Golden Opportunities to Invest in Splinterlands


Translated by ChatGPT.

Imagine a large structure of gears moving together, but one of these gears is out of place and prevents everything from functioning. That's exactly how the economy of Splinterlands works, bringing together numerous mechanics to create a circular financial structure that operates properly and allows values to flow between players buying and selling their NFTs and their cryptocurrencies to acquire other assets in the game.


The gear that wasn't working until now was the DEC PEG. The Splinterlands team designed the DEC's operation so that 1000 DECs equaled $1. However, since the beginning of 2022, the token could not reach this value, preventing it from fulfilling its role in the game's economy.

DEC Coinmarketcap.

And what is that role? DEC has many utilities, but let's focus on some of them. After a big pump in October, November began with a constant increase in the price of this crypto, gradually approaching the desired price. When it finally reached and maintained this value, we observed several positive effects on other economic gears of Splinterlands.

Note that from 11/12 onwards, its price started to approach the PEG and continued this movement over the next weeks. Looking at just this raw information may not seem like a big deal, but let's compare these dates with the SPS burn chart.

Splintercards SPS Burn.

With the equivalence of 1000 to 1 established, the SPS burn mechanism starts to make sense, as players can burn their SPS to receive DEC in return. With the price below the planned value, this exchange resulted in financial loss for the player, making this mechanic completely useless. Now with the price stabilized (for now), it becomes viable to opt for this burning, especially when DEC prices spike, allowing users to arbitrage this volatility, profiting from acquiring more SPS and ensuring that DEC remains at the planned value.

If we analyze from the beginning of November to the current date, we will see that SPS burning has increased by 10 times! Over time, this will directly impact the Total Supply of the currency, reducing its supply and consequently positively impacting its price.

Seeing the economy functioning properly has excited Splinterlands players/investors, and the combination of these positive impacts on the economy with speculation has caused the price of SPS to skyrocket since the aforementioned dates.

SPS Coinmarketcap.

These movements happening at the same time are not just a coincidence; it's the result of fitting the gears so that finally, after months, the game's financial ecosystem returns to function as planned. It is still too early to say that positive results will continue to happen, but we are moving towards a stronger economy, making Splinterlands a true gem in the GameFi and Play2Earn industry with a fun and functional game and a strong economy, unlike several ponzi schemes games that boomed in 2021.

Stop wasting time and study the numerous investment possibilities emerging in the game. If you believe that DEC will maintain its PEG, providing liquidity in the DEC/USDC Pool and receiving a magnificent APR may be very interesting!


Remember that none of this is investment advice; I'm simply recommending that you research and understand everything happening in the Splinterlands ecosystem. If you find good opportunities, perhaps it's the perfect time to take advantage!

Thank you so much to everyone who read this far, I hope you enjoyed it. If you like my content, I ask you to send your vote on the post and follow my profile so you can read future posts.

If the king doesn't move then his subjects won't follow.


Imagine uma grande estrutura de engrenagens que se movimentam em conjunto, porém uma dessas engrenagens está fora do lugar e impede tudo de funcionar. É exatamente assim que funciona a economia do Splinterlands, unindo inúmeras mecânicas para criar uma estrutura financeira circular que funcione adequadamente e permitir que valores fluam entre jogadores comprando e vendendo seus NFTs e suas criptomoedas para adquirir outros ativos no jogo.


Essa engrenagem que não estava funcionando até o momento era o PEG do DEC . A equipe do Splinterlands desenhou o funcionamento do DEC para que 1000 DECs equivalessem a $1,00, porém desde o início de 2022 que o token não conseguia atingir esse valor, impedindo-o de cumprir seu papel na economia do jogo.

DEC Coinmarketcap.

E qual é esse papel? O DEC possui muitas utilidades mas vamos nos ater em algumas delas. Após um grande pump em outubro, novembro se iniciou com um constante aumento no preço dessa cripto, que pouco a pouco começou a se aproximar do preço desejado. Quando ele finalmente atingiu esse valor e se manteve, pudemos observar diversos efeitos positivos em outras engrenagens econômicas do Splinterlands.

Repare que a partir do dia 12/11 seu preço começou a encostar próximo do PEG e continuou esse movimento ao longo das próximas semanas. Olhando apenas essa informação crua não parece nada demais, mas vamos comparar essas datas com o gráfico de burn do SPS .

Splintercards SPS Burn.

Com a equivalencia de 1000 para 1 estabelecida, o mecanismo de burn do SPS começa a fazer sentido, pois o jogador poderá queimar seus SPS para receber DEC em troca. Com o preço abaixo do planejado, essa troca resultava em prejuízo financeiro para o jogador, tornando esta mecânica completamente inútil. Agora com o preço estabilizado (por enquanto), torna-se viável optar por essa queima, principalmente nos momentos em que o DEC dispara de preço, permitindo que os usuários façam a arbitragem dessa volatilidade, lucrando na aquisição de mais SPS e garantindo que o DEC permanecerá no valor planejado.

Se analisarmos desde o início de novembro para a data atual, veremos que a queima de SPS aumentou em 10 vezes! Ao longo do tempo isso impactará diretamente no Total Supply da moeda, diminuindo sua oferta e consequentemente impactando positivamente em seu preço.

Ver a economia funcionando adequadamente animou bastante os jogadores/investidores do Splinterlands, e a soma desses impactos positivos na economia com a especulação fez o preço do SPS disparar desde as datas mencionadas anteriormente.

SPS Coinmarketcap.

Esses movimentos acontecendo no mesmo momento não são apenas coincidência, é resultado do encaixe das engrenagens para que finalmente após meses o ecossistema financeiro do jogo volte a funcionar conforme planejado. Ainda é cedo para dizermos que os resultados positivos permanecerão acontecendo, porém estamos caminhando para que a economia se fortaleça cada vez mais, tornando o Splinterlands uma verdeira gema no ramo de GameFI e Play2Earn que possui um jogo divertido e funcional com uma economia forte, diferente dos vários esquemas ponzi jogos que bombaram em 2021.

Pare de perder tempo e estude as inúmeras possibilidades de investimento que estão surgindo no jogo, inclusive se você acredita que o DEC manterá seu PEG, pode ser bem interessante prover liquidez na Pool DEC/USDC e receber um APR magnífico!


Lembre-se que nada disso é uma recomendação de investimento, estou apenas recomendando que você pesquisa e entenda tudo que está acontecendo no ecossistema do Splinterlands e caso encontre boas oportunidades, talvez seja a hora perfeita para aproveitar!

Muito obrigado a todos que leram até aqui, espero que tenham gostado. Se vocês curtirem meus conteúdos, peço que deixem o seu voto na postagem e sigam o meu perfil para poderem acompanhar as futuras postagens.

Se o Rei não se mover, seus súditos não irão segui-lo.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


An excellent post, which explains in detail what is happening with the tokens, a warm greeting friend, great publication, I hope that this whole bullish panorama continues and I continue to reach new horizons


Expectations are very positive for Splinterlands!


Hi, I like your analysis of the DEC token and the DEC-USDC pool is very good, nice post.👍👍👍


I really like Splinterlands. There has never been a card game that is this good and has the economics that run in it. makes me even more interested


The economy is evolving more and more as time goes by


ok, let’s say I have 1000sps
And I’m not a gamer
How do I make the most from this sps to get more profit
Is staking the only option


In addition to the Stake, you can also provide liquidity for a pool that offers even higher returns (assuming the appropriate risks)


I don’t know how to go about the liquidity part but I’m sure that would be the best of monitored properly

Is there a way I can learn about it


yes, excellent post. I've been in the game since Aug 21, this is the brightest the future has looked in a long time. You can just feel a difference, but to see a difference adds a whole new "thing" to the game that it hasn't had in a long time.

Posted using Splintertalk


The improvements are coming little by little and giving Splinterlands a new look!


we are moving towards a stronger economy, making Splinterlands a true gem in the GameFi and Play2Earn industry

I couldn't agree more! The strategy of the game combined with the tokenomics of the ecosystem creates a delicately intricate system with many opportunities for collecting assets and earning yield. I recently celebrated my 2nd year in Splinterlands & Hive, and they have both been quite rewarding years! Excited for the future of the game, land, and the token system.


I'm very excited too! This complexity allows experienced users to create strategies to win on various fronts of the game, while others can just focus on increasing their portfolio or having fun playing, there is room for all types of users


Yes, I quite like to do both. I have a DCA pool that I use to buy cards to increase my rShare and an investment pool I use to rotate into the assets ahead of their bump in value. Cycled from DEC to SPS to Vouchers quite nicely. The LPs are great too, especially hive:voucher that pays out in SPS and gives me use for the HIVE/HBD from articles and Vouchers from SPS staking!
