Should punishment be inherited?
We see resources of parents being inherited to kids . The accretion of father’s whole life is exploited by kids and they enjoy all the perks and priviliges of inheritant resources. The ratio can be different countries and in different territories but sooner or later,less or more,kids are finally gifted enshrined inheritence.
The question rises it is good to account the kids of a person about his deeds? If the kids get benefits from the bequethed finances and resources a person leaves then is it justified to held same kids accountable for the bad deeds and crimes of a person. The unequivocal answer to this can be obtained from religious as well as political citations.
In the last sermon which is also known as first ever human right declaration ,Holy Prophet (PBUH) speaked in clear words that neither the child is responsible for crime of his father nor father is responsible for the crime of his son.
The universal declaration of human rights that enshrines the rights of all living beings, states that every one is free and is himself responsible for his actions. None of his nearest can be blamed,teased or tortured for his actions.
Although Pakistan is an islamic country and is signatory of UN treaties,conventions and declarations as well but still it fails to implement islamic and humanitarian principles to larger extent. It is very common culture here to blame offsprings of their parents deeds. LEAs ,if they don’t find the main accused and culprit,take their nearer ones into illegal custody. They don’t pity on kids even and in order to extract main culprit from his hide-out ,they try every meekless mean.
The feudal conflicts are also propagated when the kid is punished for the crime of his father. The opponents take revenge from the son who has none to do with crimes of his father. The more you debunk the ruthless history,more you will find instances where the whole family was wiped out because of fault of one.And this is the most unfortunate reality of our society.
According to me,justice can be served by therapeutic judgment only. I do not believe in punishments. Because punishments are criminal specific not the crime specific. I completely loath the idea of punishing the kid for his father’s deeds. This is most absurd inhumanity . The worst form of justice is not the inability to punish culprit but it is punishing the innocent.
Every soul is free and is not accountable for actions of anyone else. This is one of the core principles on which statue of current world is lying and which kays foundation for healthy social system. The kids must not be prejudiced for the animosity towards father. Kids should not suffer due to faults and crimes of father. Punishing kids who are innocent for the actions is utter example of radical victimisation.
This is my blog for #hl-exclusive and #hl-w147e2.