Let’s find something that has lost in past


With the speed world is evolving, many of the conservative things have been replaced by new and most developed ones. Over time, the world is moving towards advanced technology rapidly. The journey which started with letters by traveling by telephone has reached smartphones in the hands of each individual. Passive ways of earning have been introduced. No one is alone these days as somehow he is connected to the whole world.

But in all that arena, there are things as well that have faded away in generational change. For example, the vibe of sending and receiving letters and love notes has ended and been replaced with instant texts. Yes, there are no handicaps nowadays to access any of your loved ones who are away from you but yet you are away from loved ones who are physically nearer to you. In subcontinent India, there used to be a culture of elders sitting in the evening but now everyone is confined in his home even in his room.

There have been plenty of things that have faded away by the progressive evolution of the world. But here I would like to mention one whose complete removal is going to impact very bad on our society. This is “Respect”.

I have observed that the current generation has turned very selfish in the name of self-love. The respect factor has completely faded away. The current generation has completely forgotten the respect between bonds, respect for elders, and respect for individuals. In this, I will especially blame the parents as they are the ones who didn’t pay heed to their upbringing. Their negligence caused this. They directed their kids towards money and wealth increasing their lust and in all that they destroyed their morals.

Kids don’t even hesitate to disrespect their parents if they don’t fulfill their desires. They disrespect them if their parents rebuke them for their betterment. They don’t possess any respect for the teacher who stops them from doing harmful things.

Respect is not just all about honor. It is about giving attention and showing love and care. Respect is an integral pillar of society. Respect is the first element of morals. Without respect, the order of society will completely be dilapidated. The condition of society will become horrifying if attention is not paid to you.

It is due to a lack of respect that love between bonds has diminished totally. People castigate each other with such abusive words which nullifies the love between them.
It is due to a lack of respect that a girl moving through a street is not free of some bad sights on her.
It is due to a lack of respect that violence and intolerance are increasing day by day.

Once there was time the young ones used to hear the advice of elders but they now react to them in an impudent manner. Only young ones are not bound to respect as they do what they see. Elders should also respect their young ones and treat them meekly. A matrimonial bond relies more on respect than on love. True learning between pedagogues and students depends upon respect between them. A family structure is destroyed if respect fades away from it.

The respect must always remain among us. It is respect that spreads love and affection. It is respect that defrosts the frozen passive hearts. It is respect through which society can progress morally.

If I have been allowed to bring back something I will bring back “Respect”. And for that, I will assign special duties to parents and teachers to guide and bring kids in a better way. They must work on their morals first and then on their skills. A man with respect earns much.

This is my entry for #hl-exlusive and #hl-w104e3.


I shared a similar about respect and if we look deeply into the world, we will realise that the virtue is lost. The younger generation doesn't have any respect for the older generations and things are pretty messed up.

It would do us a whole of good if respect could be restored as it should be, it would help us a lot.


I think the love note of a thing is now more sweeter. It doesn't require much audacity to send it unlike then that one would need to find a way to squeeze it to the receiver. Lol😅

It was fun those days though
