Abortion Or No Abortion | My 50\50 Opinion
The debate about legalising abortion or not legalising it and take it as a huge crime has been up for years and it won't end anytime soon because everyone have their own opinion on this particular matter, when it come to me, I'm actually 50/50 on anything called abortion and that is because of the situation of things, firstly anyone saying no to abortion are actually supporting it based on the religious aspect, religion is totally against it so they also are against it since it is like killing someone and it is a sin to God and also medically, at some point it isn't right even some doctors are against it based on the complications that come with it and it is very risky which can lead to death.
Have heard of some cases where girls went for abortion and didn't come back home, some bleed out (painful), some lost their wombs in the process and some never remain the same again, this are some of the reason, I don't really like the abortion offer especially nowadays where there are lot of fake doctors out there who aren't certified medically but because they are apprentice somewhere, they start their own illegal abortion clinic just for the money and instead of doing their work well without any side effect, they will just shook metals inside someone and along the line puncture the womb or kill the person.
The main reason why I might say yes to abortion is based on different reason, first of all the economy, nowadays, the population rate is really much and the economy is really bad or should I say very worse, people can barely feed or take care of themselves talk less of taking care of both mother and child, because some are against abortion but got pregnant alone the line and they know they are financially buoyant to take care of the baby, yet they bring it to the world and then abandon it somewhere or use them to receive alms especially the uneducated or less privilege ones, I won't mention tribes though, I remembered when I went to serve in a far away land, the conditions I meet some children was really bad, they barely eat 1meals in a day talk less of 3meals, some where even begging for spoilt food.
The second part why I'm I will say yes to it is the fact that those that easily get pregnant these days are young children who are already expose to sex life, tell me why someone in the age range of 15 - 22 is carrying pregnancy up and down or already a mother with no care, some guys are ready to impregnant any lady especially the naive ones but not ready to take responsibilities because they don't care, and some ladies nowadays, once you buy them bobo and gala or give them small money, fiam they will open it wide. The one I witness of recent, the girl should be around 21years and she look very young, when I saw her and the child, I really feel for her and she was all alone, apart from the situation putting her life to a halt at that point, taking care of a new born child is not a joke, baby food is almost around 9$ and the baby can eat up to 4 in a week, yet baby diapers and pampers is there, cloth and skin care is also there yet the mother is yet to even plan her life or finish her educations. Won't it be better to just terminate instead of subjecting the child to lack of care or poverty.
But what do I know, I'm just an african man with my own opinion, peace out.
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Yesterday, I read a TikTok comment where a lady said she and her husband were so scared when they found out she was pregnant again. They didn’t want to have any more kids but it still happened. But they decided to keep it.
Not everyone can make such decisions and that’s why we have family planning and other methods of preventing pregnancy. Some of us just don’t listen.
When it come to family planning at times couples do disagree Especially when it come to the most effective plans and not just using cd which might fail most times, but as people dont really listen and not even one even know that family planning exist
I guess we like to put ourselves at risk when we know the right thing to do.
Abortion in any form is against my conscience, i see pregnancy as a gift and it should be cherished like a treasure regardless of the conditions surrounding the pregnancy.