POBphotocontest New Round: WETNESS


Hello everyone ,

This is my entry for POBphotocontest New Round: WETNESS hosted by @friendlymoose .

If you interested to join the contest , kindly check the LINK HERE

POBphotocontest New Round: WETNESS

After throwing colours at each other, it's time to play with water. The couple was having so much fun and didn't care that they got wet for this photoshoot season conducted by my friend. I was just an assistant at that time, but I learned a lot of things, especially when dealing with a photoshoot with fast movements like water and colour powder.

This photo was a wrap photo after the photoshoot at Tanjung Aru Beach. The funny thing is that the toilet was still not opened because we did the shot early in the morning and they didn't have enough water to clean up before going home. Lucky for us, we do it at the beach, but we are still not comfortable cleaning up all the mess with the salt water.
