Bookdicted. My entry for #word contest.
I am happy to be a part of this challenge once more from @galenkp. Engaging with these topics you always prompt us to engage with makes me learn how to sharpen my mental activities. Thank you for another privilege. Winning the contest is not my priority but putting my assignment on your table to see how you will mark me (a brain I observe to be of high intelligence)
My word is Bookdicted. Bookdicted is coin by combining to words: book and addiction. Book refers to readable stuff. There could be hardcopies like printed manuscripts. What is typified by books is that they are meant to be read. So, in the context of this #word, book is pointing towards reading.
The second part of the word is from addiction. Addiction refers to what someone could do so much and always, such that he/she becomes controlled by it. When someone is addicted to something, he will be psychologically affected by what he is doing. That effect can be positive or negative.
Bookdicted is an adjective I want to use in describing someone who reads a lot. This kind of person reads virtually everything. Such that he can't do without reading a book or material in a day. In fact, they could read more than a single source in a day.
Some bookdicted persons are very sound mentally and in memory. They have knowledge in a wider range. They could understand most everything and usually excel in quiz and any kind.
I wish to be bookdicted. I want to have the addiction for books and reading so that I could generate various contents in different fields for my blog.
Not a bad one.
Entries for the contest ended six hours ago though, prizes have been issued.
Hey! 😳 I coulod even get a chance of being assessed. Ah! I didn't know I'm already late. Maybe I missed my timing. It wasn't easy getting a word that fast. Alright, next time will come.