Helplessness the worst feeling



Never did I imagine I will see myself in a helpless situation, I just hate that feeling with everything in me, is even more frustrating when making effort and it seems is not yielding to request.

I am a type of person who hate to depend on someone especially in regard of financial issues I love to take responsibility in providing for my own needs, I don't like asking for money I prefer to work hard and provide for myself in terms of my materials needs. Even in relationships before I got married I hate asking of things, I dislike the feeling of people demanding for much just for doing little things for me. That feeling of dependence is a no
no thing for me. But getting married I know I needed to adjust and allow my husband exercise his authority in taking responsibility in making provision.

I love the feeling of spending my own money is indescribable, to me is like having a purpose... a time comes in one's life when you feel like taking care of your loved ones in making provision but when you fail to meet up with those needs, you feel as if you are not good one of the worst feeling ever! Helplessness can ruin one personality.

Some make hasty decisions which can change their perspective about life. Helplessness had made many become who they never want to be such as robbers, prostitution, hookups, cheating, thugs, scammers and Many more while some had to change their lifestyle due to helplessness, it has affected many people in terms of depression and low self-esteem.

How helplessness affected me

Before marriage after I finished polytechnic my one year I.T (industrial training) I wanted work so bad, my intention is to help my mom and my younger ones at least train them in school and in making provision for our daily needs. My priority was to relocate my mom and siblings to another peaceful state due to insecurity in the northern area where we base and to also save up some money to support myself in the university after my industry training I.T

i went to different banks i never been in order to summit my C.V (curriculum vitae) I applied in primary schools and went for different interviews I was determined and optimistic that something good will come out from it but to no avail, luckily for me I got accepted as a primary tutor in a school but far from home in another state I have no one there and the accommodation is on me, with the excessive killings in the north by robbers and herdsmen I needed to tread with caution and the salary was poor too. I know I needed something doing badly but not at the detriment of my life so I rejected the offer. Fortunately for me there was a new opened eatery close to my house so I went for the interview got accepted even though the salary was little 7k I had to go for it, is better than staying idle... Little for me I was contributing to my family needs. The little money I got to save was duped I was helpless

Even after I did those works like being a salesgirl, icecream seller, waitress, beans pudding seller, full scalp paper seller, chin-chin (snacks)seller, carving of eye brows and makeups, marketing and some online business were I got duped in all this I couldn't fullfil my desired dream in helping my mom and siblings. instead of helping out I became the one being helped, I felt as if the whole world was against me in order to frustrate my effort I became so helpless, tired, frustrated and depressed on what to do. I hated myself for seeing myself in that situation couldn't sleep but cry.

I overcame by telling myself LOVETH never give up, keep fighting someday it will become a history, and finally is paying off little by little.

Thanks for reading me.


I understand your frustration; I've been through similar experiences. However, if I may give you some advice: don't give up. Life is full of surprises, and some of them can be good. If you're striving for that goal, you'll achieve it eventually! Perhaps the moment hasn't come yet for you to be able to help the people you love, but if you keep trying, you will succeed. Just trust in your potential!


Thank you this is music to the soul...I appreciate alot for this lovely advice. I became hopeful When I got to understand this and no matter how hard life get I shouldn't give up to challenges.


I'm always fascinated by the series of experiences you've had in life and I like how you still take away some positive even in the midst of all these catastrophic experiences. You are really awesome and you have an amazing mindset.

It's sad to know that the money you managed to save up got duped. This is exactly why I don't make excuses for those that go around scamming people. They say they do it because of poverty but for crying out loud, that's just excuses.

The future is looking good for us. The future will be amazing.


Thank you sir I appreciate your kind words 🙏... experience had taught me many lessons it wasn't easy at all but I kept my hopes high that someday things will become better, which is gradually becoming each day that passes by and I'm so grateful to God almighty who made it possible for us.

Indeed there is no justifiable excuse for wrong doing, and we can't correct wrongs by doing another wrongs due to the pains we went through or cause by another. Life is short we should always try our best in doing things right regardless of any challenges life may through at us.
I appreciate your time as always.


Yes oOoOO. Everything you've said is on point and I'm glad I got to read this.

Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful experience with us.


Aww..I appreciate and I'm glad I did


Series of experiences makes us victorious over all challenges of life. I love how u encouraged yourself never to give up during those helpless situations of yours. You can testify to it now that your endurance is paying off.


Yes life one have to be strong at least for the ones we love and care for...we should see every challenge as the process of becoming better each day that passes by.
Thanks alot for stopping by as always I appreciate 🙏


We often go through some hardships, complicated moments that make our hearts sink, but as I could see from your text, we cannot give up and let ourselves be carried away by these negative moments. I hope you find a place that is good for you and that you can help your family with it!



Yeah...I became hopeful and never to give up, thanks for stopping by I appreciate


I overcame by telling myself LOVETH never give up, keep fighting someday it will become a history, and finally is paying off little by little.

It's good that you are self motivated, some people don't have the strength you have



Lol...yeah I was surprised how I encourage myself. Thank you for your time
