Anonymous Crypto Wallets are now Illegal in the EU


Cryptonews reports that the EU has voted to make it illegal to make or receive payment in cryptocurrencies using unidentified self custody crypto wallets.

"In a recent regulatory development, cryptocurrency payments of any size using unidentified self-custody crypto wallets are now illegal in the European Union (EU). This decision is part of a set of new anti-money laundering laws (AML) in the continent.

"The majority of the EU Parliament’s lead commission approved the prohibition on March 19, according to Patrick Breyer’s post.

"Notably, Dr. Breyer is a member of the European Parliament for the Deutsch Piraten Partei and one of the two leaders who opposed this approval. Gunnar Beck was the other Parliament member who voted against it, representing the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party."

IMG source -

It begins. The only way this can be enforced is by censoring transactions to and from such wallets. Can crypto withstand actual efforts to ban it?


All the more reason to use privacy coins (real crypto)!


Sure. But how can people use them to transact if the EU bans their wallets from sending or receiving transactions? Data that isn't able to be read can simply not be transmitted by ISPs.



Person to Person via decentralised marketplace


While they couldn't digitally prohibit transactions with paper wallets, those transactions couldn't be incorporated into the distributed ledger, and cryptocurrencies couldn't continue to function. Also, being caught during time of war exchanging encrypted communications traditionally result in firing squads. I don't see how cryptos could persist in such environment. The US is hardly in better shape, as outraged urban civilians object vociferously at the provision of luxury accommodations and $10k cash cards to illegal 'immigrants' (many of whom are very likely to be covert forces of hostile polities taking advantage of open borders to infiltrate the US) while American civilians are relegated to sleeping in tent cities or vermin infested homeless shelters that do not receive similar largesse from governments.

Governments are not providing such welfare to their voter base, and while they used to be happy to live on welfare extracted from working stiffs, now they are outraged they're not the most favored NEETs anymore, like siblings jealous of a new baby. Worse, this disregards the real possibility their rage is the exact result the political puppets intend to engineer, in order to pave the way for the totalitarian dictatorship the NWO will prefer to SJW's and NEETs. I predicted that uncontrolled immigration was deliberate engineering of a backlash across the West, exactly what Weimar degeneracy produced in Germany that drove the Nazis to power.

They want total control. They want us dependent on them for our bug rations. Being crypto millionaires will be prevented by every means they can deploy.


Yep, we need to develop & use an equitable decentralised multi level anonymous governance system. We could then coordinate our actions to withdraw our support from the corrupt governments and organisations thus defunding them. i know we've discussed this before (Matrix-8) and you came up with several reasons why it would not work. My ideas have developed further since then. Are you interested in reopening the discussion?


I am absolutely in agreement we need to use decentralized governance, industrial, and communications. However, the nature of decentralization necessarily disposes of any and every one size fits all solutions to any of these problems, and that is exactly how decentralization outcompetes centralization across the board. Hierarchies take overlords orders and focus the corporate body on those orders, vastly increasing the power of those crackdowns, industrial production, or whatever. Decentralization does the opposite, diversifying the means of production, the products, the mechanisms, and naturally insulating them from others as cells of insurgencies are, because they are independent.

Matrix8 is a centralized institutional mechanism, and that is my source of objection. Institutions are liable to single points of failure, and if they're replicated across populations, this renders the entire population vulnerable.

Institutions are not any part of decentralization solutions that are potential of success, because they are also inherently prone to corruption and capture, just as we see all substantial polities have been captured through blackmail and bribery today. I cannot be bribed or blackmailed to douse the food I grow to eat with glyphosate, while a corporate officer certainly can, who will not eat the product the corporation sells. These are key concepts we will have to reckon, but I sure am willing to reckon with you and everyone how we can concatenate our efforts to create the blessings of civilization that depend on networks, society, and distributed capacity.


First paragraph i understand and agree.

Second paragraph, i'm not so sure. i certainly did not think Matrix-8 was an institution. I see it more like a framework, a protocol, like Reticulum which is free and open source, and can be used by any group of people to help them come to consensus in more equitable ways more easily.

Now reading up on definitions of institution to try to understand.


Institutions aren't hardware. My understanding of an institution is basically a formalized hierarchy, and my recollection of Matrix8 is that it is indeed hierarchical and formalized.


Cannot be transmitted via ISP's? How could that be banned?

i use a vpn all the time, so all the data i send is encrypted, including thia comment, decrypted at the other end i suppose.


I also use a VPN at all times. I expect VPN's to be banned. I expect HATO to get dragged into direct combat with Russia by Macron putting officially French army boots on the ground and quickly to require HATO to rescue them. The result of that will be wartime powers treating encrypted and anonymous communications as espionage and acts of war. I doubt any VPN provider will put up much of a fight against military occupation and seizure of their offices and hardware.

These things concatenate. Without actual infrastructure we own, ISP's can decline to transmit anything encrypted through their pipes. During war, even if a crypto network did exist, they could just seize it.


Right. It's possible vpn might be banned in time.

We need to start using our own infrastructure as you say. i've been thinking (and researching) for a while about buying equipment to use long range mesh networks. We can use Briar over bluetooth (and internet i think) already. There are several options. The name of a particular protocol which can be used over any network escapes me at the moment. Sideband app can be used on android for it. I'll let you know when i remember the name.

Then there's also people developing (or even in use already) parallel internets - Qortal being one



Qortal is developing Reticulum, a radio based (cell phones are radios) mesh network. That is the best idea I've seen to date. There may be other mechanisms that are being developed covertly. I sure AF hope so! There are extant mesh networks it seems to me H4x0rz could develop hostile parasitism on, such as LoRa, Bluetooth local, and etc. I reckon adopting all of these, because diversity is truly decentralizations strength, just as unity and conformity is centralization's strength.

There may be ways to ride on the internet parasitically. Again, I sure AF hope so. I do not know of any, though.


Reticulum is the one i was thinking of. i knew Qortal had plans for an alternative internet but didn't know they were planning to use Reticulum. i'm pleased to hear that.


I recently withdrew my funds from Binance; due to innovations in our legislation, I paid a 16% commission for withdrawing fiat to the card.
All exchanges working with Ukrainian cards require passing the KYC.
Before introducing a CB digital currency, all crypto-fiat gateways must be pruned or taken under control.
We will have to win our freedom by force!
Thank you!!!


Force alone, I fear, will not create independence from centralized industry and infrastructure. We will have to create our means, because we cannot be free and dependent on overlords for our necessities.

Free speech, including private financial transations, will require we have a communications infrastructure we own. We will also need to be able to defend it from seizure by force, because encrypted communications will be treated by polities at war as espionage. We do not have such capacity. I have pointed this out for years, but no one cares what I think, and now that we need it, we do not have it.

I am sure Musk will offer us Starlink sooner or later, but I am even more sure that will be a trap, because Musk is a creature of the MIC and banksters to whom he owes his fortune and on whom all his enterprises are dependent. Dependents cannot be independent.

There is a long and difficult path to free speech that starts with physically manufacturing our own goods, which I have also long advocated. Soon it will be obvious to everyone, and that's when the hammer will fall making decentralized production illegal. Covert development has not been even considered by the vast majority, so there will be receipts to point out who to crack down on when the crack down comes. We will need more than torches and pitchforks. We will need covert industry we can secure with modern means of providing defense that make gangs of armed thugs and drones alike obsolete.


It would be good to have the official text of the regulation to obtain a clearer reading of the measure, and the "reasoning" used in its defense. We only have the tweet of the parliamentarian, where some answers point out that it can't be enforced, although it is not clear to me that ISPs cannot isolate people in certain jurisdictions.


While you are correct, I suspect that Macron's fervor for the Ukrainian kleptocracy will cause him to put HATO boots on the ground in direct combat with Russian forces, and that will drag Europe into war, which will cause any encrypted data to be treated as espionage. Anonymity and financial privacy will be treated as acts of war, and niceties such as legal prudence will be easily ignored.

