Picture prompt story
Long time ago, there was a time Ndike community wages an unprovoked war against Ndiebe community, and defeated them. They not only took over a large expanse of their farmland, they also imposed levies on Ndiebe.
At a time, Ndiebe protested but, Ndike had no listening ear for them. In frustration, they reorganized their army and fought Ndike but, were defeated again. A number of times they revolted. The number of times they fought was the number of times they were defeated.
Since fighting back did not help, Ndiebe, through their High Priest approached the god of Justice who looked into their case on face value, and said Ndike had no justification in carrying out the war. He gave them approval to go to the god of War so as to release the undefeatable warrior Dragon to lead them to defeat Ndike.
On presenting their approval from the god of Justice, the god of War said the soil of Ndiebe was spiritually, too hot for the undefeatable warrior Dragon to step on, because it had been defiled, and needed cleansing.
The High Priest then went to the god of Divination to know why their land was defiled. The god of Divination told him that their land was defiled due to the accidental killing of a child long time ago by a hunter. It was an abomination for a relation to spill the blood of another relation, no matter the circumstances.
The High Priest now went to the god of Mercy who told them all they must do, which involved incantation, libation and sacrifices before their land would be cleansed.
Ndiebe community did all that was required of them, and their land was cleansed which made the god of the Land to be appeased, and so, made their soil to cool.
They then went back to the god of War who released the undefeatable warrior Dragon who led them in an epoch making battle where Ndike community was completely defeated.
Ndiebe organized a two pronged ceremony - a send-off party for the undefeatable warrior Dragon and to commemorate their victory. As the ceremony drew to a close, the undefeatable warrior Dragon flew up high, while the people waved a goodbye to him as he started his journey back to his abode.