
Good day everyone, I feel so delighted to be a part of this great community. I came across this community yesterday while going through the hive Blockchain. I hope to learn more and share thoughtful ideas with everyone on this platform.

As we all know, every relationship is built on trust, our personal relationships, professional relationships, and even our relationship with God are built on trust that is why the bible says in Hebrew chapter 11:6b“ for he that cometh to God must first believe it that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him”. That aspect of belief is the trust we ought to have in God.

Trust is like a glue that holds and binds relationships together, any relationship without trust is likely to collapse.

Inasmuch as trust is very vital in a relationship so many times trust fails, when we rely so much on and trust people it does fail most times but trusting in God never fails that is a major reason we should trust and rely on God and his promises always.
I have experienced several things that have fine-tuned my mind to trust God ultimately, earlier this semester in school I trusted in my parents' ability but something happened, my dad lost his job, and everything turned out so badly that I barely had funds for my tuition fees let's alone buying text books. The portal was almost closed for payment of fees I called out to my uncles and aunties but there was no positive response, at that crucial point it was as though I would drop out because everything failed me, my parents, my aunts and uncles, Friends and loved ones, everyone I trusted could help turned me down.

I cried the whole night but I suddenly remembered I had not prayed, I felt some sought of courage to pray, I flipped through the pages of my Bible and the first scripture that caught my attention was the book of Psalms number 20:7 which says “ Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will remember the name of the Lord our God”.

And also in Psalms 115:9-11 “All you Israelites, trust in the Lord, he is their help and shield.House of Aaron, trust in the Lord, He is their help and shield.You who fear him, trust in the Lord he is their help and shield.”
These bible passages gave me a grip, was encouraged to trust in God alone so I started praying and telling him how I truly felt, after prayers I believed It was gonna work out I didn't know how it would happen but I believed. An hour before the closure of the school portal someone I never expected called me, my director whom I worked before resuming school, he asked me how I coped with everything I told him it's all on God. After all the conversation, I never asked him for anything he told me to forward him my account number, I did just that and he sent me the exact amount I needed for my fees, wow! I was speechless at God's Work I started thanking God, and tears rolled down my eyes I was so happy and I proceeded to pay my fees a few minutes before the closure of the school portal. This experience rekindled my trust in God, when everyone, and everything failed he showed up for me.

So beloved, I had to share this testimony so you could learn to trust God better even at the dying minutes, He is able. Just like the scripture in Psalms 118:8&9 “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes”.


Please always trust him, his ways, and his promises, He can do beyond our greatest imagination.
To crown it all, never forget what Proverbs said in Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path”.

Thank you all for reading and I hope you trust him better.

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