A unique longing


Longing is nothing but an illusion, a fruitless desire, false hope, an act of timeless waiting, for those about whom we know deep down that they'll never come, but it is us who keep this longing alive, maybe just to keep ourselves alive.
Because this is what we live for.

Longing for someone is an urge that makes us curious to see,talk, meet and attain the person we long for. Longing is an ardent desire of being close to someone we crave for. Sometimes this longing keeps you perturbed and perplexed. You wish to get that person because you believe no one can love him/her more than you and it is only you that has only right to possess that person. But sometimes this longing evolves into a very healthy mindset. For you, that craving becomes more amusing and tranquilizing more than the pleasure of achievement.
You don't impose your love and feelings on someone and make him/her feel lucky and happy by your way of doting.
Longing begins with love. It propagates with vibes and am not sure how it ends. I am not sure whether it should be ended or not. I am not sure even whether attaining someone is the only way to end that longing and complete your love. Can't we just love someone without any terms by just our imaginations?
Maaz was a boy of a jocular nature. From his childhood, he possessed a coltish personality. Being a younger kid in his family, he was cossetted a lot.
But even he didn't know when that vividly giggling face turned into a face with no genuine expressions.

The boy who used to tease others through his silly and mischievous acts has now altered into a boy who passes a smile occasionally just to make others realize that he is alright so that no one could guess anything about what he is suffering from.
Everything was normal 13 months ago until he came across Aina who for him possessed the most beautiful face and most enchanting personality. It was an accidental meet-up by chance when Aina was descending from the shrine where Maaz dropped his mom. He was waiting outside for his mom as he didn't like these things. He was busy with his mobile when he saw a girl in a veil descending the stairs. The blow of air removed the veil slightly from her face exposing the glamour and enchanting beauty of her. And the time watch didn't even move for a second further for him. His eyes were focusing on her just.
Maaz has always been crowded with girls. He was charming handsome and rich. A lot of girls were desiring him but he had no interest in them at all but this time a girl enchanted him. He was totally spellbound by her. The world paused the moment she came to his sight. The surroundings around her were blurred by her shine.
While he was lost in her thoughts, her mother's voice prodded him.
"What are you looking at? Let's go" her mother's voice awoke him up. And he had to discontinue staring at the car in which she sat but she was stuck in his mind.

He waited the whole next week for that day to come again and in that week he was just surrounded by her thoughts. He did not believe how just a glimpse of a girl cast such a magical image on him. On On that day when his mother used to visit the shrine regularly, he was ready even before his mother to visit the shrine. There he saw her again and his feelings were the same as they were last week.
When the girl ascended the shrine, he went to the conveyance which she used to come there and enquired from her driver some general information about the family so that the driver couldn't suspect him.
His curiosity didn't end there and he kept on divulging more and more about her and to his misfortune, he found that she had a fiance and she was going to marry soon. This news was nothing less than thunder for him. He lost his senses at the moment he listened. He had the option to express his feelings to him but he didn't decide that.
And now 13 months have passed and tonight was her wedding. In all that time he was always around her but he didn't even make Aina realize that. On many occasions, his urge forced him to confess his feelings but he didn't to disturb her life. He loved her from his soul. He was seeing her going away from his life. Deep down in his heart, he wanted her to return to him and fill his life with her spark but it was not possible. Only in his imagination, she was getting close to her day by day but in reality, she was going far.
Sitting on the same stairs where he saw her the first time he was saying to himself
"O the girl with a face as fresh as a rose
O the girl with eyes as deep as the ocean
O the girl with shine as sparking as full moon

O the girl with lips as soft as petals
O the girl with a face as beautiful as the first ray of the sun
O the girl with the most enchanting and attractive personality I have ever seen
You are the one like no one is
You are the one whom no one can be
The day I saw you first, I gave my heart and soul to you.
That was the day when I felt for the first time what love is actually.
It was the day I decided to share my moments with you.
But ooo my full moon, I will still share those with you not physically but via my imagination. People belleve that when you love someone you must attain her. I want you too as well. I want you to sit beside me and talk to me for hours and I just keep watching you but my love is not dependent on that attaining urge. I will love you when you will not be close to me. I will love you till the last breadth of me.
If I confess my feelings to you, it will bring disturbance to your life. If I force you to choose me then instead of love my feelings will appear toxic to you. Deep down in my heart, I am waiting for you to come and choose me but for the sake of my ultimate love, I am not going to cross your path for once even. Fly with titters and if you ever land on me, I will accept you with open heart”
