The Purpose Of Our Existence 1. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.


Everything that was made has a purpose. There is a purpose of every furniture in our house. There is a purpose for every book on our shelf. There is a purpose for every utensil in our kitchen cabinets. There is a purpose for everything we have ever bought with our money. It is for their purpose that we acquired everything we have ever acquired.

The purpose of an object determines its existence. Every object which does not serve the purpose for which it was made or purchased is usually disposed of. Our purpose is the purpose for which we were created. God created us and He is the one who determines our purpose. We cannot exist on our own outside His purpose. We have our purpose in His purpose.

Ephesians 2:10 (KJV) For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

The Bible tells us that we were created for good works. That is to say that the purpose God created us is for us to do good works. If we want to fulfill the purpose of our existence, we will have to do good works.
