How my Teacher Inspired Me To Be The Best Version of Myself //LOH//#197


Hello my wonderful ladies of hive, I hope you all had a great day today.
I am very delighted to be a partaker of the ladies of hive community contest #197 and I am glad to share my thoughts and to also learn from others.


Going through the different phases of my life, I have been inspired by so many people around me. I have encountered numerous individuals who have helped shape my experiences, beliefs and aspirations.

I can boldly say that whatever I am now is as a result of one remarkable person who brought a great transformation to my life and that person is my teacher not just a teacher my mentor and most times I call her mummy. Her name is Mrs Helen and she was my class teacher in my primary school, she has profoundly impacted my life inspiring me to become the best version of myself.

As we all know the primary school is the foundation of every growing child and once the foundation is not deeply rooted and built firmly it would hardly stand strong and might collapse if care is not taken

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Back then in my primary school days I was always very dull, I was one of the dumbest kid in my school, I was so lonely in school nobody wanted associating with me because they believed I was dumb, my classmates made mockery of me always. My parents tried their best, they kept bringing different lesson teachers to tutor me but still there was no great difference.

In my primary five was when my transformation started, I met my new class teacher Mrs Helen, she was indeed an epitome of humility and excellence worthy of emulation. When others saw me as the dumbest kid she saw a potential in me, she took a personal interest in each pupils challenges offering tailored guidance and support,amidst all she was very intentional about me.

Many a times she took time to teach me and gave me a personal assignment every single day, most times she flogged me if I failed to do the assignments she gives and I hated her for that, little did I know that she was helping me to step into the light.

I remember one day when some teachers told her not to waste her effort on me that only God will help me, she told them that with God she will bring my potential to limelight. I felt so happy that someone was interested in helping me and I felt a bit okay.

After teaching a particular topic in class Mrs Helen sat with me explaining it in a different way until the concept clicked, her patience and belief in me sparked a newfound enthusiasm for learning.

I started coping gradually, my grades started improving and I didn't just know how it happened that I turned out to be the third position in my class that term, my joy knew no bounds, I was so happy and grateful to my teacher for always being my good teacher and mentor. That was when I started believing in myself.

The next term she became more close to me like a mother, I felt so happy whenever he teaches and I understood everything she taught, she did not only teach me the various subjects but she taught me how to speak up for myself, how to express how I feel and how to speak in public without fear those were the greatest things I ever learnt from her. I remember how she used to fondly call me “My doctor”.

She enrolled me in the debate club and I took part in the school debate club representing our class and most times representing the school in outside debate competition. I was able to win so many trophies to the school and other teachers envied her for raising me and being patience with me.


I finally graduated as the best graduating student, I will never forget that day, it was indeed a remarkable one , my parents shed tears of joy because they were amazed at such a great transformation.

Mrs. Helen, my remarkable teacher and mentor, brought transformative change to my life. Her influence has made me the person I am today. I'm grateful for her guidance, support, and unwavering belief in me, she saw the best in me when everyone else saw no potential in me.

To all the incredible teachers and mentors out there, thank you for shaping young minds and inspiring greatness. Your impact is immeasurable, and your legacy will continue to inspire future generations.

Thank you, Mrs. Helen, for being an extraordinary teacher, mentor, and "mummy." Your influence has forever changed my life.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Administering such a manner of strict discipline often get maligned but the largely liberalized culture where I live, yet arguably this shouldn't be totally discounted from use when done under the right conditions. It's only a small part of a well thought out Teaching plan to maximize results. My admiration for Mrs. Helen.


Mr's Helen does sound like a very good teacher. I mightn't agree with the punishment, but it is important to push people, some more than others. It sounds like she knew how to help you shine.



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