An Holiday From Home(Worldmappin Wk#2)


Recalling one of the longest trips I had embarked on, hmm the thoughts of it give mixed feelings of excitement, sadness, broken but grateful.

All the same, I'll elaborate on the exciting moments. It all started after I concluded my junior class three exams, while I prepared to pack up and return home (From boarding school) my parents called my school to let me stay for the night, promising to come over the next day.


I felt rather upset, knowing I would be the only student left in school which would make me share a room with my matron.
To their promise, my parents showed up around 6 in the morning and that shocked me since I know my parents never to be the ones that would appear suddenly except something was up.

My suspicion was proven right when after entering the car, and discovered the rest of my siblings present as well as extra boxes in the boot. I didn't think much about it, and just thought they'd been around for a little time and maybe waited so we could all return home together.

It was our arrival at the airport, I then realized we were traveling out of the country for vacation at the new property my dad bought at the time.
The most beautiful part of the story was the exact location we were heading. Dubai.

This was a time when Dubai was more like the hot cake. Everybody wants to visit Dubai and to wrap it up, my dad bought a house over there.

Since it was our first travel, my dad planned properly to make sure we got travelling experience alongside and that's how our journey was shared in two parts.

While departing from Nigeria, we took a flight to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. It took about a day and a half to get there. They were in their rainy season which brought about premium cold. I mean the weather was freaking freezy.
We spent the night there and continued our journey in the afternoon of the next day. It took us almost 2 days to arrive in Dubai…omg
Am literally all smiling now, because it all felt like a dream. I think that's the only best-ever surprise my dad had given

If Ethopia was freezy, Dubai was burning hot.

Jesus! that's the only fault I could say came with the journey.
At past 5:00 am when we arrived, hitting the airport entrance which exposed us to clouds above, the heat of the season was the first welcoming acknowledgment we received. Haha

Not long after, we entered a cab which took us straight up to our destination and after settling and catching sleep for almost the whole day, We were energized at night and went shopping for beverages at past 10 pm 😅

The day after, we visited the Emirate Mall, my favorite part of the journey (I strongly hand it over to the architecture of that building), where we did real shopping, visited the ship the day following and many others until we left.
It was the longest journey so for me, and I honestly enjoyed the moments that came with it, only to remember never to visit Dubai in their summer season ever again.

All Picture Are Mine.


The wonders of the world order. Cold in some parts while burning heat is in others. That must have been a memorable journey for you. Cheers!!!


Oh yeah.. It was fascinating indeed 😍

Thanks for reading through.
