My Day To Day Healing

Yesterday I worked two hours in the morning, I had asked my eldest daughter if she would be willing to help me, if I found the work too much, but in the end I managed on my own. Moving slowly, being careful not to push myself too much. I was rather pleased with myself, by the time I had finished. It's interesting how little thought we give to the way in which we move, until we are forced to. How reckless we can be, with each movement. Ignoring that golden rule, to bend our knees and use our stomach muscles when we are lifting. I know I should be, but I rarely did.


Today I went to another job, to one of my neighbours whom I help one day a week in her garden and occasionally in her home. She knows about my back problems, because I had to cancel on her last week. Today she told me that I would be working indoors, as it was too cold to be outside and plus I need to look after my back. So today, I done 4 hours of very chill work. Mostly hand sewing, which I always enjoy.

I had to sow, a patchwork blanket and some curtains, for her window. It was only afterwards that she told me that she has a sewing machine, which would have taken a lot less time. " It's more fun to hand sow though", was her response, when I asked her why she didn't get me to use the machine. And I have to agree. I know though, that she just wanted to be able to give me some work, which is very kind of her. We get n really well and we are both quite similar.


Whilst I was sewing the blanket, her cat jumper up next to me and kept trying to grab onto the wool that I was using to sow. When I didn't engage, she eventually gave up and just chilled out next to me. (Yes that is her in the above photo.) I couldn't resist petting her every now and again and I was rewarded by her purring loudly next to me. Cats are so healing. It really didn't feel like work at all.

Once again, I was reminded how lucky I am, that I get to work for someone, who goes out of her way to make sure that I am looked after. How lucky I am, to live where I do, with a wonderful community around me, that has really been showing up for me. When my back was really bad, my friends were dropping me round some food, so I didn't have to cook. Friends phoning me to see if I needed anything. Two of my friends have also gifted me an appointment with an Osteopath, which I will be going to tomorrow morning. I'm getting picked up at 11a.m. Hopefully, I will come away feeling better and with some exercises to do.

Either way, I am healing and feeling extremely grateful.

All images used in this post are mine.


I like the way you look at things, especially when it concerns people's attitude towards you.

Sorry about your health, you will be fine.
Happy New Year 🎊


This is wonderful! Being in a society where people relate well with each other and also care is a true gem to have, especially in our recent modernized world.

I do hope everything goes well with you. Have a safe trip.


I can relate about how we need to be careful with our movements, unfortunately we only wake up when we're having a problem.
I've also been forced to watch my movements since my neck and shoulder problem, it makes a big difference!
It's so important to have a good support system, glad you have that.i do hope the visit to the osteopath brings some relief @trucklife-family!


Thank you @lizelle.
The osteopath really helped. He was able to loosen up my muscles and show me some really good exercises and also showing me how I should now walk, to work the muscle most affected xxx


I'm happy to hear that you're healing, and that you have such kind and caring people around you to support you when you need it, @trucklife-family. Beautiful. 😁🙏💚✨🤙


Wow! it's amazing to have a support network around you. You're very fortunate. It's also wonderful to see people living the value-for-value mentality. You're clearly providing value for the person you're doing hand sewing for, and she is giving value to you in return. I hope for more communities and individuals to adopt this mindset.


I do feel very lucky to live where I do. So much gratitude for the community I am a part of, real heart opening relationships with my friends. xx
