(There's More Than Treasure) A Game About Digging A Hole
Alright fine, I'll play the digging game, but if my mouse's left click starts to go out, and I didn't get enough votes to fix that, somebody is going to be very mad. I've dug through the crevices of the very deep places of the earth, and man, it got real lonely down there.
There's no real goal, no serious momentum to keep going further and further down the earth, further and further until my battery goes out, I get back up, and then repeat the process all over. Collecting minerals, selling them, amassing stupid amounts of money, and yet somehow it still hasn't fulfilled my sense of curiosity. So, I got better at digging and kept at it.
It has somehow pulled me into a craze, like that meme where you continue to dig, or you give up while the treasure is only so close. In this case, maybe the whole experience was about knowing when to call it quits or my power trip might have truly just begun.
I'm no digging expert, but a treasure hidden being advertised like this, does that not have some insidious connotations there? All in the backyard of a house. What could it all mean? Well, time to "dig in and find out". Even at the cost of the small shred of sanity I have left.
That 20 second cutscene is all it takes to create a set up, finally arriving at the house, the protagonist has an auto-shovel which runs on battery, and if the battery dies completely, it'll explode. Talk about hazardous work. The first hour work involved just digging in, and find minerals. Harvest them before selling, and pay up charging battery. I went back, and did it again while digging further down.
As the deeper I went, the rarer the minerals became. More money I was making, the easier it got to digging, as the money was also spent on upgrading 4 key things; like the battery, digging distance, jetpack, and inventory space. Word of advise, upgrade inventory, and shovel first.
Here, around 10 meters deep, I was kind of curious, so instead of going downwards, I went a bit lateral, and poked around, before an indicator started pointing towards a specific item. My treasure detector helped me find around 35 bucks. That's sort of doable. Like a mining session worth's of money. This is an hr, and half in so far, and this was before I found copper.
Coal, Iron before that, and then 25 meters in, and I started finding silver. It was shiny. Something started to be different. There are patches of the earth that has wide holes, saves me the effort of digging, and I just went around collecting the minerals. Of course, I needed to set up lamps for lighting, and around this point, I was making 200-300 bucks per digging session. Further I went, the more intriguing things got as well as dealing with the obstacles that came after.
Here's the thing tho, I was never much into getting minerals, moving around dirt, and now I have no idea what has become of me. It went from a simple, innocent case of curiosity, to some weird Blumhouse side story. The madness somehow taken me over, much like Uzumaki.
The rarer minerals like gold, platinum started coming around as well. I was 40m deeper. See the numbers going up such a drastic rate? That's what my upgrades are leading me to. I was barely able to see the light above, still can, but I had to mold the terrain around me, trek through the crevices and dark corners. Eventually dealing with hard surfaces needing explosives.
Look, there's no real life expectations that digging this further into the earth could mean I can make so much money, it should replace my daily job. Something odd is going on around here. I'm even seeing wooden housing 50m deep.
And now we got these hot lava surfaces here and there. I have to bounce around surfaces before reaching the lower end, putting my health at risk. We're at 80-90m now people, I'm finding diamonds, briefcase with 800 in cash, yet nothing compared to the absolute rarest minerals I've cashed out on. I even found two keys, that opens a chest, upgrading my dynamite, and one time use portal.
Also, look at my shovel, it's a driller now. Is this it? Have I finally reached the limit of my growth, my possibilities are now endless? I still have no semblance of anything guiding me to that treasure. What was this all for? This deep dive into the unknown? Am I journeying to the center of the earth then, that's what the geo indicator is for? Questions, questions.
I can see why a number of people are playing this, so fixated on digging dirt and finding some peace and calm in the undertaking. Me, I'm hoping to find out soon enough. Wish me luck, I'm thinking of making another hole entrance elsewhere, and probably get out of that house.
I had the exact same thought! Love me some Wind Rose...
Bro the gameplay and graphics is like a Roblox
What if you reach a portal in the center of the earth that takes you to another universe lol. Keep Digging bro, this game is trending right now. I have seen many streamers play it.