Night Trouble a Fresh Base Heavy Lofi Track


Night trouble brings a little base and treble into the mix. Offering up a deep rich base with a soft ting of treble levels up this track into a higher end lofi that feels somewhat like a jazz mix.

🎼 Add/Listen to Night Trouble on Spotify, Apple music, iTunes, Deezer, Tidal and more here
Drop it on one of your playlists and like it to show your support it goes a long way thank you!

I have a number of other tracks that should be releasing back on the twice a week level once again. They are complete in terms of the song but as for the artwork and all the other marketing work that goes into them that still all needs to be created. I'm thinking the next will drop on the 19th of this month and be a rolling Monday and then Thursday releases like I have done in the past.

Things are still looking good but my hopes are I can start scaling more. Spotify has been dishing out a good 1,000 plays daily the goal it to get that to 15,000 daily as the first big push and after that I would love to hit 50,000 daily which would honestly start being enough plays to finally live off it lol It's a stretch goal and dream but it will only be possible with continued work.

Till next time thank you for all the support. If you'd like to help me reach those goals give the track a full listen on any streaming platform, drop it on your playlist and drop it a like. All of these things help the algo push the music further into more ears.
