A Day In A Nurse's Life


It's been a week off for me. A week off my new way of life, my new path of living. It's been 5 months in the Nursing and Midwifery school and it has been a few weeks in the hospital and clinical areas.



The school has heaps and heaps of books, and articles to read, it's been days and neck-breaking days of OSCE( Objectives structured clinical examinations). It has been tons of work to do and exams to write and pass.

Since last night I have reminiscing about the days in the hospital, I have been recollection of those experiences and awful sights seen at the hospital.

  • It had been days of masking up
    wearing gloves and being very careful with your health as well to avoid being infected.
  • It's been days of dressing diabetic foot ulcers and fractures.
  • It has been days of rolling patients into the theatre for surgeries, comforting and giving hope to the already terrified ones, and playing and having fun with your patients.
  • It's been days of sympathy and empathy.
  • It's been days of watching my colleagues nurse patients to death, watching them performing the last office and rolling out the corpse
  • It's been days of comforting my Patients.



When I head back home stressed and worn out, I get challenged if this is what I want to do with my whole life, coupled with the fact that my colleagues are already giving up and wishing they never got in here.
Being a Nurse is not an easy job, since I wanted to specialize only in midwifery I am unfortunately saddled with the responsibilities of learning general nursing first before I start catching newborns.

When you meet a nurse today please give them a hug because we are soldiers fighting with every means to keep our patients in good health, restore lives, and even protect ourselves and our families. Nurses rarely sit in the hospital. You would probably be standing from the beginning of your shift till the end and then you keep on wearing your smile even when you are worn out.


Staying in the hospital has brought back memories of how I lived with my mom in the hospital till she was nursed to a peaceful death. When I started ,I used to be very emotional, I would run into the toilet to cry out or wipe my tears and gradually I became stronger.

It's painful to lose your patient and it's all joy to see your patient healthy and fully recovering till they are discharged. These episodes has just begun since it is my first year. After a lot of deliberations I wouldn't want quit my profession, I am already in love with it, I want to nurture, care, comfort and with God's help restore back lives and hope to my patient.
It's been weeks in the male surgical ward, I have made a lot of friends and by next week i will be telling them a goodbye as I will explore another ward.
I'm hopeful they will be fine and they will recover totally.


My profession is indeed a dream come true and in the next few years I must have developed enough wings to flyyyyyyy

