Exploring incredible magic attack cards of the dragon element

Magic attack cards are special, and when it comes to the dragon element, there are even more special, incredible magic attack cards.

Out of the variety of options, I will be presenting to you some outstanding magic attack cards that belong to the dragon element. These are the kind of cards that when used rightly, can give you a greater chance of winning almost any battle.


This is, in my opinion, one of the most powerful monsters in splinterlands. Its stats are very impressive. It has a magic attack of 4, hence it can wipe out the entire health of some units in just one attack. That's incredible.

In addition, it has a whooping 5 armors and a health of 12. This is massive. With these stats, it's a good fit for the front row (and the back row) in battle. It can stay longer in battle, withstand attacks, and cause mayhem for the opponent. It is also very fast as it has a speed of 4. The mana cost for this card is 16, which is very huge. This mana cost for it is 16.

At level one, Rage has 2 abilities. The first one is the flying ability, which gives it a 25% more chance of escaping ranged and melee attacks from enemy units without the flying ability. The second ability is the void ability which reduces damage it suffers from a magic attack by half.

By level 2, it gains the weapons training ability. With this ability, adjacent units that have no attack gain this units attack up to a max of 3.

At level 3, it gains the life leech ability, meaning its health increases everytime it depletes the health of an enemy unit. Finally, at level 4, it also adds the affliction ability, hence when it attack a unit, there's a 50% chance that the unit cannot be healed.

Chaos Dragon

Another incredible monster. It deals 3 magic attacks in one blow. It also has 3 shields and a health of 10. This is also good enough to maintain it in battle for a longer period. The speed is 3, so it is fast. This card costs 14 mana.

The Chaos Dragon has the flying ability at level one. It also has the scattershot ability, meaning it attacks a random enemy unit.
By level 2, it adds the blast ability, which lets it cause damage to units adjacent to its target. At level 3, it gains the blind ability, meaning all attacks from the enemy monsters have a chance of missing their target.

Night Reaper

This is an interesting magic attack monster. It does 3 magic attacks in one strike. That can cause serious damage to a target's health. It has an impressive health of 9. It also has a cool speed of 4, making it obviously very fast. It costs 11 mana.

Like most dragon monsters, Night Reaper has the flying ability at level 1. It also has the Wingbreak ability, letting it target the enemy monsters with flying ability first, irrespective of the ruleset or abilities present. So it deals a damage of 2 to a target with the flying ability.

By level 3, it adds the reflection shield ability, meaning it does not suffer damage from magic reflect, return fire, blast or thorns. At level 6, if gets the last stand ability, letting it gain +50% to all of its stats when it is the last unit left in battle.

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Images are from Splinterlands.com


Thanks for the post, a good read!

One day, I'll get my Rage levelled up to where he has Life Leech, that ability with such a heavy hitter is amazing!
