Too Many Fish, Not Enough Chicken (Arctic Eggs Screenshots)



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You know, there's more to it than just flipping eggs, even by culinary standards, some of the stuff getting cooked here is very much against health standards. But, maybe some of them have enhancers for the near future to increase metabolism, or just plain don't care what all of this does to their body. Either way, I'm the one who's doing the flipping around.

There isn't photomode in this, so I will take screenshots of the game and try to add meaning to them, some context obviously added too, as well as some thoughtful analysis. No HDR links either, so hopefully you enjoy the read, stuff will seem trippy.

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Right after serving my first batch of people, some complimented me, backhanded or not on my frying pan skills, believe me, this was all trial and error. Too bad these gentleman are stuck dealing with dolphins, that's not all a good sign of things to come.

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I actually tried to look closer, what's down there? An abyss? Maybe it's just missing assets, only took me falling down to take a picture of this. Then I respawned, such is life.

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Explain happiness like someone sees a bacon and egg cooked to perfection. I disagree, but whatever.

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So there is a main goal to achieve, the Saint of Six Stomachs are a group that supervises, oversees the culinery presence in this vast infinite space of towers. That's why I need to work up feeding on anyone before I come across their presence.

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This is sad, who hurt you? Really? Who?

After managing to feed over 10 people, including the butcher who feeds sausages, the guy who got salmonella from the chicken meat, and military staff throwing tuna cans on the pan, I have unlocked access to the hard-to-reach areas. My struggles have finally paid off, I've honed in my craft, the skills obtained to cook every recipe thrown.

So what was next for me? Hell, I was going straight to hell. The confusion washed over me even more, all because what I thought was the skill ceiling, went even higher. Like some silly Tim Burton nightmare scenario. I moved on, but little by little, I was breaking.

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You know, the more I look at the doodats people have all over their faces and bodies, it becomes clear that maybe their appetite was too much to handle in the end.

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Another 8 hungry people, you will know later why this was foreshadowing for the worst. Also more pescatarian.

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Those are puffer fish, and they bounce. They bounce a lot, the physics engine is laughing at me, the constant need to hold my handle stable, while I in vein keep two bouncing fishes in a pan.

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This is me IRL now, and playing this, why bother continuing when misery is inevitable?
