Jonny's Regret.


Little Jonny was walking home from school on a bright afternoon. After taking a detour into the rear alley, he noticed that Old Mr. Jenkins' gate was slightly ajar.

Jonny thought, "I wonder what's inside that rundown backyard?" He squeezed through the gate.

Jonny saw Mr. Jenkins' toolshed and lot of rusty old furniture and gardening stuff scattered around. He walked over and peeked inside the shed.

"Wow!" Jonny whispered. The shed was packed with all kinds of interesting things - woodworking tools, fishing rods, bicycles and more.

Jonny heard a voice boom "Hey you! What are you doing back here, boy?"

Jonny spun around. It was Old Mr. Jenkins glaring at him. "I...I was just looking around, sir. Your gate was open."


Mr. Jenkins hobbled over and said gruffly, "Well look around somewhere else! This is private property. Now get going before I call the police."

Jonny quickly left, disappointed he didn't get to look through that neat shed. He started thinking how easy it would be to sneak in another time.

A few days later after school, Jonny went through the gate again. He looked around and didn't see Mr. Jenkins. He tiptoed to the shed and tried the door. It was unlocked.

Jonny slipped inside. He spent the next hour examining all the cool old tools and fishing lures. He even found an old vintage coin collection box.

"This is so awesome! I should take this home to check it out more," Jonny said quietly. He stuffed the coin box into his backpack.

The next few weeks, Jonny snuck into Mr. Jenkins' backyard often to look around the shed, garage, and house windowsills for anything else interesting to "borrow." His hideout hideaway filled up with fishing poles, lcense plates, and small trinkets he took. He knew it was wrong, but loved having such a secret collection.

One day, Jonny didn't see Mr. Jenkins outside, so he went to the detached garage to poke around. He opened the garage door and was shocked to see Mr. Jenkins seated in the corner working on an old lawnmower engine.

"You rotten little thief! I knew someone was stealing from me but didn't think it was a kid," Mr. Jenkins growled. "Where's all the stuff you've been taking? Tell me right now!"

Jonny froze in fear. "I...I don't know what you're talking about," he stammered.

"Don't play dumb with me, boy!" Mr. Jenkins stood up angrily. "You're coming with me right now. We'll search your house."

Mr. Jenkins grabbed Jonny firmly and marched him home, ringing the doorbell hard. Jonny's frightened mom answered.

"Ma'am, seems your son has been trespassing and stealing from my property for weeks," Mr. Jenkins told her sternly. "I want to look in his room for my belongings right now!"

Jonny's mom looked aghast at her son. "Jonny?? You've been stealing things?" She turned and yelled "Bob! Come out here please!"

Jonny's dad came to the door looking confused. Mr. Jenkins explained the whole situation to both parents while holding up a armful of swiped gear from Jonny's room.

Jonny's dad shook his head in disbelief while his mom started crying. "I'm so, so sorry Mr. Jenkins. We'll make sure to punish Jonny severely for this and pay for anything he took or damaged."

Jonny felt terrible seeing how upset and ashamed his parents looked. Mr. Jenkins just glared at Jonny with disappointment. "You're lucky I don't have the police arrest you for theft and trespassing, young man."

He turned and limped slowly back home with his reclaimed possessions while Jonny's parents brought him inside for a long lecture.

For the next few weeks, Jonny had to do a lot of hard chores and yard work to make up for his actions. He also wrote a formal apology letter taking full responsibility for every item he stole.

The hardest part was seeing the look of betrayal and embarrassment on his parents faces anytime he saw them. Jonny felt lower than dirt.

After his punishment was finally over, Jonny went to Mr. Jenkins' house to return the apology letter and tools he had stolen. He rang the bell feeling very nervous.

Mr. Jenkins opened the door looking surprised to see Jonny. "Hello again, young man."

Jonny gulped hard. "Hi Mr. Jenkins. I...I wanted to give you back this letter. And say I'm very, very sorry again for stealing from you. It was wrong and I'll never trespass or take things that aren't mine ever again."

Jonny handed over the letter with his head hung low. Mr. Jenkins read it and sighed. "Apology accepted son. We all make poor choices when we're young that we wish we could take back."

Jonny looked up in shock. "You forgive me?"

Mr. Jenkins nodded. "I forgive you. Just be an honest, upright boy from here on out, you hear?"

Jonny smiled, feeling like a huge weight lifted. "I will sir. Thank you!"

As Jonny walked home later feeling content, the warm sun felt like a fresh start shining down on his path ahead. He vowed to never make such stupid decisions that could hurt others ever again.

My responses to inkwell fiction prompt


Wow what a story. Thanks for sharing it was interested to read.


This was an interesting story, looking forward to more from you as I just joined the community.


Glad you read here.
I hope you stick around more


He was a very fearless boy with his actions, he couldn't get away with it and received his well-deserved punishment.

Thanks for sharing your story
Good day.


At least he soon piad for what he did.
, and he also regretted his actions

Thanks for reading here


That's very wise of him with the conclusion given. I am glad he has good parents who saw the need to train him.


Johnny's curiosity certainly got the better of him! A nicely balanced piece although I would have loved to have seen a little more detail go into creating the setting and a little more show than tell. When you write, consider trying to capture what the 5 senses enable each character to experience and then try to use those sensory experiences to convey that to the reader so that they feel that they are more immersed and part of the scene. Aside from that, one paragraph made me stop and ponder:

Jonny's dad came to the door looking confused. Mr. Jenkins explained the whole situation to both parents while holding up a armful of swiped gear from Jonny's room.

If Mr. Jenkins was still at the front door, how did he manage to have some of his things back, retrieved already from Johnny's room?

Thank you for writing in The Ink Well.


He had demanded a look into jonny's room, I guess I should have been more specific in that part.
Thanks for still pointing this out to me.
Will work on a better story next time I write.
