Common sense


Hello friends

Common sense to me is knowing when something is right or wrong and knowing how and when to apply it.I don't believe everyone has common sense;

Image is from Meta AI

take for instance My younger sister who's still in the university was telling me about a friend she accommodated in her 200lv, she said this lady doesn't mind been in the room for a whole week or more without sweeping and if she(my sis) eventually does the clean, she doesn't get a thank you or well-done cause apparently this said lady said she see no reason saying any of that when she didn't ask her to do it and she does it voluntary.

She doesn't mind carrying a nasty attitude. My sis couldn't put up with her for long, and at the end of her year two, she told her she couldn't accommodate her again.

For me, the three things I consider as having common sense are thank you (appreciation), well done (acknowledgment), and addressing issues.

It's common sense when you learn to appreciate someone for any help rendered, no matter how small or insignificant you think it is. If someone does something you know you are supposed or not supposed to do, acknowledge them; it gives them a certain confidence to want to do more.

If someone offends you, you let them know what they did and didn't do; that way, they get to correct it or apologize rather than giving them a nasty attitude.

It is common sense to know when you are in the wrong and also common sense to do the right thing after knowing.

*Thank you for reading till the end


Ufff you got such a great point fam. Those are the most basic things we should do to have a decent coexistence with other people. And I think people forget that we all live together as a society and we need to behave decently with each other in order to live in harmony.


Thank you. I feel most people are so selfish that they only look out for themselves and don't care how you feel think or the effect of their actions.


I agree with you in everything! And more in the point that no everyone has common sense 😂

