An Unforgettable Auditory Experience

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I never understood how it could really be not until I had a personal experience, after my experiences I can boldly say that every single organ in our body is of outmost importance and should be treated with care. I had two unforgettable experiences with my ears that is of great lesson to me, the first experience happened a night before I turned six.

When I was six years old I had one horrible experience I would never forget. It was a night before my sixth birthday, I was filled with happiness because I could not wait to receive my birthday presents from my dad, mum, uncles and aunties. My parents promised to make my birthday a wonderful one, and so I was anxiously awaiting the D-day. My parent had always warned me not to use the cotton bud myself since I was still young, they also warned me not to insert any object like stick or broomstick into my ears.

The night before my sixth birthday, my parents went to the mall to buy some groceries while I was alone at home watching cartoon. Suddenly, my ears began itching me deep inside, I inserted my fingers into my ears but I could not reach the depth of where I felt the itch, since dad and mum were not around I went to their room directly to where cotton bud was kept, I opened the container and took out one of the cotton bud , I inserted the cotton bud into my ears trying to reach the depth of where I felt the itch, I moved the cotton bud inside my ears and I felt relived because I did not feel the itch anymore.
While trying to pull the cotton bud out of my ears, the cotton dropped inside and only the stick came out. Gosh! I felt so uncomfortable, I tried inserting a broom stick to see if I could pull it out but still I ended up pulling it inside the more.

As small as I was then, I felt so helpless, no one was home to help me, the was no neighbour around that I could run to, I went to the sitting room to see if I would be able the hear the sounds from the cartoon I was watching, my ears were blocked and I could barely hear the sounds.
Ah! I cried so loudly, my parents returned and I told them what happened, they checked my ears to see how bad it was, they immediately rushed me to the hospital, after seeing the doctor they agreed on doing a surgery in my ear to remove the bud. I never imagined that my sixth birthday will be in the Hospital, the surgery was conducted successfully, I was happy that the bud was finally removed, I was also sad because I spent my sixth birthday in the hospital and my parents spent a lot of money for my surgery and ear treatment instead of my birthday party, but I was grateful for regaining my sense of hearing.

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The second experience I had was not fun at all, it was in the evening when I returned from the farm with my grandmother. I was so tired because we did a lot of weeding in the farm, all I needed was to eat and rest. Grandma prepared the meal and we ate together, after eating, the room was hot so I had to lie on the floor, while I was lying there on the floor, an ant crawled into my ears and I never noticed.

All of a sudden, I felt a tumbling inside my ears, I stood up immediately trying to bend one side of my ear to see if something will fall out but still I felt the tumbling right inside the more, I had to screamed so loudly running to my Grandmother for help. She rushed to see what happened, I told her everything that happened, she immediately rushed to the bathroom and brought warm water, she poured it gently into my ears allowed it for some seconds and later tilt my ear to one side for the water to come out , she repeated it again and the water came out with the ant. I breathed out, I was relieved, I was so scared because I did not want to have another ear surgery like before, I was so happy because my grandmother was able to help me out.

Those were my two experiences and I am not willing to have such experience with my ears again, I never enjoyed it. After that day, I discovered that every single organ in our body is of outermost importance and should be treated with care.

Thank you for reading, you can tell me about your experiences too in the comment section.

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