Robot Mass Shooting (Mullet Madjack)



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Hey there, you like carnage? Shooting things non-stop, stomping on everything that goes your way? Absolutely destruction, mayhem, total lead blasting fun? Well, there's something here, alright. It's got the adrenaline rush of a horse on steroids, and an anime waifu to rescue too.

Also, I swear, this guy is probably based on the character from the Kavinsky song's cover art. Mullet Madjack is this hyper-violent time rush FPS. Meaning, you have to keep killing successfully in order to increase the time counter, failing to do so means restarting the chapter over again. The main drive is how you keep going, getting upgrades, taking out bosses, and moving the story forward.

The madness of it is how it's done. I am kicking robots, doing melee kills, and shooting them with negligible notice to accuracy loss. I mean, who cares, targets are down, and I have not even a split second to check if its down or not because of this face-melting pumped up


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Start Game, then normal difficulty, and we're on. Story dump time: It's somewhere in the future, where robots have taken over humanity in the food chain, and there are too many robot billionaires out there. They're brainwashing people with droves of mindless content to watch.

Our hero, Madjack's job, is to go to one complex of a particular Robillionaire, and save the streamer princess. Working for the Peace Corp, with a crazy, manic Japanese woman on the comms, his only way to stay alive, and keep the carnage going as a moderator, is to also please the streamers.

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With a simple pistol, and a phone that injects blood into my stream, the rampage train was slowly, and surely ramping up. But even more, was becoming clear of the kind of dystopian world it's set in. I have to kill enemies fast as possible to boost up the 10-second time, in fact, that's the max. There's no upping the capacity, this is to create anxiety while committing robot genocide.

Stylized melee kills give more time, using environment as kills also do well, and there's trait boosts from upgrades. It's arranged with a system involving both skill, and RPG elements. Each room cleared grants an upgrade, sometimes even an option to pick a new weapon.

Oh, also if the timer runs out, yeah, I die. I have to restart the chapter all over again. I think it's the adrenaline stuff pumping that keeps me shooting, but in order to do that and stay alive, I have to keep up with the momentum.

The control schemes are the easiest out there, your right mouse button dash/kick/kill easily, but sometimes the shift button helps in a few necessary circumstances to escape being lambasted by foes across the claustrophobic levels. Does how I perform matter? Yeah, there's a scoreboard, sometimes doing so well, getting to the exit for each floor gives you better access to crazier upgrades. And speaking of upgrades, look at the stuff.

There's even ones where the protagonist actually gives quips, you know, edging and stuff. Also, if you're fed up with the Peach Corp comm girl, just click on her to mute. She's already insane in the membrane, so no need to add the grievances. Also, word of advice, swords not good for boss fights.

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Yes, there are boss fights, it's 10 chapters long, so each has some kind of event or boss battle to go through. Hey, you can't put up a show if you ain't fighting some maniacs every once in a while. And these guys really don't know how to pull back. They'll fire all kinds of things at you.

And the fights get crazier, because each boss has a lot of attack varieties, sometimes they'll throw twists here and there, and come up with a second form. They're all based on some form of 80s inspired anime if it took place in the US, personality is also another draw too. Also, all connection to the online is cut off, so no healing during bossfights, it's all me.


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The best way to play this is to have a good gaming mouse, and fast reflexes, forget trying to figure out what goes on in the screen, because in this killing spree, you have to kill everything you see in the microseconds. Your optics will be smeared with blood, guts, and other robot bits.

The enemy variety is plenty in spades, that includes small spider drones, big spider bots, crazy chainsaw ones, snipers, etc. I mean, it all should count if the experience is short. But for a short experience, this one really knocks it out of the park super hard.

I'm mowing enemies down, but there are times I got stuck or wasn't doing so well taking out the garbage, so I had to rethink on things, improve my reflexes. There are so many moves to pull just to get the meter up. Also, the upgrade choices, each time a boss battle is fought, I can decide on permanent upgrades like unlocking level 3 weapons, keeping my old stuff to follow, and so on.

But am I doing this to save the damsel? Sure, but if I was playing the Endless Mode, I'd be rolling the floor with these binary hopping scrapheads, non-stop, only climbing the ladder with such fierce snark on my face. They look so hilarious when they go down.

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That being said, the art style is crazy, mixed with this neon purple and red aesthetic, though often times the game can get pretty jarring to look at too because of how bright stuff gets. But not too much, that can be fixed. It's not a huge PC hog, so you can run butter smooth in almost anything.

Also, if you feel like some games like this are too hard for you (skill issue), well there are difficulty choices to pick from. Even the easiest of options for players that seamlessly want a non-stop experience without dealing with the challenges.

Btw, the main story is absolute bonkers. It's an insane kind of game to play where the hero goes all the lengths in an obscene dystopian world. Logic be damned though sometimes. It is pretty short though, like 4-5hrs long. But worth the budget if you think about it.

I just have one complaint though, this game is named Mullet. But where's the mullet at? Is that supposed to be figurative? Like pummeling enemies like a mullet? Would be nice to if the game had one, with the multiple different weapons, including that of a freaking railgun?

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Woa that game simply like AWESOME and the first impression I think was a platformer but when Ii read the complete post and see the gif is like a 2d borderlands hahah really nice!


It's confusing me why people aren't so psyched about this one. Like, there are crazy near death platforming sequences, and story moments like taking out snipers, and such. Even the boss fights are absurdly crazy.
