Green Eyes - The Ink Well Fiction Prompt [ENG - ESP]
I always thought it would be beautiful to be in love. It took a long time for me to experience such a sensation. I envied those who were fortunate enough to know love, and those; coupled with a blatant hatred, who refused to bathe in the warm springs of that feeling.
I was not much of a talker unless I was in front of a screen. My remote job required a lot of my attention. Despite having the convenience of working from home, I had a very strict schedule. At thirty-six years old, I lived alone in an apartment left by my mother, whom I accompanied until the day she died. Cooking was not my favorite activity, so I preferred home-delivered meals. I lived in a dimly lit space and had almost no desire to go outside, there was nothing more comforting to me than being inside my home, which I neglected by not giving it a proper cleaning.
My sister, who was always worried about me, visited me from time to time to help me clean the apartment. Her cooperation always came with scoldings and comments about my pitiful lifestyle: "You're a mess, Joshua. If Mom were alive and saw how you have the apartment, she'd throw you out on the street right away!" She would say. I would respond to her lectures with sarcasm and derision just to make her even angrier.
I confess that I am very cheeky with my sister, but I love her very much as she is the only family I have left.
My sister always came to take care of me when I got sick, one day it happened and she came to me right away. I had a high fever and was unable to work on the computer. My eyes were burning. My tongue was dry. My sister was with me like an attentive nurse to her patient.
On one of her visits, she brought me a very particular object. I was struck by the beautiful craftsmanship in which it was composed.
"What is that?" I asked.
"It's a dream catcher. Illness can also cause nightmares and this will help you sleep better."
"Please, Annie, don't tell me you believe in such things!" I retorted in a mocking tone.
"There's nothing wrong with a little belief in the supernatural, Joshua. Besides, your niece, Jenni, picked it out for you, and you're not going to turn it down, are you?"
Obviously, not. I thought as I pressed my lips together. "Suit yourself, though I confess I have had some strange dreams." I assured her.
"Well, let's hope this works." She said as she smiled. "I'll place it there, on the wall just above the headboard of your bed."
"Go ahead..." I replied with a wave. "When will you bring me my nephews? I haven't seen them in a while."
"When you feel like getting out of this hole. You can also come visit me at my house, you know?"
I twisted my eyes and preferred not to answer so as not to argue with her. After my sister located the dreamcatcher, we continued chatting until she had to leave. I got out of bed for just a moment to take my medication and the food she had given me, then I went to sleep.
The first night with the dreamcatcher I felt very suffocated. I felt a huge pressure in my chest and my bed was sinking until I was enveloped in absolute darkness.
I was like Alice falling down the hole into Wonderland, except that the horrors that awaited me longed to torture me rather than throw me into madness.
I fell to a floor shrouded in shadows that took the form of thorny brambles. They covered my whole body, they squeezed me, they hurt me. I screamed, I bawled, I moaned; I emitted every high-pitched sound in search of help until my lungs could take no more.
I thought I was lost until the tail of my one uncovered eye detected something very unusual.
They were a pair of green eyes, glistening and beautiful. They levitated over the bramble-like shadows slowly until they emitted a very intense glow. The powerful flashes repelled the darkness and freed me from my merciless jailers. I took a moment to take a deep breath before positioning my gaze towards my savior.
Once out of danger, the light began to condense, and within it formed a human figure. The eyes were held by a beautiful face; snow white and adorned by shimmering dark, wavy hair.
Her lips were as red as the petals of tulips, and her smile, oh, God, how beautiful it was! I won't deny that I was instantly spellbound!
She rushed towards me with subtlety and grace, covering me with her extravagant and enormous turquoise dress. She brought her face close to mine. I was mesmerized, as I got a better appreciation of the loveliness of her green eyes.
"Are you okay?" She asked me in a soft, melodious voice. I had to react immediately and answered in the affirmative with a gesture without saying a word.
"I'm so glad. Come, I'll take you somewhere else safer." She took my hand gently and we levitated through a tunnel of purple clouds.
We came to an empty lot surrounded by blue trees and there we rested.
"Who are you?" I asked with utmost intrigue.
"I am Cassandra, and I am the avatar of your dreamcatcher. I was chosen to protect you."
"Yes, only those of us who have the gift of freely transiting the dream world can choose this task. When having nightmares, the dreamcatcher activates and seeks out a helper to protect its wearer, in this case, it's me."
"Wow, so this is a dream!" I exclaimed in surprise. "I thought I was dying or the world was ending."
She laughed at my erroneous assumptions, and her laughter was so melodious that I was blissful to behold.
"You're beautiful," I said deliberately as I watched her almost dumbfounded, then my nerves attacked me and I cringed in sorrow. "I'm sorry, I spoke out loud!"
"Don't worry, your mood has improved, it means you're fine." She said with such serenity that it made me feel very comfortable.
I wanted to ask her more questions, but my time in the dream world ran out. I felt the surroundings quickly fade away until I opened my eyes and came back to reality.
"Cassandra!" was the first thing I exclaimed. I stared at the dreamcatcher in surprise and contentment, eager to meet that beautiful woman again.
The following days were fantastic, every time I slept and dreamed I met Cassandra. She was always waiting for me, with that heavenly smile that adorned her lofty beauty. The more time passed, the more I wanted to know about her. She was so simple and with such a tender personality, I couldn't help but feel more and more attracted to her.
"Do you like being a dream protector, Cassandra?" I asked her with my face lit up and anticipation for her answer.
"I like it very much, yes. I think dreams are beautiful and should not be ruined by such horrible things as nightmares. That's why they should be proregarded. Many of those who possess this gift reject this task because of the responsibilities it entails. I think that's a shame. If more like me would join, bad dreams would have no place in this world." She expressed with sadness on her face.
"You have a warrior spirit. I like it." I told her admiringly.
She smiled and her beautiful eyes lit up even more. "I just believe that the good doesn't deserve to suffer." She stressed firm in her thinking.
We paused after that, then she pointed towards a yellow patch of land that from a distance didn't look so special.
"Do you see that place?" She asked me. "There inhabit beautiful singing golden flowers that emit melodious sounds similar to that of a stringed instrument. And if you bring your ears closer and concentrate, you can hear a song dreamed up by a talented musician in the real world."
"That sounds amazing!" I expressed to her as I watched her. At that moment I felt nervous, as I wanted to declare my feelings to her and how I felt next to her, but I took too long and the last moment was devastating.
The next night, I met Cassandra at the cabin in the beautiful valley where we always saw each other. As we talked, I filled with courage as I spent time with her until I reached my limit.
"Cassandra, do you think we can meet in the real world?"
She smiled even wider, then her face softened releasing a glint.
"Of course, Joshua, anything is possible. We may live closer than we think."
"That's good! Because I'd like to buy you something to eat or...," my words got stuck in my mouth as I stared in stunned contemplation at what was happening. Cassandra's body was gradually beginning to dissolve, as if it were made of ashes and the corpuscles were being carried away by the wind.
"What's wrong with you?" I asked worriedly.
She didn't stop smiling or show any expression of horror on her face, on the contrary, she was very calm, as if she already expected what was happening.
"The dreamcatcher has already served its purpose," she explained. "Therefore, it is no longer necessary for me to be here."
"Will you leave...? But, we will meet again, won't we?"
"But no longer in the dream world. The nightmares will not come back to haunt you and my work as your protector has come to an end." She expressed with slight sorrow. "Oh, Joshua, I want you to know it was a real pleasure meeting you."
"Wait, please don't go! Stay with me a little longer!" I begged desperately clinging to her arm. I gritted my teeth as tears soaked my cheeks.
"Joshua, don't stop thinking about beautiful dreams. You must keep them in mind, even when you're awake."
And so she said goodbye, with those sweet words, as the last vestiges of her being dissolved slipping through my fingers.
I was left with only a glimpse of her eyes; her beautiful green eyes, and I was overcome with fear, rage and helplessness that I would never glimpse them again. And I woke up, tormented by agonizing screams. It hurt so much, much worse than when my mother died.
Now that I knew what it was like to be in love and lose everything, what was I to do? To suffer? To resign myself? To return to the orifice of my life? I regretted having desired these feelings! Nothing was the same anymore and I was no longer the same!
During the following months, I began to experience a considerable change in my usual life. I had to put aside the pain and repair different habits I was carrying. I became more orderly, paying more attention to my physical appearance and personal hygiene. I started exercising and went to visit my sister and her family very often.
The dreamcatcher became my most precious object, and even though it was now useless, I made the one wish my heart longed for: to meet Cassandra again.
It wasn't until one morning, when I was out jogging in the park as usual, that I was deep in concentration until my ears detected a sweet and melodious voice calling my name. My heart leapt with excitement, overflowing with joy, as I glimpsed the woman with the beautiful green eyes on a bench in the park, inert, smiling and serene.
Siempre creí que sería hermoso estar enamorado. Pasó mucho para que yo llegara a experimentar tal sensación. Envidiaba a aquellos que tuvieron la fortuna de conocer el amor, y a aquellos; aunado a un odio garrafal, que rechazaron bañarse en los cálidos manantiales de ese sentimiento.
Yo no era de mucho hablar a menos que estuviera frente a una pantalla. Mi trabajo remoto requería mucho de mi atención. A pesar de tener la comodidad de trabajar desde mi casa, poseo un horario muy estricto A mis treinta y seis años vivía solo en un apartamento dejado por mi madre, a quién acompañé hasta el día de su muerte. La cocina no era mi actividad favorita, así que prefería la comida a domicilio. Vivía en un espacio poco iluminado y tenía ganas casi nulas de salir a la calle, no había nada más que me reconfortara que estar dentro de mi hogar, el cual descuidaba por no darle una limpieza adecuada.
Mi hermana, que siempre estuvo preocupada por mí, me visitaba de vez en cuando para ayudarme a asear el apartamento. Su colaboración venía siempre con regaños y comentarios sobre mi penoso estilo de vida: “¡Eres un desastre, Joshua. Si mamá estuviera viva y viera como tienes el apartamento, te echaría a la calle de inmediato!” Decía ella. Yo respondía a sus sermones con sarcasmo y burla solo para hacerla enojar aún más.
Confieso que soy muy descarado con mi hermana, pero la quiero mucho ya que es la única familia que me queda.
Mi hermana siempre venía a cuidarme cuando me enfermaba, un día sucedió y ella acudió a mí de inmediato. Yo tenía mucha fiebre y estaba incapacitado para trabajar en la computadora. La vista me ardía. La lengua la tenía reseca. Mi hermana estuvo conmigo como una enfermera atenta a su paciente.
En una de sus visitas, me trajo un objeto muy particular. Me llamó la atención la bella artesanía en la que estaba compuesto.
“¿Qué es eso?” Le pregunté.
“Es un atrapasueños. Las enfermedades también pueden provocar pesadillas y esto te ayudará a dormir mejor.”
“¡Por favor, Annie, no me digas que crees en esas cosas!” Le repliqué en tono de burla.
“No tiene nada de malo creer un poco en lo sobrenatural, Joshua. Además, tú sobrina, Jenni, lo escogió para ti. No se lo vas a rechazar, ¿verdad?”
Obviamente, no. Pensé mientras presionaba los labios. “Como quieras, aunque te confieso que si he tenido algunos sueños extraños.” Le aseguré.
“Bueno, esperemos que esto funcione.” Dijo mientras sonreía. “Lo colocaré ahí, en la pared justo arriba del cabezal de tu cama.”
“Adelante…” contesté con un ademán. “¿Cuándo me traerás a mis sobrinos? Hace tiempo que no los veo.”
“Cuando te den ganas de salir de este hueco. Puedes también ir a visitarme a mí casa, ¿sabes?”
Torcí los ojos y preferí no contestar para no discutir con ella. Después de que mi hermana ubicó el atrapasueños, seguimos charlando hasta que tuvo que irse. Me levanté de la cama solo un instante para tomar mis medicamentos y la comida que ella me había dejado, luego me fui a dormir.
La primera noche con el atrapasueños me sentí muy sofocado. Percibí una enorme presión en el pecho y mi cama se hundía hasta quedar envuelto en absoluta oscuridad.
Me hallaba como Alice cayendo por el agujero hacia el País de las Maravillas, con la diferencia de que los horrores que me esperaban anhelaban torturarme en vez de arrojarme a la locura.
Caí en un suelo envuelto en sombras que tomaron la forma de zarzas espinosas. Cubrieron todo mi cuerpo, me apretujaron, me lastimaron. Grité, berree, gemí; emití cualquier sonido agudo en busca de ayuda hasta que mis pulmones no pudieron más.
Creí que estaba perdido hasta que el rabo de mi único ojo descubierto detectó algo muy inusual.
Eran un par de ojos verdes, relucientes y hermosos. Levitaban sobre las sombras en forma de zarzas lentamente hasta que emitieron un resplandor muy intenso. Los poderosos destellos repelieron la oscuridad y me liberaron de mis despiadados carceleros. Tomé un momento para respirar profundamente antes de ubicar mi vista hacia mi salvador.
Una vez fuera de peligro, la luz comenzó a condensarse, y dentro de ella se formaba una figura humana. Los ojos eran sostenidos por un hermoso rostro; blanco como la nieve y adornado por una resplandeciente cabellera oscura y ondulada.
Los labios de ella eran tan rojos como los pétalos de los tulipanes, y su sonrisa, ¡oh, Dios, que hermosa era! ¡No negaré que quedé hechizado al instante!
Se abalanzó hacia mí con sutileza y gracia, cubriéndome con su extravagante y enorme vestido turquesa. Acercó su rostro al mío. Quedé hipnotizado, pues pude apreciar con mejor detalle la hermosura de sus ojos verdes.
“¿Estás bien?” Me preguntó ella con una voz suave y melodiosa. Tuve que reaccionar de inmediato y respondí afirmativamente con un gesto sin decir palabra alguna.
“Me alegro mucho. Ven, te llevaré a otro sitio más seguro.” Ella tomó mi mano con delicadeza y levitamos a través de un túnel de nubes púrpuras.
Llegamos hasta un terreno vacío rodeado de árboles azules y allí nos quedamos a reposar.
“¿Quién eres?” Le pregunté con suma intriga.
“Soy Cassandra, y soy el avatar de tu atrapasueños. Fui elegida para protegerte.”
“Sí, solo los que tenemos el don de transitar libremente por el mundo de los sueños podemos elegir esta tarea. Cuando se tienen pesadillas, el atrapasueños se activa y busca a un ayudante para proteger a su portador, en este caso, soy yo.”
“¡Vaya, entonces esto es un sueño!” Exclamé sorprendido. “Pensé que me estaba muriendo o que se estaba acabando el mundo.”
Ella rió ante mis suposiciones erróneas, y su risa era tan melodiosa que me sentía dichoso por contemplarla.
“Eres hermosa,” le dije deliberadamente mientras la observaba casi atónito, luego me atacaron los nervios y me encogí de pena. “¡Lo siento, hablé en voz alta!”
“No te preocupes, tú estado de ánimo ha mejorado, significa que estás bien.” Dijo con tanta serenidad que me hizo sentir muy cómodo.
Quería preguntarle más cosas, pero mi tiempo en el mundo de los sueños se agotó. Sentí como el entorno se desvanecía rápidamente hasta que abrí los ojos y volví a la realidad.
“¡Cassandra!” Fue lo primero que exclamé. Observé el atrapasueños sorprendido y contento, ansioso por volver a encontrarme con aquella hermosa mujer.
Los siguientes días fueron fantásticos, cada vez que dormía y soñaba me encontraba con Cassandra. Ella siempre me esperaba, con esa sonrisa celestial que adornaba su excelsa belleza. Entre más tiempo pasaba, más quería saber de ella. Era tan sencilla y con una personalidad tan tierna, que no podía evitar sentirme cada vez más atraído hacia ella.
“¿Te gusta ser una protectora de sueños, Cassandra?” Le pregunté con el rostro iluminado y expectativo por su respuesta.
“Me gusta mucho, sí. Pienso que los sueños son hermosos y que no deben ser arruinados por cosas tan horribles como las pesadillas. Por eso hay que proregerlos. Muchos de los que poseen este don rechazan esta tarea por las responsabilidades que conlleva. Me parece una lástima. Si más como yo se unieran, los malos sueños no tendrían cabida en este mundo.” expresó con tristeza en su rostro.
“Tienes espíritu guerrero. Me gusta.” Le dije con admiración.
Ella sonrió y sus hermosos ojos se iluminaron aún más. “Solo creo que lo bueno no merece sufrir.” Recalcó firme en su pensamiento.
Hicimos una pausa después de eso, luego ella señaló hacia un terreno amarillo que a la distancia no se veía tan especial.
“¿Ves ese lugar?” Me preguntó. “Allí habitan unas hermosas flores doradas cantantes que emiten sonidos melodiosos parecidos al de un instrumento de cuerdas. Y si acercas más tus oídos y te concentras, podrás escuchar una canción soñada por un músico talentoso en el mundo real.”
“¡Eso suena increíble!” Le expresé mientras la observaba. En ese momento me sentí nervioso, pues quería declararle mis sentimientos y como me sentía junto a ella, pero me tardé demasiado y el último momento fue devastador.
La noche siguiente, me encontré con Cassandra en la cabaña del hermoso valle donde siempre nos veíamos. Mientras conversábamos, me llenaba de valor a medida que pasaba el tiempo con ella hasta que llegué a mi límite.
“Cassandra, ¿crees que nos podamos encontrar en el mundo real?”
Ella sonrió aún más, luego su rostro se suavizó liberando un destello.
“Por supuesto, Joshua, todo es posible. Puede que vivamos más cerca de lo creemos.”
“¡Que bueno! Porque me gustaría invitarte a comer algo o…,” mis palabras se atoraron en mi boca al contemplar pasmado lo que ocurría. El cuerpo de Cassandra comenzaba a disolverse paulatinamente, como si estuviera hecho de cenizas y los corpúsculos fueran llevados por el viento.
“¿Qué te ocurre?” Le pregunté preocupado.
Ella no dejaba de sonreír ni mostraba ninguna expresividad de horror en su rostro, al contrario, estaba muy tranquila, como si ya esperaba lo que pasaba.
“El atrapasueños ya cumplió su cometido,” explicó. “Por lo tanto, ya no es necesario que esté aquí.”
“¿Te irás…? Pero, nos volveremos a encontrar, ¿cierto?”
“Pero ya no en el mundo de los sueños. Las pesadillas no volverán a atormentarte y mi trabajo como tú protectora ha llegado a su fin.” Expresó con ligera pena. “Oh, Joshua, quiero que sepas que fue un verdadero placer conocerte.”
"¡Espera, por favor, no te vayas! ¡Quédate conmigo un poco más!" Supliqué desesperado aferrándome a su brazo. Apreté los dientes mientras las lágrimas empapaban mis mejillas.
“Joshua, no dejes de pensar en los sueños hermosos. Debes tenerlos presentes, incluso cuando estés despierto.”
Y así se despidió, con aquellas dulces palabras, mientras los últimos vestigios de su ser se disolvían deslizándose entre mis dedos.
Solo me quedó un destello de sus ojos; sus hermosos ojos verdes, y me invadió el miedo, la rabia y la impotencia de no volverlos a vislumbrar. Y desperté, atormentado por agónicos alaridos. Me dolía mucho, mucho peor que cuando murió mi madre.
Ahora que sabía lo que era estar enamorado y perderlo todo, ¿qué debía hacer? ¿Sufrir? ¿Resignarme? ¿Volver al orificio de mi vida? ¡Me arrepentí de haber deseado estos sentimientos.! ¡Ya nada era igual y yo ya no era el mismo!
Durante los meses siguientes, comencé a vivir un considerable cambio en mi vida habitual. Tuve que hacer a un lado el dolor y reparar distintos hábitos que llevaba. Me volví más ordenado, a prestarle más atención a mi aspecto físico e higiene personal. Comencé a hacer ejercicios y me dirigía muy seguido a visitar a mi hermana y su familia.
El atrapasueños se convirtió en mi objeto más preciado, y aunque ya era inservible, le pedía el único deseo que anhelaba mi corazón: Encontrarme de nuevo con Cassandra.
No fue sino una mañana, cuando salí a trotar al parque como siempre, en el que me hallaba muy concentrado hasta que mis oídos detectaron una dulce y melodiosa voz que dijo mi nombre. Mi corazón saltó excitado, desbordando alegría, al vislumbrar que en una banca en el parque; inerte, sonriente y serena, se hallaba la mujer de los hermosos ojos verdes.
Texto traducido con Deepl | Text translated with Deepl

The reality of a beautiful dream may be closer than we think. A man who almost lived by inertia woke up in his reality thanks to a dream that illustrated in Cassandra the need of a man who didn't seem to have the best of luck when it came to love, until finally those green eyes came into his life.
Excellent story 👏👏👏
Sometimes the wonders of love manifest themselves in the least unexpected places. Thanks for stopping by and reading.
Can you imagine if we had guardians of dreams and they were as beautiful as Cassandra? Surely we would all want to live in a permanent dream. Greetings, my friend
Very good reason why dreams should be protected. Thank you for your reading and your kind comment, dear friend.
This is a beautiful story. You weave a magical tale around the dream catcher prompt. One suspects, from the title and from your mention of them in the story, that the green eyes will identify Cassandra in the real world. It seems the dream catcher not only takes away his nightmares, but it also gifts him the ability to love. With that gift came an interest in himself and his surroundings. By the time he meets Cassandra in the park, he is a complete person, someone who can love and who is lovable.
Thank you for sharing this story with us, @universoperdido
Your beautiful comments always warm my heart. It's always nice to know that he likes my stories. Thank you for this brief and nice opinion about my publication. Greetings!
A dream catcher can become the necessary link to achieve the best in life and Joshua is proof of this. He found love and the love of his life and his dreams, that is fantastic and wonderful. Charming story.
You are absolutely right in the world, dear. Thank you for reading and leaving your nice comment. Greetings!
Una historia bonita. Me agradó la forma como introdujiste el atrapasueños como conector entre los mundos. Una idea bastante original. Gracias por compartirlo con todos
Gracias a ti por leer mi historia y tú comentario, amigo. Saludos.