My Young Artist
Hello everyone happy Monday wonderful hivers. For my today's blog post I'm going to share my daughter's talent. I remember when I was kid I loved to draw but I noticed that many are better than I am. So I stopped dreaming until I saw my daughters talent, I was so amazed and happy that one of my kids full fill my dreams. I was inspired to share her creation because of sir @caydenshan his paintings was all amazing. My daughter didn't want to put any colour in her drawings because she told she is worried for the colour combination. While @caydenshan already mastered the perfect blend.
My daughter bought this make mangga drawing guide with her own allowance. Because she's the eldest on our family she didn't want to be a burden. She wants a lot of colouring materials to practice her skills but she priotise the things needed. She also wanted to draw with knowledge she wanted them to look like alive. After she read the manga book she noticed a lot of difference that there are many types of inking, shading and colouring. The images is a proof that when we follow the process there'll be a better results. My daughter only used pencil her work is worth an art.
Your daughter is very talented..try to motivate her more and say to her she should keep it up!
Yes ma'am @mers I appreciate her hard work and we told her that many like her art
Wow, your daughter is very talented. I'm glad she has your support. I loved the Kimetsu No Yaiba character drawings ❤️❤️❤️
Wow you know that character my dear @helloisalbani. And thank you so much for appreciating my daughters Work
She's got the talent, be supportive so she can develop it.
Yws I will @luvinlyf because I want her to grew with it
Great talent!
Thank you po sis @me2selah
An artist in the making. Keep it up!
Thank you so much @lytha