To My Mom - Loh#185

Hey Mama,

May Mother's Day is rolling around again, and you know I can't let it slide without shouting out the most amazing, incredible woman I know - yeah, that's you! Every year, I rack my brain trying to find the perfect words, gifts, or grand gestures to honor you properly. But let's be real, there's no greeting card cute enough or bouquet of flowers vibrant enough to truly capture how I feel about you and everything you mean to me.


Our bond just runs so much deeper than any store-bought present could express. It's a soul connection, forged by your endless warmth, your round-the-clock support, and the countless sacrifices you've made so I could spread these wings and freakin' soar. I'm not exaggerating when I say I'd be completely, utterly lost without the tidal wave of unconditional love you've smothered me with since the day I dramatically arrived on this planet.

From that very first head-splitting newborn howl, you were comfort itself, mom. Your tender cuddles and soothing lullabies were my safe little haven from every achy tummy, tumble on the playground, and childhood fear. And now, decades later, being wrapped up tight in those same cozy arms still has this crazy supernatural way of calming any inner storm that rages inside me. It's like a warm homecoming, getting totally enveloped in pure, reassuring peace. That profound sense of security and serenity you radiate is honestly the most precious gift.

At the same time, you're singlehandedly the toughest, most resilient badass woman I know. You've slugged it out and battled through so much adversity, heartbreak, and just straight-up unfair BS that life dared throw your way. Yet you emerged from each struggle stronger, wiser, and more determined than ever before. Whenever I feel like waving the white flag, all I need to do is look at you - my real-life superhero who overcame every gut-punch this cruel world dished out. You're living, breathing proof that no obstacle is insurmountable if you've got an unshakeable spirit. Your strength honestly leaves me in awe.

And truthfully, it's that beautiful dichotomy - the way you seamlessly blend tender nurturing with ferocious resilience - that makes you quintessentially, unapologetically you. You're this calming force and total firecracker rolled into one. You're the warm hug and the rallying warcry. You're yin and yang united in perfect harmony. But if I had to choose just one word to capture your essence? It would be selfless.

Mama, your whole life has been an endless highlight reel of putting others first. From lovingly taking care of dad and making sure us kids wanted for nothing, to dropping everything to nurture sick relatives back to health, you've always prioritized your loved ones' needs over your own. Your generosity, your willingness to make personal sacrifices so we could keep chasing our dreams - it's humbling and inspiring as hell. You are the living, breathing embodiment of compassionate selflessness.

And yet incredibly, through all your caretaking and devoting yourself to others, you've still carved out time and space to nurture your own passions and interests along the way. Your creativity shines so bright in those lush backyard gardens you've lovingly grown, the soulful melodies of your singing voice, those heavenly baked treats you whip up effortlessly (yes, I need those recipes yesterday!) You've got this radiant zest for life that's straight-up contagious. Your curiosity and appetite for fun new experiences, for constantly growing as a person - it motivates me daily. I can only hope that when I reach your age, I radiate that same youthful passion for squeezing every drop of magic out of this crazy existence.

Because you've instilled that vibrant energy and so many other priceless values in me. You're the ultimate role model for living life to the absolute fullest while still being a genuinely good, honorable human with deeply rooted ethics. You taught me to chase my wildest ambitions relentlessly, but to always stay grounded in empathy for others. You showed me the power of dancing to the beat of my own weird drum. You instilled those core values of integrity, hard work, real kindness, and owning every single part of myself - quirks, flaws, and all.

Most importantly, through all the guidance, tough-love, and sealed-with-a-kiss booboos, you've blanketed me in a cosmic level of unconditional love that I could never put a price tag on. Not a single one of my flaws, mistakes, or shortcomings has ever shaken your fierce acceptance and belief in my worth. That powerful, boundless love you wield is the mighty foundation that gives me courage to chase even my wildest dreams fearlessly.

So while I could seriously go on forever, the bottom line is this: Thank you mama, from every last nook and cranny of my heart, for simply being you. For your selfless nurturing, your awe-inspiring strength, your unconditional love. Thank you for being my haven, my role model, my lifeline through it all. I love you in a soul-shaking way that transcends any words this tongue could possibly summon. And while I'll obviously shower you with all the flowers, chocolates, and extra pampering on Mother's Day, you deserve to be celebrated every single freakin' day.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Greetings @treasuree beautiful letters: "your generosity, your willingness to make personal sacrifices so that we can continue pursuing our dreams: it is a lesson in humility and inspiration", dedicated to your valuable mother, example of love and faith, thank you for share
