wars the State forgets what it would be lighting fighting super power war.


Do you think China will not invade Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula?

I guess China will use Taiwan hostage to demand more semiconductors and production technology from the US!


I don’t think invasion is certain at all. I think it can happen without war. But it is possible.


It's about the money. Because with money one can buy anything. With money, one has power. The power to make more money. To buy more things. To get more power. To make more money.

I'm not totally convinced that, at some higher level, that it's all about money. As has become evident in the past few years, if one has enough power, one may literally print all the money out of thin air.

I'm sure that the small-minded among us, both in the ruling class and the proles, attach some (or all) of their self-worth to the acquisition of money/things/power. But I also believe that, behind the curtain, there are some who seek domination not just of people, but of existence itself. The most obvious goal for them seems to be immortality, but I believe that some yearn to displace the Creator entirely and that they seek to defile and destroy the Creator's works and use the distorted remains for their own maniacal ends. Those that shake their fist at the Creator. It won't end well for them.


You make a lot of good points. I mostly quite agree with your analysis.

" out of thin air."

That's the thing. Commercial banks literally conjure fiat out of thin air, through fractional reserve lending. It's heinous, fraudulent, absolutely criminal. Back in the 1980s I almost chartered a commercial bank on the island of Nauru. My part in it would only have been $40k, which was doable at the time. However, my distaste for the endeavor overrode my desire for more money, so I did not do it. Today I reckon, despite my financial situation, I made the right decision because I really hate banksters and that whole realm. I actually struggle to avoid receiving money in exchange for my services, because being paid in money incurs tax liabilities I do not want. I hate taxes more than I hate banks, and that's saying a lot.

However, I have literally shaken my fist at the sky and demanded He get His shit together. Silly, I know, but I was exasperated at circumstances that kept being sabotaged out of left field no matter how many fires I put out. So, I can at least understand that level of frustration with the Creator.

And, you're right. Getting old sucks, and life doesn't end well. I'm confident I'm doomed, although I'm pretty sure shaking my fist at the sky didn't bring that on. Death stalks me like a panther does bunnies. Sooner or later, as my strength increasingly fails me, as my hide become fragile and thin, as my lungs wheeze and my joints ache and tremble, it'll jump me out of nowhere, and I won't be able to stave it off. I am going to die, and dying sucks. Maybe being dead is cool, and you go to the light at the end of the tunnel and are immersed in love and joy, but the act of dying - that sucks.



For the record, MacGregor was wrong about Iraq (twice), wrong about China invading Panatag Shoal, wrong on 74 separate "Kyiv will fall by the end of this week" predictions, and right about...
...Nothing. The man is a failed intel officer who has not made one accurate prediction in his career.

You might as well cite Bernie Sanders as a "business expert."😂


Sanders has made lots of money. He's a millionaire. As usual, you just badmouth your betters.

Your philosophy in it's entirety.

Edit: exemplary of your utter incomprehension of reality, you have completely failed to understand my point in the OP, which is that MacGregor - like you - completely misstates the purpose and point of the war, and as a result utterly fails to actually oppose it, instead furthering the continued genocide of Ukrainians and the profits of defense contractors.

You and MacGregor are exactly the same. Cheerleaders for warmongers profiting from the death of Christians.
