A Tomb With a View: The Geopolitics of Global Corporatism
Freedom is where all of us live in our hearts. I don't know anyone that wants to be an enthralled minion of corporate masters. It's true I don't know any of the groveling toadies that report engineered narratives, nor the corrupt politicians that pledge fealty to the Zionist empire currently wreaking destruction from Niger to Afghanistan with the $T's looted from the fiat mine the Fed runs, conjuring dollars from thin air. I just know actual human beings, not narcissistic psychopaths willing to commit any atrocity for fun and profit.
But whether we humanimals in our corporate corrals watch TV news (which is a small minority, mostly boomers), or latch onto the wild conspiracy theories our ranting correspondents on social media (like yours truly) publish daily - all of which turn out to be factually accurate - we get a picture of our world, and our future, that veers further and further from freedom, where we are determined to be. When Tucker Carlson interviewed Mike Benz and we learned back in Feb. 2024 that the DOD was using psyops and jabs to manufacture political power, creating a despotism by deception to keep us from liberty and prosperity, either we blew circuits from cognitive dissonance, or we only gained confirmation of what we already knew. There were no riots in the streets. Society didn't shatter against the walls of their mental prisons. Clearly, we already knew that.
We've been availed a constant stream of reporting on the jabs for years now that disprove government agency claims that: Covid19 was a horrible pandemic disease, that the jabs were necessary for our survival, they were perfectly safe and not ~5X as harmful as the existential plague, and that Anthony 'the Science' Fauci didn't pay Peter Daszak and the Ecohealth Alliance to employ Ralph Baric and Shi Zhengli to weaponize the common cold at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to justify the jabs that the NWO wants to modify the human genome with but have so many horrific side effects that there was no way to gain lawful permission to test them on live people. Unless you don't have any access to social media, or don't have any friends that do and absolutely refuse to think at all, there's just no way that the stream of counterfactual evidence disproving the official narrative didn't reach you.
Sure, we've been distracted by the insane invasion of migrants into every Western Democracy, by the deranged sexualization of children in public schools to the point that furries are using litterboxes in the restrooms, and the horrible blackmail of politicians by creepy spooks and kosher cultists using kidnapped kids kept in rape tunnels. Those things are sensational, existential hazards, and based on mountains of evidence the most determined Know Nothing cannot deny, so the underlying scheme to genetically modify the survivors of the GMO jabs in order to implement a New World Order gets sort of beaten down in importance in our minds. In fact, we've been massively desensitized to this utterly monstrous reality by the play and counterplay in the media between whistleblowers and narrative criers.
It's all insane, and to remain sane we keep our heads down, and try to keep the rent paid and food on the table. The problem we have is that these conspiracies aren't theoretical at all. This isn't a sci fi movie about Ayliums taken to our leaders and turning them against us. These lurid blasts of outrage are designed by PhD's to smash our cognition into submission, to produce exactly what we've done, which is dismiss it, hope none of it's true, and rely on things continuing to remain functional like they were for previous generations. The more outrageous, blatantly evil, and absolutely degenerate these enemedia psyops are, the more impossible to comprehend they are. This is what keeps us from forming mobs with torches and pitchforks to decorate our city streets with out of control overlords and their corrupt minions.
Until the Chosen One shows us The Way. The same horrific degeneracy has been used the same way before in Germany, during the Weimar Republic, and there are still people following the Chosen One that was produced then, more than 75 years later. I believe Donald Trump is that Chosen One, and here's why. The DOJ has admitted to pushing all the bogus criminal charges against Trump with doctored evidence. It's not difficult to see how the blatantly fraudulent election of Biden was manufactured to prepare Trump to be encrusted with street cred by the weaponization of the USG to torture the Chosen One with kangaroo courts. It isn't hard to grasp how our abysmal distrust for the enemedia, government, and financial fraud is used to create our messianic zeal for their primary target. It's pretty obvious, actually.
IMG source - ifunny.co - remember these from 2015?
It's too obvious to leave it to our cognitive dissonance, so armies of bots have been whipped up to fabricate the appearance of a movement that buys into that messianic narrative. We're a social species. We're designed to defend the herd, because the herd defends us. We've had to man the walls of our cities for thousands of years to defend them against barbarian hordes hell bent on raping our wives and daughters, pillaging our cities, and seizing our homes and lands after they torture and kill us. The survivors of these recent millennia of war and conquest have been those that manned those walls, and that has evolved us into people capable of becoming rabid, unthinking mobs, because anything less than that didn't turn us into armies capable of bloody slaughter of our neighbors. Hordes of AI bots on social media are just as effective as tavern talk over a tankard used to be at forming that resolve to follow the Chosen One and defend our lives and liberty from evil barbarians intent on killing us all.
And we, despite our cognitive dissonance and the normalcy bias that's been carefully crafted by the spooks surveilling our private texts and tweaking the narrative with exquisite delicacy, despite the tales we console ourselves with about being reasonable and intelligent people, are herd animals. We are the offspring of the survivors of millennia of war, that won wars through solidarity and absolute dedication without questioning the leader they followed. When there have been petty squabbles over leadership in the midst of war, that unity of purpose necessary to military morale has been politically divided, and those genes were purged when they lost their wars and were put to the sword.
It's a trap. Our basal instincts are being carefully played in a long game to keep humanity from breaking the institutional chains that bind us in service to overlords. Technology has radically advanced to decentralize production of wealth very quickly. Evolution hasn't. Our indoctrinations haven't apprised us of these changes, because the overlords with sybaritic fortunes that actually do have freedom and prosperity have it because they parasitize the centralized collective labor of society. Musk may work 100 hours a week, but he just can't work enough hours himself to build a spaceship. Musk controls a collective by his 100 hours of labor that builds spaceships, and that's where his wealth and power comes from: parasitizing that collective. All of the world's wealthiest and most powerful people get their wealth and power the same way. They're not going to educate us to keep our wealth.
It used to be necessary for collectives to manufacture goods and services to create the blessings of civilization. Automation has transcended that need. We are told that the vast populations of hard working people making the goods and services that underlay civilization are now 'useless eaters'. How can that be true? It can only be true if automation is capable of producing those goods and services. If it's true why is 'ol Muskie still parasitizing collectives? Transcendence doesn't happen overnight. First, there isn't a point at which centralization and decentralization start and end. The transition between them is gradual, although it accelerates exponentially as it proceeds. As that transition proceeds, like all exponential curves, nothing seems to change as small numbers of adopters double. There's no consequence when .05% doubles to .1%, because 99.9% hasn't changed. But when 25% doubles to 50%, it's a huge disruptive change, and that's coming to means of production of goods and services you depend on for your felicity. That's coming to the parasitism of the overlords too, and they didn't get to be overlords by being stupid. They either are capable of understanding exponential change and transcendence, are ex-overlords, or are soon to be ex-overlords.
When we consider the technological transcendence of centralization and the mass formation of messianic zeal for a Chosen One I have discussed above, we can not only piece together the Machiavellian plan to keep the overlords sybaritically wealthy and powerful while eradicating 'useless eaters', but how that plan can be successfully opposed. There is a way to to become equally wealthy and powerful as our overlords, avoid being genocided or enthralled as GMO minions, and live in freedom and prosperity.
I have detailed in previous posts how across every field of industry table top means of production - meaning technology people can use themselves in their own homes - have become the most productive means of production, because decentralization is the cutting edge of technological advance in all fields. Agriculture, manufacturing, power production, power management, finance, construction, transportation, communications, you name it, you can do it less expensively than paying someone else to do it for you. In fact the problem becomes that there's too many opportunities to take your wealth into your own hands. Like Musk, we can only work so many hours and produce only so much product. Each means of production requires management, and that means we can't start growing our own food using aquaponics and then start manufacturing our own power with solar panels because we have to actually do the work to manage the aquaponics system.
Early adopters, hobbyists that like to tinker, or folks that can hire some, are who are adopting these technologies today. As the technologies mature, they become easier to use, more automated. With 3D printers, aquaponics, solar power production, and all these technologies, management is specific to the site and the particulars of the system. It's analogous to how computers developed after WWII. The first systems were immense and proprietary, with relatively feeble capabilities. Before the IBM PC was introduced there were a variety of attempts, TRS 80s, Timex/Sinclairs, Apples, and many more. We're at that state with 3D printers today, as Idex, multiple materials, and swappable CNC, laser cutter, and 3D printhead machines all compete for the early adopters. There are highly capable machines that can print exotic aluminum alloys to manufacture spacecraft, machines that can swap out a dozen different toolheads to do everything from draw pictures to whittle twigs, and robotic welders that cost from $100k's to $M's, but we have seen how quickly prices drop as these kinds of capabilities become standard and are no longer exotic.
Right now we have several technologies that I have discussed, and seen, used together to create a household production environment. I would compare that to the various parts of computers that work together to create a system, the CPU, RAM, HD, Network, and etc. Like computer users have specific needs that are met with specific tech, families have specific needs that are met with specific tech, and the drivers for each of these production techs need to work together with an OS, like they do in computers. At least that's the best idea I can come up with for getting them to work together without needing to be managed manually as I think Dr. Simon Goddek does on his compound innawoods. We don't have to write our own device drivers for our HDs, or keyboards, and I imagine drivers that can adapt the varieties of systems into a household management OS. I also think when that advents, the largest impediment to wider adoption will fall away, because I think most of that impediment is the same as it was when the PC industry was in it's infancy: it was just too complicated and daunting to learn. I remember playing Pong on an Imsai 8080 in ~1980, and my friend had built and programmed the computer himself, including the pong game. It didn't take long before there were purpose built systems and OS code that came with them.
Anyone that follows Louis Rossman is aware that corporations are trying to centralize data and prevent people from repairing their own systems. I think a lot of the reason people don't pay much attention to such things is there seems to be no way around it. If you want a computer, you have three choices for OS today, Windows, Apple, or Linux, and almost no one uses Linux (for some weird reason). If you want a phone, there's Apple or Google (android), with almost no one using Microsoft or Linux (or other). While it took me ~40 years to break free of Windows, I did break free, and I think most people will break free if the software continues to become intolerably oppressive, and the free options continue to improve. That's where we are across the world today, and we're either going to follow the Chosen One into hell, or FOSS our way to freedom.
Excellent way of putting it!
It seems difficult to explain our present exigency in reference to that robust heritage, sometimes.
Hello. You may have seen this news story before.
The EU is very quietly withdrawing approval of Astra Zeneca's Covid vaccine.
This comes after Astra Zeneca admitted in court that its vaccine is known to cause blood clotting and blood clots.
I was fortunate to escape this anti-human experience!
I couldn't agree more with your other extensive arguments.
Decentralization of production and horizontal ties will surely save many in the future war. Thank you!
There's an old aphorism that points out that God helps them that help themselves, and little better proves that point than the dichotomy between what we are intended to suffer by our malignant betters, and the astounding future of freedom and felicity we will deliver a legacy to our posterity of merit. I can't even imagine what our great grandchildren will achieve by their own hands, but being able to spin up a habitat by fusing regolith with nothing more complex than mirrors wherever desirable resources are, printing up some solar panels and stocking some catfish ponds to fertilize a greenhouse full of airmakers and crops will give them choices and potential we don't have.
Since CRISPR and better GMO tech are already in the wild, they sure won't have to put up with the bioweapons you and I narrowly escaped. I watched a series of videos, now deleted by Youtool, in which Jo Zayner of The Odin and a few friends whipped up their own Covid vaccines from mail order DNA based on published research testing jabs on monkeys. We already have these capabilities at our fingertips, and never need to suffer such abuse from pharmaceutical corporations ever again. While the data has since proved that SARS2 was no more harmful to healthy people than the common cold, so no jabs were necessary to begin with, now that we've been schooled about the malevolence and duplicity such genocidal profiteers are capable of - and demonstrably undertook to inflict on us - no one can be forced to depend on that ilk for their 'life-saving treatment' we can't get any other way.
That's a freedom worth taking.
Dear @valued-customer !
Who do you think will become President of the United States, Biden or Trump?
Currently, East Asians assume that the world power structure will change through the U.S. presidential election.
I'm pretty sure that I have no say in the matter, but from what I've seen I expect Trump to become elected amidst raving and accusations of fraud from Leftists that will spark gradually increasing disorder. The reason I expect this is because the NWO needs to deal with ~100M armed Americans that cannot be militarily conquered, so then must be convinced to ally themselves with the NWO, which Trump will demand in order to suppress the Commies. He will also implement the worst surveillance state oppressions, as he has already promised, with biometric ID, facial recognition, and all manner of warrantless searches and impositions, which his raving minions will demand, rather than oppose.
I expect to see neoFascism arise with Trump as the neoFuhrer, and Magatards as brownshirts. Rather than opposing Zionazis, Trump is the ultimate Shabbos Goy that will praise and advance Zionist policies beyond anything I can imagine until the Zionist goal of world conquest is realized. I expect this to happen even if there are no elections, and I don't expect any more national elections after this.
I agree the world power structure will appear to change, but in fact, it already has changed, and a global fascist totalitarian technocratic tyranny has now assumed power over the world.
Dear @valued-customer !
It's hard for me to understand your excellent English sentences, but I guessed that you want Trump to become president in order to get rid of communists in America.
Around me, the tendency to support Chinese communism is increasing.
Thank you for kind answer!
No. I am against tyranny, whether Communist or Fascist. There is no candidate for freedom, except me, and I'm not running. I'm staying right where I am and confronting the impositions of statist excesses as I must.
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