David's Ambition

Back in secondary school, I had a friend, David. David and I got closer when we were given a group assignment. David was a really nice guy. He was smart as well, but I got to learn that he was not outspoken. He mostly kept his thoughts to himself. He didn't talk much. Perhaps I could say he was an introvert.


David wasn't social. He barely interacted with other students. I was his only friend in that school for while. Interestingly, David had been daydreaming about being the students' head (Senior Prefect). When he first told me, I laughed.

"Hey Victor, I want to tell you something. Promise me you won't laugh" David said to me one day in class, during free period.

"Okay, I'm listening" I replied

"I want to become Senior Prefect. I've been thinking about it a lot. Daydreaming in fact. It's just been on my mind a lot lately" he said

"Hahaha. I'm sorry for laughing" I said, still struggling to control my laughter

"You promised you wouldn't laugh"

"I'm sorry. So about what you said. Do you know what it takes to become Prefect? You don't even talk with people, you're not social. You can barely speak in public. You're not cut out for it" I said.

"I know there are many reasons why it won't happen, but I'm very serious about it." he replied

"Hmmm, if you're serious about it, then I support you. But you have to start now to change and work towards it. You should become more social and make more friends." I said

"I will work on it" he said.

I still wasn't totally convinced that he would become senior prefect.

"You know you have to prove to the teachers and principal that you're worthy enough to be a leader right" I asked, just to be sure he knew what was required of him.

"Yes I know." he said.

As time went on, I saw David change gradually. He became more outspoken. It was difficult for him at first, but gradually, he came out of his shell. He found the courage to talk to people more. He made more friends.

As we progressed in school, David was well known and loved among the students. It wasn't just the students, the teachers too loved him. David had the passion to improve things through leadership. He liked to help people. He cared a lot about the plight of his fellow students. I could see that he became the leader he wanted to be without officially becoming one. I was impressed by how far he had come.

Eventually, we got to the class were prefects where usually chosen from. But there was competition. A classmate of ours, Kelvin was also in the running for senior prefect. He had shown to be efficient over time. He had qualities of a leader too. Kelvin had a pretty good chance.

Everyone knew either David or Kelvin would be picked for the position. It was the duty of the teachers to pick. I obviously wanted David to be picked, because he was my friend and I knew him better. I wasn't so close with Kelvin.

At that point, I didn't envy the teachers. They had a difficult job to do. Chosing between both students who were very qualified was not an easy task. I knew they would have to do a lot of brainstorming.

An interview was scheduled for candidates. The interview was probably meant to be the tie breaker between both boys.

"The time is finally here. Hope you're ready for your interview?" I asked David

"I don't know if I'm ready" he said as I sensed anxiety in his voice

"Calm down bro. You've been preparing for this for a long time. You will ace this. I trust you" I said, trying to boost his confidence.

"Thank you. I appreciate. Wish me luck." David said as he went in for his interview.

Immediately after the interview, the prefects were supposed to be announced.

I waited eagerly for the announcement. Hoping that David would be announced as the senior prefect. Apart from the responsibilities involved, Senior prefects had special privileges in school. Those privileges would definitely extend to me, since I was his close friend. I knew it was selfish, but really, who wouldn't be?

After a long wait, the announcement was made, David was announced as the senior prefect. I was very happy. He worked hard for it, he was consistent, he took a big step and now, his dream came to pass. Most of the students were happy. It showed how much they loved David. David went on to become a really amazing senior prefect.

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Dreams will make it worthwhile, thankfully David's effort paid off.


Awwnnn. David moved from being an introvert to a confident leader and you were there all the way to support him. You were a good friend. I won't be surprised if it was your faith in him that worked out for him in the end. I hope you did enjoy those privileges you thought would come to you as a result of being his close friend and confidant.


I'm glad I was there to support him.

Well, I did enjoy those privileges to the fullest


There are a lot of people out there like David, you just have to get close to them to know them fully.



This story is well developed, @trexane. You take your time laying the foundation. Bit by bit we get to know David. Bit by bit you explain how he developed his leadership skills. In the end, his achievement is entirely believable, because you have laid the groundwork for it.

Good job!
