Expanding the economy beyond crude to Agriculture, its Mechanisms.


Hello everyone how are you doing
Welcome to my blog;
My name is Vablesza, and I'm happy to be here with you all, is very delighted to be in the aprilio community.


In every system and every country that wants to survive they must understand that the survivor, the pains on, the manpower and the agricultural sector is a well solid oil well to feed that institutions.

If you must survive and have a sustainable living room for a better tomorrow and an economic growth extension than just a crude oil in is a no way to have it power on positive economy change.

But I have felt that Nigeria is completely dependent on what is so irrelevant currently.

looking at what economy sector, the values of our crude economy sector, is one of the reasons why think Nigeria will not l get out of poverty any soon.

That is why I am suggested that in any state at all, that human exists that we should realize that.

Cultivation and agriculture habit should be an essential and effective way of our import and exports within our asylum.

We have come to a stage as Nigerians to realize that we are embedded with too many natural resources ranging from agricultural products.

Sometimes it inches my heart a lot, so heartbroken to see thousands of Nigerians roaming about on the street of Nigeria begging for food helplessly as a result of low cultivation habits.

In the effect I ask how then can we develop a sustainable agricultural and import and export habit in Nigeria?

For instance, let's look at China, was being admired as the most world poorest country within there the Asian countries, but they are capable of feeding each citizen irrespective of their populations

Yes, it is true that China is quite populated but if China could feed their population, then why can't Nigerian feed her population, it is so disgusting.

I came to realize that thousands of Nigerians are moving from the ruler center to the Urban center.

Now the question is: How many people are left in the ruler centers, these individuals, left can they be able to cultivate the habit of farming, can they have the systematic structure?

Agriculture and farming is a noble job that will feed the thousands of people migrating to the Urban centers if we work on it.

But if we can't answer the question, question then Nigerians need to ask themselves, again what can we do?

And if no, then what are we doing about it?

I think we have come to a stage whereby the Nigerian government should realize that the crude oil, the mechanical oil is no longer enough to run the state.

Our system government should diversify our economy, take a new step, and look to other channels.

Exploring other channels that are so beneficiary to us and then see how we can be able to utilize it and make a sustainable product.

Sustainable products and other related products that are consumable which would, in turn, bring about economic profit in the system.

If time is not taking in the nearest future in Nigerian mighty be the poorest country in the world.

With the most populated, hungry man littered and depicted on the street around the world and across the continent of other words.

Because we are lacking agricultural cultivating attitude, habit indignity, our initial is very low in the aspect of agricultural sector.

And that is why we are suffering, stock in starvation.

And one of the reasons why all the things are happening is that the founds made for the agriculture sector is not essentially being used for it solely purpose.

Nigerian is the only country where found are raised for agriculture but given to individuals by slot of favoritism to used it for building personal projects.

I'm afraid to say this, that in few years to come Nigerian might be the poorest hungry country in the world. With a more number of its population going hungry.

How can a sensitive country, sensitive who have good intentions, who have good views of surviving is Japanizing the system of cryptocurrency in Nigeria?

Knowing fully well, that more than a half percentage of high citizen survive by cryptocurrency.

That we do not have a physical white-collar anywhere in Nigeria.
That most of the Nigerian youths, graduates, individuals and corporate bodies work and trade with crypto.

And yet, we are not doing anything about agriculture sector.

What do we have in suffering people, no one has been able to answer this question?

I have asked myself are we going to continue this way.

I have mentioned this before, crud oil in Nigeria the only hope to sustain last common hope of a common Man in Nigeria.

Very poorly, and honestly speaking, I do think that crude oil can take us far anymore, many countries are developing technologically, what are we doing?

I think government should allow should understand that Nigerians and Nigeria is bigger than the power and economic valuation of crud oil.

To me, I think it is also, one of the ways to access ourselves if we are actually capable.

I know that Nigerian government cannot provide a white-collar job for everyone, but the little they can do is to also invest into agriculture.

In fact, if we were evaluating the numbers of population we have in Nigeria and then invest more into agriculture into mechanism and all that has to do with agriculture.

Then I believe that one quarter or more than that who have nothing doing will find a space in the agriculture sector.

Just like all other symptoms please, I am soliciting on behalf of my fellow in Nigerians that government should look into what is called agriculture habit.

However, I'm also calling all the farmers in this blockchain to understand that sustain farming is not longer what we want people to bench.

Rather look beyond, grow the capacity, remember the world depends on us for survival. If we don't pick that courage, then who is going to do it, thank you.

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Agriculture will affect the country in a better way but the government have failed to realize this
