RE: Donald Tusk, Newly Elected Pro-EU PM of Poland, Seizes Polish Media


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Andrzej Duda, Poland's President, of the Law and Justice Party, says “These are completely illegal actions,” he said. “This is anarchy.”

Another person who will never play a role in improving life due to not understanding even the most basic ideas. As long as an entity is overpowering others there is not anarchy. Using governance to carry out 'illegal' actions is about as far from anarchy as most people ever get.


Indeed. It is rather tyranny than anarchy. All too easily, the meaning of words is manipulated, and by the intention of despots, the meaning of Anarchy has been transformed since the 19th Century through association with violence and terrorism - more the common province of tyranny than anarchy - until rather than a means of governance applicable to free society it has come to mean a lack of order, of chaos brought about by random violence. This despite such terrorism mad bombers of the 19th, and early 20th, Century undertook were very deliberately targeted, as were Ted Kaczynski's. The trope of the Mad Bomber was so overused it became cliche, and I can remember cartoons of scruffy, beady-eyed, little men in black, with round, fused explosives in hand at all times, that were common in my youth.

But, what can you expect of a group that deliberately affects the most fascistic overtones of government in a Law and Justice Party? It is utterly ironic that people seeking orderly rules and justice precluding oppressive gang violence are corralled into fascism, through falsely associating the state with justice and effecting the most oppressive gang violence with jack-booted thugs as a supposed alternative to oppressive violence of mercenary street gangs covertly funded by that very government, like drug cartels by the spooks controlling the black markets.



100% yes, it is sadly common (normalised) for the very things/ideas that will solve our problems to be wrongly defined and then blamed as the cause for the problems!
I am sure that on some level, none of this is by accident... though it may be as much due to people's sub conscious fear of liberation as it is to do with a deliberate plan by groups or individuals.


good old strawman and hegelian dialectics
