
You know how people always say music is food to the soul? Yeah, you got that right; lets say people got that absolutely right, because music is indeed food to the soul.
There's no way you feel so down that you just click play on your favourite song, and in a way you just feel better.


Music has different genres, and every genre has its purpose and usefulness. Okay, imagine When you are taking a jog and you are already getting tired. The kind of music you would want to listen to will be one that matches your energy at that moment. Yeah, so you see, which brings me to say I don't have a particular favourite song, hehe. I don't know if there is another person who is like me; I listen to songs as my mood gets.


Let me make it easier for you to understand, as at last year the only song on my music player playlist was an album by "OMAHLAY. titled Boy Alone. In a way, I kind of like the soft beat and calm lyrics that accompany this album; I don't even know the lyrics to the songs on this playlist; I just somehow just like listening to it. I once told someone that I really don't get why I like this particular album, and she said that it was because of the way the singer sang; she said Omahlay has a kind of soothing voice, which is why I like the album. Well, that might not be a lie because we all have reasons why we like something.


Another song I started listening to is a gospel one, titled MESIAS BY AVERLY MORRILO. I love this song because it makes me feel as if I am so close to God, like as if I am currently beside God, you know what I mean, right? Hehe, so let's just say its another one of my favorites because it has a way it gets to me.



Then this album I stumbled upon on YouTube by Alan Walker; it was first recommended to me by a friend, but I didn't take notice of it until I was searching online for some videos to keep myself busy one day and I found it, and lets just say these are the songs I listened to more to last year and also since this year began.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that music isn't just about favorite songs or genres anymore. It's about moments, feelings, and experiences. Sometimes the perfect song finds you when you least expect it, and sometimes you grow into appreciating music that you never thought you would.Even as I am currently writing this post, I am listening to this Omahlay's album. I don't think I will ever get tired of listening to these songs because, as I said, they already have a way at which they hit me. hehe You want to ask again where they hit abi? hahahha.

And you know what? I would not have it any other way. Because at the end of the day, music is this incredible universal language that somehow manages to say things that even words alone never could.

Images are screenshots from my gallery


Well said, music is truly about moments, feelings, and experiences. And agree with your statement about different kinds of music for each mood. That's why I find it hard like you to have a favourite music.


I don't actually have a favourite, I just stated ones I listen to more heheh


music is this incredible universal language that somehow manages to say things that even words alone never could.

Even when no word is altered, a couple of strings being struck on a guitar can calm frail nerves. Music really is life.


Most of my songs are based on my moods too. I could choose to create a new playlist for certain songs that I want to listen to. But I don't have a favourite song.
