My experience of natural disaster: Exploitation of my Wealth and hope from the draining Lord of our natural resources.


Hello everyone,
Welcome to my blog, my name is Valletta
how are you doing.

What's your experience with naturals disaster?
Has your country received refugees before, or is one from where people have been forced to migrate?


The disaster is not something that any right—thinking mind person would want to experience. It leads to a good deal of destruction of human efforts and human capital investments.

Truly speaking, the experience is as ugly as the name is bears, my most critical experience of a disaster is the one that happened years ago when I was a child, leaving with my parents in the village.

It was an erosional disaster, which came like a thief to sweet away the community's source of income. Leaving everyone in the community stranded with heartbreak.

My one of the major host Nigeria, is basically the major Plantain, yam, and cassava and fish producing community in the south-South of. The country.

But when we were witted my erosion and oil pile into our river and farm land at the Same time, then I knew that agriculture was our hie for survival.

We couldn't feed ourselves anymore, we couldn't, inter-import and export of products anymore.


Business partners left our community because they were unable to come in to do business with us anymore, the community of the erosion.

I was unable to go to the farm anymore, my parents and I were stranded with fate of what to do. The experience was too bad. Some children then lost their lives, because of the pulsated water and the polluted crops that were managed to be feed on.

Each day in my community, then record six to twenty dead cases. That experience stuck in my mind until fay. We tried then as a community to help ourselves, but it wasn't within our reach to rescue ourselves from such a trap from the disaster.

So some well — doing members and educated people in the community then wrote letters and called on press men worth many press releases, but Government intervention was not coming forth.

They politicized the matter, which had needed an urgent intervention. Even when we are the major host community that produces the Nation's Wealth, such as crude, yet they allowed my people to die.

My father's Land is one of the Oil land in this country, I would rather not mention name, for security purposes.

But my younger sister died because of the infection contact from the Airborne disease. Due to the government delayed swaying into quick action for our refugees.

Honestly, It will take a long to forgive the Government of my country.

In fact, because of that issue, we've sued the Government of this country too curt to a revisit the case.

My intensions are to stop every form of oil draining from that part of my father's land.


Not because I am happy to do so, it becomes government treated us bad, even as until date, we've not received any steroid's refugees from the government, people's lost their houses, it is government's responsibility to care for the people.

I have expected the community since then, to keep off with something, for I and my people, but all we've been seeking ends up in abandonment too deaf ears😭

This happened ten years ago in fact, watching my young ones then dying in cold hand of the disaster is the experience I will never forget rushing 😭

After that incident, many people were forced to leave the community because life became too difficult for us. The community experiences brain drain of work force. Youths left the leaving the older ones at home, wide animal come into our land and eat up most of our older people who manage to go to their farmland and.

Even in the city, many of my youths sleep under the bridges of the cities, where they Storm themselves in frustration. Because all the got back home were disabled and disputed that was the experience 😭

As I speak to you some people who left in frustration from my community, since then, most of those migrate have refused to come back.

They send food items and aid people to rebuilt their homes. Our youth, most painful one is my vet good friend, whom I have never set my eyes on him over ten years now, I hope he is still alive and doing well where he is.

Who lost his both parents to the incident being the only child was left to suffer, yet government pretend not to know what happened?

Thanks you for reading this article to the end.

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