Weather forecast


Its 20th of february . When i woke up today. I saw sun blazing with its shine. February is one of the winter months but sunshine was corrobating that today is gonna be a slightly warmer day. We had a festive today in our university regarding sports. I had to wear black colour as part of theme but today black suit might have irritated me alot. So , i put on black T shirt with jeans.

A cool breeze blew in early morning making atmosphere pleasant but as the day proceeded on ,wind stopped blowing and i felt that it was actually wind that was moderating the temperature. As ay mid day it became really hard for me to stay in shine for longer time and i have to look for water and shade often.

Yes i believe it is the end of february and winter but yet 24 degree celcius is not justifiable . This is the time of altering winter into spring and this can only be done if the rain falls .There hasn’t been even a single drop from long . Earlier fog persisted and after fog sun dominated.

From last two years, the heat which we used to feel in the month of april , is felt now even in february which is known for winter month.Earlier as i have listened from my elders that february also used to be a cold month with alot of rains in this months which used to down the temperature upto 2 degree even.

All this is due to climatic change from which all the countries across the world are suffering with. Climate change is the most vulnerable issue of whole world not just of any specific region.The whole world is suffering the adverse effect of climate change involving rapid melting of glaciers, devastating floods and storms and wrecking earthquakes. Every year there is increase in 1.5 degree celsius scale in average earth temperature. 2023 has been called as most hottest year of human history so far.

Pakistan is one of those blessed countries which are gifted with natural scenery and four weathers. If all these weathers are regulated in proper loop then it is good . But reality is something else. There has been vehement rains in inappropriate times and dessication when there is need of rain. The summer season has been extended from 6 months to approx 9 months and spring , autumn and winter seasons have been suppressed to remaining 3 months.

But good thing is that we can control it. At the same time tragedy is there is a limit of time to cntrol it, before it’s too late. Luckily we are in position to control it. There are many factors which can hinder to the increase in average earth temperature. So by controlling all these factors, we can actually put limit to the increase in temperature and ultimately minimizing the side effects of climate change.

These factors may include:
Deforestration_ Cutting down trees redue the CO2 absorbing agents. Thus resultantly it would result in increase in average earth temperature. Controlling deforestration and planting more and more trees will ultimately minimize the climate change effects. Deforestration can be controlled if people are provided with alternative options, like using steel windows and doors instead of wooden and more like that. Plantation initiatives should be taken at school level and public must be involved.Government should initiate large scale tree plantation.

Using petroleum alternatives_ Carbon emmision from vehicles and industries is the major contributing factor in global warming. This can be controlled by reducing carbon emmisions. So petroleum products should be avoided. Instead electric vehicles should be introduced and renewable sources of generating electricity should be develped.

This is my post for #l-exclusive and #hl-w102e1.
