The Weight of the World on My Shoulders

I won't lie, there has been a difficult period lately. I've been battling this gloomy cloud that seems to follow me everywhere for months now. Every day seems to be adding more weight to the invisible burden I bear on my shoulders.

I initially made an effort to ignore it and remain upbeat. I assured myself that it was only a temporary low that would pass quickly. But it's getting harder and harder to ignore how this depressing sensation has begun to seep into every part of my existence.

My daily activities haven't changed all that much on the surface. I still rise early and prepare the kids for school. I still attempt to work out a couple of times a week. I still take care to stay in touch with friends and family when I can by making frequent phone calls. However, recently everything seems...heavier. As though I'm merely going through the motions and lacking the customary happiness or contentment.


Although I've always enjoyed writing, my hive writing has turned into a bore. My motivation and stamina are sapped by even the simplest tasks. I find that I'm trapped by indifference and spend a lot of time staring blankly at my computer screen. My sense of pride has faded from things that used to delight me, like community prompts or reaching milestones. In the broad scheme of things, it's difficult to shake the notion that nothing truly matters.

My social life has also suffered. I just don't have the energy, so I've had to decline hangouts and business events more often than I'd want. These days, the idea of interacting with people and maintaining a positive façade wears me out completely. I know that going deeper into my shell is unhealthy, therefore I've been doing that. To be "on" all the time is harder than to find momentary comfort in solitude.

Even hobbies and pastimes I once loved have lost their shine. I'll start reading a book or turn on the TV, but then I'll lose interest and start to nod off. Or I'll make the best of intentions when I start an exercise regimen, but when the sadness strikes again, I give up after a few weeks. My body simply can't bring itself to care that these things are supposed to be enjoyable diversion, even though my brain knows that.

Physically, this mental state is taking its toll too. I'm constantly tired no matter how much I sleep. My appetite is all out of whack – some days I have no appetite, other days I binge eat for comfort with no self-control. I've been getting dull headaches and occasional muscle aches, probably from all the tensing up I've been doing without realizing it. It's like my body is bearing the burden of my mind's struggles.

The worst thing is that I'm not really sure what's initially producing this darkness. Of course, there are the typical stresses in life, such as job, money, relationships, etc. However, this cloud feels more profound and expansive than merely daily anxieties and obligations. No matter how hard I try to be thankful for the positive things in my life, I just can't seem to get rid of this deeper, more fundamental sense of unhappiness.

I guess I could work with a therapist or other expert to try to unravel the origins of it all. But right now, I feel like it would be so difficult to even ask for help. When I'm straining to make ends meet every day, it's difficult to muster the will and energy.

I'll continue to try to be kind to myself and take things day by day for the time being. I'll never stop telling myself that better times are hopefully on the horizon and that I'm not alone. Even if all I can do is keep moving forward by putting one foot in front of the other, I will not give up on this weight. Eventually, things must get better, right?

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hey, it's okay to have bad patch sometimes. The world is a pretty difficult place right now, and I think it's affecting us all in different ways.

I know it isn't easy, and it might not seem like it right now, but I know you'll find a way through this to the light at the other side. Everyone has their own path, their own way to work out what's broken and fix it. If it's any consolation, I think the writing you've been doing on Hive recently is some of your absolute best. That should have been a clue; I do my best writing when I'm in the darkest places, and it's part of my mechanism to work through it.

Only you can work out what's put you in this dark place, and how you can cope and eventually climb out of it. But you're not alone. You've got a wonderful family, which gives you the best motive. There might not be much I can do to help at this distance, but perhaps it might give you a little comfort that I'm thinking positive things for you 😀


I really do appreciate your taking your time to pen this down for me. I know I will scale through it some how, I am trying to find my balance anyhow I can and I believe I will get it.
Thanks so much for your warm words ,they really did lift my spirit. ☺️☺️


I am one of those who think that when these moments of darkness come we have to take advantage of them in our favor, they are moments to grow inwardly, to strengthen the spirit in the face of adversity, if this stage came to your life is because you are ready to leave with a great learning from it, please have faith, you're going to make it. A big hug for you.


Hello @treasuree

Wow, sometimes several things come together and make it harder for us to stay afloat. Hope you can get the strength to keep going. 💗

Have you been able to visit our last post about the community healing account and how to support it? We invite you to visit it and consider if you want to support it in either of the two ways described. 😉

If you have trouble viewing the images, you can visit it from the INLEO front-end here. 🦁

Thank you for your love and support 🌞
