RE: 🎁🎉 First Silver of 2025 🎉 🎁
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I used to get some silly/spammy replies from you in the past that gave vibes of spam just for the sake of spam. Which is why I had you muted
It is easier for an intelligent person to camouflage himself as a fool than for a fool to be intelligent, it sounds harsh but it is so.
Man, I work in marketing, life has been hard on me, I left my country of origin several years ago when my mother died, so much sadness I counteract with some nonsense to smile, but I NEVER make fun of anyone, I will NEVER do that, I prefer to laugh at myself.
Conclusion, I just want to smile, with respect to others, every human being is worth just for being that, a being to whom GOD has lent something very valuable, LIFE
Ahh fuck, I get you. Stay strong 💪