My 82nd Sunday Weekly Hive Goals and Progress Update: 1 Year and 7 Months of Setting Goals and Tracking Progress, and My Year-End Review! - GaiaYoga Gardens, Lower Puna, Far East Big Island, Hawai'i - Sunday, December 24, 2023






My last Sunday Weekly Hive Goals and Progress Update can be found here. This goals-and-progress post serves as my weekly participation in the Saturday Savers Club.


Warm greetings all! 😁🙏💚✨🤙

Welcome to my 82nd Sunday Weekly Hive Goals and Progress Update, and also my Year-End Review! What an incredible year it's been! If I look back at My 31st Monday Weekly Hive Goals and Progress Update: Faster and Faster I Grow! from January 2, 2023, I see that my stats then were 1,297.816 HP, 65.480 Reputation, and 135.672 HBD in Savings, which means that I gained +4,620.544 HP, +3.289 Reputation, and +89.058 HBD in Savings since the beginning of the year! Wow! Of the +4,620.544 HP that I made, +2,715.315 HP came from my massive #HPUD powerup to dolphin level on December 1st, and +1,905.229 HP came from my daily efforts on the Blockchain. So I made almost 2,000 HP from post payouts, curation, contests, and HP APR interest!


In that same update from January 2 last year, I mentioned that I had started these Goals and Progress Updates just about 7 months before that one, and that during those 7 months I had gained +956.157 HP, +4.261 Reputation, and +23.625 HBD in Savings! So since I first started setting goals and tracking progress approximately 1 year and 7 months ago, I've made a whopping +5,540.683 HP, +7.379 Reputation, and +110.094 HBD in Savings! It's actually here on Hive, in these Weekly Goals and Progress Updates, and through my participation in the #SaturdaySavers Club, that I learned the incredible usefulness and power of setting goals and tracking progress! I've been hooked ever since!


In the past year I've grown my account, and myself, immensely from giving my all to Hive, and I've accomplished several things that when I first started on the Blockchain seemed extremely unlikely to almost impossible, then I changed and shifted my perspective and myself, making the impossible not only possible, but quite certain!


I've explored every nook and cranny of Hive, and I've experimented with, and tinkered, tweaked, and refined what and how I do what I do on this exceptional Blockchain, becoming ever-more effective and efficient, and learning how to leverage every asset I have for ever-greater growth, for myself and everyone with whom I interact, and I've loved every minute of it! My goodness do I love this Blockchain!


Shall we take a closer look at the numbers from this week, to see how I did? Tallyho!


Last Sunday's Hive Stats

5,877.6 HP

68.723 Reputation

223.484 HBD in Savings


Last Sunday's Hive Goals

5,915 HP - exceeded! 😃

68.77 Reputation - soooo close, but not reached 😕

225 HBD in Savings - close, but not reached 😕


Hive Stats Today

5,918.360 HP

68.769 Reputation

224.730 HBD  in Savings

Total Account Fiat Dollar Value: $2,795.11
Layer 1: $2,376.31
Layer 2: $358.84
Diesel/Liquidity Pools: $41.95
Splinterlands: $18.01


My Hivebuzz Ranking

Today/Last Sunday - note: the data on the HiveBuzz ranking page is often a bit behind
#3612/3631 for Reputation - ⬆️ 19 places from last week

#1995/2003 for HP - ⬆️ 8 places from last week 

#1242/1245 for HBD in Savings - ⬆️  3 places from last week


This week I gained +40.76 HP, +0.046 Reputation, and +1.246 HBD in Savings, which means that I exceeded my HP goal by +3.36 HP, but that I was just under my Reputation goal by -0.001 Reputation, as well as under my goal for HBD in Savings by -0.27 HBD. I'm definitely not going to complain about -0.001 Reputation, and I was only under my goal for HBD in Savings by slightly more than a quarter HBD, which is also not bad.


My Hivebuzz Reputation ranking rose by +19 places this week, my HP ranking jumped by +8 places, and my ranking for HBD in Savings went up by +3 places. It's still so curious that for the second week in a two my Reputation ranking rose much more than my HP ranking. I'm just happy to see progress in all three, even if it's a bit asymmetrical.


I decided to make a few changes to the diesel/liquidity pool section, removing unnecessary information, as well as adding some new useful data, my liquidity shares and the share percentage. I also decided to add my account's total fiat-dollar value near the top, where the weekly stats are. I've been meaning to do these things for a while, and given that I'm doing my year-end review today, I decided to just get it done.


Ive been giving Holozing's token, ZING, a good bit more focus, growing my stake by claiming tokens on, and adding assets to the ZING:SWAP.HIVE diesel/liquidity pool. There's a lot of excitement for the game, and several large accounts are giving it and ZING a good bit of attention.


Let's see how my Hive Multi-Stream Passive Income Machine did this week! Onward!


My Hive Multi-Stream Passive Income Machine Updates


Part 1 - Income Tokens


Income Token Holdings (Dividend-Paying and Miner Tokens)

Today/Last Sunday
ALIVE - 12747.5721/12600.1887 (4753.0525/4753.0525 delegated to @aliveandthriving, 1375.5272/1228.1438 delegated to @dhedge.alive, 3802.6156/3802.6156 delegated to @heartbeatonhive, and 1816.3768/1816.3768 delegated to @lolz.alive - not counting ALIVE in diesel/liquidity pool - beginning to accrue staked and undelegated ALIVE to be able to tip)
ALIVEM - 5.511/5.446 (not counting ALIVEM in diesel/liquidity pool)
ARCHON - 102.06472838/101.87258362
ARCHONM - 0.008955/0.008885
AWESOME - 0.65016423/0.63275321
BBH - 6592.57/6567.57 
BRO - 2.13681741/2.04496441
BXT - 24.377/24.377
COM - 10196.745606/10195.557682
CTPM - 0.35/0.35
DAB - 0.379/0.291
DBOND - 5.246955/5.232955
DHEDGE - 642.99499366/640.94964274
DRIP - 0.15899584/0.15796973
EDS - 12.31/11.79
EDSMM - 14/14
FUNM - 0.07373452/0.07084761
HUSTLER - 90718.28535568/87358.51576164
INCOME - 0.00017475/0.00017084
INDEX - 116.02581043/116.02577073
LGN - 7.26936573/6.27561882
LIST - 105.78828381/105.42447463 (all delegated to lolz.list - not counting LIST in diesel/liquidity pools)
LOLZ - 5401.61912859/5283.53505841 (becomes dividend-paying token at 512 held - dividends actually started coming in at 427 - not counting LOLZ in diesel/liquidity pool - I'm in the LOLZ rich list!) 
PIMP - 1495.2667000000001/1458.8038000000001 (becomes an income token at approximately 2,500 staked - most presently delegated to @pimp-curator and @lolz.pimp - not counting PIMP in liquidity pools - I'm now in the PIMP rich list! - beginning to accrue staked and undelegated PIMP to be able to tip) 
SPACOM - 0.00007074/0.0000668
STEMM - 0.000022/0.000022 
UTOPIS - 1.40290822/1.39392529 (will be discontinued, bu still pays out in HIVE - began paying out at .3)
WEEDM - 0.00142309/0.0013444
WEEDMM - 0.00071474/0.00067521

Hive-Connected Websites with Tokens Staked
Today/Last Sunday

CTP - 840.723 (staked on - ListNerds has been broken for over two and a half months now with an MIA programmer) 

GAMER - 5699.2783/5649.5956 (staked on Hive Engine, HIVE claimed on

GLX - 58.946 - (staked on - restaked because GLGT rewards continued, much to my surprise)

LISTNERDS - 826.665 (staked on - ListNerds has been broken for over two and a half months now with an MIA programmer) 

SPS - 318.324/315.597 - APR: 13.13% (staked on - not counting SPS in diesel/liquidity pools) 

ZING - 19.902/5.573 - APR: 52.88% (staked on Hive Engine, rewards claimed on


Part 2 - Delegations - HP and Layer-2 Tokens


HP Delegations

50% of HP Delegated (raised from 30%) - Delegated: 1,489 HP
Today/Last Sunday
@brofi - 282.573/282.415 HP Delegated - pays in BRO
@dhedge - 282.573/282.415 HP Delegated - pays in DHEDGE
@dustsweeper - 282.573/282.415 HP Delegated 
@heartbeatonhive - 282.573/282.415 HP Delegated - pays in various tokens
@ecency - 282.573/282.415 HP Delegated - pays in HIVE and Ecency Points
@eds-vote - 282.573/282.415 HP Delegated - pays in EDS
@pgm-curator - 282.573/282.415 HP Delegated 
@pulsation - 282.573/282.415 HP Delegated 
@stickupcurator - 282.573/282.415 HP Delegated - pays in LGN
@thisisawesome - 282.573/282.415 Delegated - pays in AWESOME, among other tokens
@youarealive - 282.573/282.415 HP Delegated - pays in ALIVE

Delegations to Layer-2-Token Curation Accounts

The DHEDGE Team - pays out in DHEDGE
Today/Last Sunday

@dhedge.alive - 1375.5272/1228.1438 ALIVE Delegated
@dhedge.bee - 4.62863999/4.62863999 
@dhedge.cent - 3109.16466826/2868.40482510 CENT Delegated
@dhedge.cine - none yet
@dhedge.ctp - 1568.911/1517.020 CTP Delegated
@dhedge.leo - none yet
@dhedge.neoxag - 50.77825049/38.73349650 NEOXAG Delegated
@dhedge.oneup - 81.81521813/67.91169026 ONEUP Delegated 
@dhedge.pob - 98.48208105/97.56046478 POB Delegated
@dhedge.slothbuzz - 0.85020576/0.77268414 SLOTHBUZZ Delegated
@dhedge.stem - none yet
@dhedge.waiv - none yet
The Cartel Team - pays out in same token delegated
Today/Last Sunday 

@beatcz-curator - 2960.737/2960.737 BEATCZ Delegated 
@bee-curator - 195.15303999/190.86664025 BEE Delegated
@ccc-curator - 325.43506/312.30568 CCC Delegated
@cent-curator - 2449.43810447/2449.43810447 CENT Delegated
@cine-curator - 10.91200475/10.91200475 CINE Delegated 
@ctp-curator - 6203.380/6203.380 CTP Delegated
@fun-curator - 356.82153959/356.82153959 FUN Delegated
@meme-curator - 36386.6705/34483.1446 MEME Delegated
@monster-curator - 1574.037351/1574.037351 SPT Delegated 
@neoxag-curator - 695.89899021/695.89899021 NEOXAG Delegated
@oneup-curator - 417.32020926/417.32020926 ONEUP Delegated
@pal-curator - 0.135/0.135 PAL Delegated
@pimp-curator - 661.1898/661.1898 Delegated
@pob-curator - 855.21150099/855.21150099 POB Delegated
@stem-curator - 15.633141/15.607264 STEM Delegated 
@thg-curator - 1840.63815/1840.63815 THGAMING Delegated
@vibes-curator - 0.76503194/0.72281123 VIBES Delegated
@vyb-curator - 1636.69767533/1606.73485805 VYB Delegated
@weed-curator - 101.88421994/101.88421994 WEED Delegated
The LOLZ Team - pays out in LOLZ, which becomes a dividend-paying token once 512 are held 
Today/Last Sunday

@lolz.alive - 1816.3768/1816.3768 ALIVE Delegated 
@lolz.bee - 4.95070362/4.95070362 BEE Delegated 
@lolz.brk - 209.751/192.549 BRK Delegated
@lolz.btcz - 2675.015/2581.000 BEATCZ Delegated
@lolz.cent - 3109.15435099/2868.39450783 CENT Delegated
@lolz.cine - none yet
@lolz.ctp - 1568.911/1517.019 CTP Delegated
@lolz.dunk - 10411.9373/10093.7381 DUNK Delegated - 39.01817239/32.92725052 FUN Delegated 
@lolz.haven - 4241.58115208/2341.93301466 HH Delegated 
@lolz.leo - none yet
@lolz.list - 105.78828381/105.42447463 LIST Delegated - 36386.6705/34483.1445 MEME Delegated
@lolz.nxg - 388.72175056/388.72175056 NEOXAG Delelgated 
@lolz.oneup - 84.53977812/65.20262916 ONEUP Delegated 
@lolz.pepe - 71230.44843578/50767.01183119 PEPE Delegated - 13274.91/13083.23 PHOTO Delegated
@lolz.pgm - 305.20749399/305.20749399 PGM Delegated 
@lolz.pimp - 661.1886/661.1886 PIMP Delegated
@lolz.sloth - none yet
@lolz.sme - 1144.494/936.437 SME Delegated
@lolz.sports - 249813.415/244660.033 SPORTS Delegated
@lolz.spt - 1220.876098/1189.942937 SPT Delegated 
@lolz.thg - 2001.64099/1993.54419 THGAMING Delegated
lolz.waiv - 50.40871921/50.13759671 WAIV Delegated 
@lolz.weed - none yet
Other Hive-Engine-Token Curation Accounts
Today/Last Sunday

@aliveandthriving - 4753.0525/4753.0525 ALIVE Delegated - payouts in ALIVEM, which mines ALIVE, and gives AWESOME as a dividend

@heartbeatonhive - 3802.6156/3802.6156 ALIVE Delegated

@meowcurator - 189.290/187.373 LEO Delegated - pays in LEO or MEOWLEO

@pulsation - (new curation account for @heartbeatonhive, any tokens may be delegated - pays in multiple tokens)
0.00641469/0.00641469 ASH Delegated
3.52326445/3.52326445 BEE Delegated 
1897.66576199/1897.66576199 BUDL Delegated
36.97540/36.97540 CCC Delegated
187.38300/187.38300 FOODIE Delegated
591.87772454/591.87772454 JAHM Delegated
179.73193655/179.73193655 LASSECASH Delegated
368.65306164/368.65306164 LERN Delegated
0.46658691/0.46658691 LOTUS Delegated
6022.7497/6022.7497 MEME Delegated 
0.00633970/0.00633970 SAND Delegated
6694.8695/6694.8695 SBT Delegated
63.41791108/63.41791108 SPACO Delegated
56.35966661/56.35966661 VYB Delegated 


Part 3 - Diesel/Liquidity Pools


Last Sunday

ALIVE:ALIVEM - APR: 37.193% - 1.85603 shares (0.079%) - Rewards end in 75 days
43.9059 ALIVE/0.079 ALIVEM
43.7857 ALIVE/0.080 ALIVEM

BUDS:SWAP.HIVE - APR: 0.659% - 0.73675 shares (~0.001%) - Rewards end in 152 days
162.97793755 BUDS/0.00367118 SWAP.HIVE
155.42948101 BUDS/0.00382688 SWAP.HIVE

CCD:SWAP.HIVE - APR: 31.526% - 0.91876 shares (~0.001%) - Rewards end in 22 days
46.10881614 CCD/0.01848699 SWAP.HIVE
43.50832368 CCD/0.01800459 SWAP.HIVE

CENT:CENTG - APR: 60.545% - 24.86708 shares (0.135%) - Rewards end in 175 days
1451.84484279 CENT/0.4570 CENTG
1382.31841716 CENT/0.4535 CENTG

CINE:SWAP.HIVE - APR: 54.440% - 32.27129 shares (0.036%) - Rewards end in 18 days!
718.51150106 CINE/1.49267907 SWAP.HIVE
677.85738130 CINE/1.57509214 SWAP.HIVE

DBLN:LVL - APR: 126.096% - 168.93170 shares (0.001%) - Rewards end in 116 days
487 DBLN/71.68586017 LVL
494 DBLN/70.48660056 LVL

HIQS:BEE - APR: 27.812% - 0.03469 shares (~0.001%) - Rewards end in 106 days
0.03974368 HIQS/0.03069524 BEE
0.03706695 HIQS/0.03006989 BEE

MEME:FUN - APR: 21.504% - 1398.18332 shares (0.603%) - Rewards end in 15 days
6733.4328 MEME/295.88514547 FUN
6589.9212 MEME/280.22789157 FUN

MEME:LOLZ - APR: 27.479% - 990.98429 shares (0.206%) - Rewards end in 2197 days
8111.3199 MEME/124.50042419 LOLZ
7556.0977 MEME/122.10501233 LOLZ

PHOTO:MEME - APR: 35.118% - 1.75052 shares (~0.001%) - Rewards end in 384 days  
0.63 PHOTO/5.0442 MEME
0.48 PHOTO/3.9896 MEME

PIMP:THGAMING - APR: 49.759% - 110.81241 shares (0.016%) - Rewards end in 60 days
13.7977 PIMP/911.60893 THGAMING
12.8017 PIMP/881.40651 THGAMING

SCRAP:FLUX - APR: 52.294% - 0.00548 shares (~0.001%) - Rewards end in 228 days 
0.20890992 SCRAP/0.00015131 FLUX
0.17256916 SCRAP/0.00013009 FLUX

SPORTS:SWAP.HIVE - APR: 2.373% - 241.14903 shares (0.107%) - Rewards end in 5136 days
69182.115 SPORTS/0.95842745 SWAP.HIVE
67427.063 SPORTS/0.97676948 SWAP.HIVE

SPT:SWAP.HIVE - APR: 1.657% - 1.95225 shares (0.079%) - Rewards end in 5499 days  
94.276001 SPT/0.04463582 SWAP.HIVE
75.997521 SPT/0.03381248 SWAP.HIVE

STELLARUM:PIMP - APR: 55.319% - 7.28008 shares (0.001%) - Rewards end in 92 days
64.00 STELLARUM/0.8440 PIMP
62.49 STELLARUM/0.8467 PIMP

SWAP.BTC:POB - APR: 67.825% - 0.37259 shares (0.762%) - Rewards end in 234 days
0.00011979 SWAP.BTC/1250.00599349 POB
0.00012009 SWAP.BTC/1187.66486552 POB

SWAP.HBD:CENT - APR: 94.737% - 2.07276 shares (0.032%) - Rewards end in 148 days 
0.07839101 SWAP.HBD/63.64278701 CENT
0.07436352 SWAP.HBD/66.30792388 CENT

SWAP.HIVE:DBLN - APR: 65.817% - 2.76754 shares (~0.001%) - Rewards end in 146 days
0.01198947 SWAP.HIVE/1035 DBLN
0.01348422 SWAP.HIVE/919 DBLN

SWAP.HIVE:CENT - APR: 144.403% - 256.78283 shares (0.568%) - Rewards end in 169 days
17.08726249 SWAP.HIVE/4887.28271934 CENT
16.61761874 SWAP.HIVE/5017.24732901 CENT

SWAP.HIVE:FLUX - APR: 92.178% - 0.00050 shares (~0.001%) - Rewards end in 135 days
0.00069455 SWAP.HIVE/0.00042102 FLUX
0.00059466 SWAP.HIVE/0.00037524 FLUX

SWAP.HIVE:INK - APR: 39.596% - 1.36239 shares (0.007%) - Rewards end in 151 days 
0.15786716 SWAP.HIVE/11.99539924 INK
0.15942141 SWAP.HIVE/11.57063176 INK

SWAP.HIVE:LIST - APR: 21.678% - 2.18730 shares (0.005%) - Rewards end in 1009 days
0.09479829 SWAP.HIVE/50.98749473 LIST
0.09290583 SWAP.HIVE/48.70101513 LIST

SWAP.HIVE:LVL - APR: 17.178% - 1.66446 shares (~0.001%) - Rewards end in 161 days
0.01824960 SWAP.HIVE/233.82734304 LVL
0.02081488 SWAP.HIVE/202.66859354 LVL

SWAP.HIVE:MEME - APR: 15.911% - 540.73223 shares (5.015%) - Rewards end in 7 days!
6.56247888 SWAP.HIVE/50886.1156 MEME
6.50778667 SWAP.HIVE/51217.4213 MEME

SWAP.HIVE:NEOXAG - APR: 7.116% - 9.21104 shares (0.016%) - Rewards end in 381 days
0.32891812 SWAP.HIVE/271.20994125 NEOXAG
0.31809049 SWAP.HIVE/246.71486228 NEOXAG

SWAP.HIVE:PHOTO - APR: 25.027% - 0.12411 shares (~0.001%) - Rewards end in 385 days 
0.00405630 SWAP.HIVE/3.96 PHOTO
0.00412783 SWAP.HIVE/3.89 PHOTO

SWAP.HIVE:PIMP - APR: 50.949% - 4.00497 shares (0.024%) - Rewards end in 57 days 
0.60680894 SWAP.HIVE/28.9443 PIMP
0.63276097 SWAP.HIVE/26.6628 PIMP

SWAP.HIVE:PLN - APR: 23.426% - 0.00167 shares (~0.001%) - Rewards end in 680 days
0.00039416 SWAP.HIVE/0.00724379 PLN
0.00036803 SWAP.HIVE/0.00692976 PLN

SWAP.HIVE:SCAP - APR: 167.409% - 0.07432 shares (~0.001%) - Rewards end in 122 days
0.00288507 SWAP.HIVE/2.44827252 SCRAP
0.00286911 SWAP.HIVE/2.43556583 SCRAP

SWAP.HIVE:SIM - APR: 18.133% - 10.05697 shares (~0.001%) - Rewards end in 260 days
0.14820262 SWAP.HIVE/706.448 SIM
0.14641163 SWAP.HIVE/686.693 SIM

SWAP.HIVE:TEAMPH - APR: 0.543% - 1.30276 shares (0.004%) - Rewards end in 1515 days 
0.09988232 SWAP.HIVE/17.50457348 TEAMPH
0.09813104 SWAP.HIVE/17.80519962 TEAMPH

SWAP.HIVE:THGAMING - APR: 52.024% - 9.70948 shares (0.009%) - Rewards end in 156 days
0.17632714 SWAP.HIVE/559.87707 THGAMING
0.18082175 SWAP.HIVE/528.50887 THGAMING

SWAP.HIVE:VOUCHER - APR: 52.83% - 1.84797 shares (~0.001%) - SPS rewards claimed on
0.72340335 SWAP.HIVE/7.390 VOUCHER
0.69953091 SWAP.HIVE/7.519 VOUCHER

SWAP.HIVE:WEED - APR: 31.615% - 5.56603 shares (0.018%) - Rewards end in 1064 days
0.26456908 SWAP.HIVE/123.30946656 WEED
0.26274651 SWAP.HIVE/120.73170513 WEED

WINE:WINEX - APR: 15.483% - 83.45568 shares (0.389%) - Rewards end in 2920 days
117.51257124 WINE/59.74677401 WINEX
117.23060822 WINE/59.68894791 WINEX

WOO:DEC - APR: 30.949% - 200.40857 shares (0.102%) - Rewards end in 1296 days 
596.58811483 WOO/85.561 DEC
569.71496056 WOO/83.725 DEC

WOO:SPS - APR: 22.695% - 44.66301 shares (0.103%) - Rewards end in 1296 days 
804.42981835 WOO/3.26379789 SPS
738.97216242 WOO/3.54701025 SPS

WOO:SWAP.HIVE - APR: 64.539% - 9.37904 shares (0.003%) - Rewards end in 138 days
584.56103876 WOO/0.22806268 SWAP.HIVE
551.25938244 WOO/0.23361637 SWAP.HIVE

ZING:SWAP.HIVE - APR: 258.175% - 0.17393 shares (~0.001%) - Rewards end in 37 days
1.508 ZING/0.02061377 SWAP.HIVE
1.352 ZING/0.01885830 SWAP.HIVE


I continue to surpass my HP goal each week, with my goals for Reputation and HBD in Savings still rather hit or miss. I'll be claiming approximately 3.5 HBD in interest in four days, so that's been factored into my goals for this coming week. Next Sunday will also be #HPUD for me in my time zone, so my probable powerup amount has also been taken into account. Whether I reach my goals or not this coming week, there's going to be some stellar growth regardless! Here we go!


Hive Goals to Reach by This Coming Sunday

5,970 HP

68.815 Reputation

230 HBD in Savings


That brings me to the end of my 82nd Sunday Weekly Hive Goals and Progress Update and Year-End Review! As always, I truly hope that you found this report interesting, educational, motivating, and inspiring! I wish you all a truly beautiful Christmas and holiday! On to another fantastic week of building, growing, and saving, on our beloved Blockchain! Onward and upward, together! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙





Thank you all so much who have helped me get to where I am today, and allowing me to share more of the beauty and magic from my life and my world with you, and for your continuous appreciation and support! I am truly deeply grateful! 😁🙏💚✨🤙


If you'd like to find me on other alternative platforms where I have accounts (I spend most of my time here on Hive), click on this signature image below to go to my LinkTree page.


If you'd like to send me a BTC Lighting Tip (made possible by the fantastic work of brianoflondon on @v4vapp), just scan the QR image below. 👇


Signature and banner image created by @doze, and the dividers made by @thepeakstudio, with all tweaked to their present form by me.




This post has been selected for upvote from our token accounts by @tydynrain! Based on your tags you received upvotes from the following account(s):

- @dhedge.bonus
- @dhedge.bee
- @dhedge.ctp
- @dhedge.pob
- @dhedge.neoxag
- @dhedge.waiv
- @dhedge.alive

@tydynrain has 3 vote calls left today.

Hold 10 or more DHEDGE to unlock daily dividends. Hold 100 or more DHEDGE to unlock thread votes. Calling in our curation accounts currently has a minimum holding requirement of 100 DHEDGE. The more DHEDGE you hold, the higher upvote you can call in. Buy DHEDGE on Tribaldex or earn some daily by joining one of our many delegation pools at


Congratulations @tydynrain! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

You distributed more than 54000 upvotes.
Your next target is to reach 55000 upvotes.

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Check out our last posts:

It's the Christmas season: give your friends a gift

Incredible! Thanks so much, @hivebuzz team! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


That's great @tydynrain! We're excited to see your accomplishments on Hive! Keep going!


Thank you again, guys! I'm grateful for that! Onward and upward, together! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


Happy holidays ! You've had a great year - awesome work ! And heres hoping you will do even better next year, which I'm pretty confident you will !!!


Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP - 0.001 INK tokens

remaining commands 4


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444


@tydynrain! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ hoosie. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.


Happy holidays, @hoosie, thank you! I really did, yes! I really appreciate that! Thank you again so much! I think next year's going to be an excellent one indeed! May we both reach new heights! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙



@hoosie! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @tydynrain. (5/5)


@hoosie! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ tydynrain. (9/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.
