The Night Is Beautiful And Haunting (Persona 3:Reload Screenshots)
So there was a competition, but I overslept for some reason and missed it. It's alright, I still have some screenshots left to share. Plenty of them in fact, this installment has the craziest lighting effect and it looks insanely haunting during the night. Visually, this is the best looking Persona so far.
And I want to keep going, even Tartaros looks interesting the longer I progress and more floors I've conquered. Some of the stuff I've seen I can even reference from various pop-cultures, others are just of their own. Even Tatsumi Port Island has some amazing sights, view from the malls, restaurants, visuals capture the cultivated look of early-era Japan.
Currently playing it on Game Pass, I am having a blast with this one. Can't wait till I get around unlocking more of the party members, more moves, crazier Personas, the transition to being a badass is pretty smooth here. So are the locales. Enjoy the sight.
There was a ghost kid, he looked pretty stone cold creepy. All the low ambiance and green look of the environments sunk in, almost made me feel like I was walking into a trap right before Takeba showed up.
The first floor lounge of the dorm, this was after I met the professor and had the unfortunate circumstances of coming across his tacky jokes. I mean, there's something endearing about and I try not to think too much of. Also, the furniture and carpet really puts that side of the room together.
The Command Room with the tame yet unfunny professor, Kirijo, and Takeba.
Coffins appear. Alexa, play For Whom the Bell Tolls.
Ah yes, the green text pretty much clears up what's going on. When everything turns green, that's when it is the dark hour. Basically an extension of time and separated reality after 12 midnight. Some people are not so lucky and drawn in, only to become victims.
There's been a case of the Apathy Syndrome, where they mumble and turn into less human versions of themselves. It's obvious things are getting seriously darker as time goes by and there's a big mystery underneath all of it. The build up looks great so far.
My man Junpei arrives, Akihiko got the boy a room in the dorm, and our group has finally grown. Tartarus, get ready, because the energy is really pumping and we going to kick some shadow butt.
First run in Tartaros. We're in the not-so-interesting block now, the next one will take 13 floors till we get there. Until then, this is it I guess. NGL, it looks kind of underwhelming with the blood splatter.
The best view of the entrace for Tartaros. The teleporter is on the right, but damn, the ray-tracing is seriously dope. Unfortunately only possible if you have hardware like the PS5 or my 6700 XT. I know the art style when it comes to the distance isn't much, maybe that's why they went with UE4.
Thanks for the read, hope you enjoyed what's here. I'll comeback for more, see ya soon.
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The intriguing environment of the encounters and mysteries of the game motivates to continue exploring. The information provided about the graphics and the required hardware to fully enjoy the game is also useful, which is beneficial for readers interested in playing it.